REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal
REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal
Jon Bernthal
via Podcasts
The most honest podcast I have ever heard!
Ameer Siddiq
More women
Great interviews but have you really only had 2 female guests? In 2024 Jon not 1954.
Romona Flowers
More women
Could use a lot more women on the show
Love his podcast. Real topics
Jon touches on the nitty gritty. I love his real life podcast with real people.
Bernthal is the man.
Recently discovered this podcast after the Shia Labeouf episode, and it is incredible. A very talented man that can do many things, and podcasting is no exception. Seems like such a down to earth guy.
I love it
Every episode I’ve listened to has been lifting. You have some real guests. I look for a new episode every week.
Jon for President!
Great podcast with amazing guests. Jon's acting is top notch [cue Punisher, Shane, and The Pacific photo montage]. This podcast really lets you get to know him on a personal level and the guests are so different from what some of us would ever meet. Thank you for keeping it real.
Pete davidson
Great vibe with Pete. However, can you do the commercials all at the beginning of the show? It really is affecting the flow of the convo.
Thanks Jon
Truly one of the best out there always having great people and there stories and history is always something special
The realness and authenticity!
The guests are absolutely amazing and their stories just as genuine and inspiring as ever. Thank you for this podcast, keep up the amazing work!
Hard to listen to John’s stutter/search for words to ask a question. Great pod though!
Best podcast out there
Cal Barnett
Great podcast
This podcast is great! The Rocco episode had me in tears, veteran stories reach down to my core. The only thing I can suggest is the volume, need Bernthal’s mic to be louder.
Stands out from the rest
This is an awesome podcast because Bernthal interviews authentic, real-world people. He's not interviewing boring celebs who live in fantasy worlds. There is, although, room for improvement. 1- Bernthal needs to introduce who he's interviewing, tell us who they are and how you know them. 2- The editing of the audio is awful. The sound is always way too quiet so then i have to turn up the volume, but if they get too close to the mic or start to yell, it gets way too loud. Whoever edits the audio needs to learn how to balance. I dont have this issue with any other podcast.
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Corvus Anduril
Can’t hear it
Turn the volume up big dawg or speak closer into the mic's, porfavor Other than that the show is dope
Wow, what a gem!
Just binged three episodes and really enjoying it. The conversations are deep, funny and insightful. Keep em coming Jon!
Best episode yet- Vinnie Vargas
I have followed VRV for a few years now— there is an empathy for vets deep in me after being a military spouse & meeting a lot of —at the time— current soldiers, vets while living in the military community. People need to hear his experience & how he succeeds with the trauma & does the work to try to heal from it. I thank him for sharing such a personal part of himself & you for giving him the platform to share & your interview style is perfect, Jon. The military has made strides to try to take care of these men & women who give/gave all but they still have a long way to go. People like you & Vinnie who talk about these types of tough subjects not to mention the suicide rate & YES!! focus on the vets who make it every day no matter how hard it was. As a society, we need to provide better medical & mental health care to the people who go into these arenas to ensure our way of life continues. Please, both of you—keep making these stories available & getting them heard. Love & support.
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Want to love
Love Jon & was excited to listen to this podcast. It feels like you’re a fly on the wall listening to a conversation. However, there’s a downside to that. Most of the time there’s no explanation about who they are referring to so without being an insider, you have to do some digging to figure it out. Now it feels like I’m more of an eavesdropper than someone being welcomed into the conversation. There’s simply no context for the majority of the conversations, which makes me lose interest. Hope that changes in the future, I’d love to come back.
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Such a real podcast! Jon Bernthal has the best voice!
Awesome Rabbi Mordecai Finley episode!
I have been listening to your podcast since you have been putting them out, they all are good; but the Finley podcast was mind blowing. I have listened to him before he’s a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, if you can and he’s willing please try and get him back on… believe me he’s got more knowledge to share.
As real as it gets
Great show
Real talk
I love listening to your podcast!
Phenomenal Show!
Fascinating guests and Jon himself seems like a genuine human being. Glad I found this show. Keep up the great work!
It’s no Bag Fries but it’s pretty interesting
These interviews really hit your heart!!! 💗
Awesome show
Love Jon, glad he’s doing this show. Very interesting guests, like the undercover hells angel, and good topics. Hope it keeps going strong 🤙🏾
I have found my favorite podcast. This is excellent work on digging deep and sharing true feelings. I love it !!!
This f&#%ing show
So dope ! Love that Jon is doing this !!!!
Shockingly Beautiful
I was stunned with the insight, intelligence and perspectives of Jose Gonzalez. What a incredibly vivid story. It’s very rare to want to listen to a podcast episode more than once, this is that good.
Love this talk show
The episode with Shia was by far my favorite so far. The amount of self growth and the way he went through so much and is turning it around is inspiring. Keep up the awesome work all men should listen to this podcast
This is something special!
This podcast is something of a fresh air where people who aren’t perfect tell their side of the story and I’m here for it!!! Jon is a great person you can tell he cares a lot about his guests I hope he continues to have the success he deserves !! Thanks JoN
Angel TED
Podcast based on open mindedness
I love him as an actor but even more to hear his very open minded approach to society. There are two sides to every coin and he takes a very logical and evidence, not rage, based approach to analyzing topics. Thank you
ato bridging the divide
Great Stuff!!
Awesome Conversations!
Congrats on the worst Joe Rogan episode of all time
Please learn basic conversation skills where you ask the other person if they have input instead of ear beating people with a monologue. Were you on speed?
Definitely no Rogan & seems to think pretty highly of himself- seems like every actor has a podcast now and wants to grow an empire but you cannot be so egotistical and expect us little people to listen. This guy wants to turn every conversation with everyone on his cast into a discussion of himself/his experiences. If you just wanna talk about you, don’t bother with guests, they’re just a vehicle and they have to realize it.
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Great show
More than just entertaining
Podcasts are often entertaining, but this podcast is more than that, it’s important discussions with exceptional people. These ordinary yet exceptional people, sharing their experiences, mistakes, wisdom & commitment to being the best version of themselves, this is so important. It’s the only podcast that I feel truly moves my heart. Jon, what a legacy you’re giving this world. You are gifted in your ability to not only find fascinating people to interview, but your interview style is so niche and rare. Thank you. Please keep these interviews coming.
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Raw and beautiful
Walls are down and hearts opens up. Love this podcast. And I’m not a fan of podcast because it reminds me AM radio.
Vigo rank j
You guys saved my life
I just want to thank both of you so much. You saved me from killing myself. I hurt my neck and back a while ago and it has caused me to spiral into an emotional turmoil that I feel like there is no escape from. I am drinking a fifth of vodka a day or more, and it’s tough to know the problem and how to fix it, but be unable to. I’m from Detroit and was raised to be tough, and being anything less is unacceptable in my mind. But your show, John, and your story Nick, resonates with me in a way I wish I could explain and express. So, just…thank you. I need to be the man I know I can be for my fiancé and daughter, and your show and your story is helping me realize that. I just feel so guilty. I’m better than this. Thank you for your guidance.
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Shia Lebeouf
Wow. Always been a fan of ShiaLeBeouf since I was a kid. I dont really follow celeb newslike other people so I NEVER knew what came of him or where he went. This was so sad to listen to but at the same time empowering. Keep moving Shia , keep moving forward.
Inspiring, healing and transcendent
What a transformative and profound conversation. So inspiring to have a host that allows for the person exposing their soul to actually communicate. Just wow.
Great podcast
Amazing guest and the most interesting topics. Love
This guy is so inauthentic and pretend.
Life changer
The first episode I listened to was Shia LeBeouf was absolutely life changing. His realness and transparency along with how he describes things punched me right in the face. I needed to hear someone be that honest. So much of this parallels my life. I’m 58 years old and this is the first time I’ve faced many things after hearing this. If anyone from the podcast sees this tell those involved thank you. This is tearing me up but I can feel healing and growth coming.
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Richard Cabral
That was absolutely one of the most influential podcast I’ve had the pleasure of listening to. I connected in so many ways that it’s been on my mind so heavy . Thank you for helping shed light on things that so many of us have endured. It’s gives hope when you see others have made it . The emotions he was feeling radiated through the mic . And struck a cord that I didn’t know was still yearning to be heard . You said so many things I’ve felt been never knew how to articulate. And for that I am truly grateful.
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I just listened to the one with Richard Cabral and we couldn’t be farther apart. He grew up in gangs , and prison and I am in the Bible Belt midwest, homeschooled and now a mom and working every day running a restaurant . Living the Suburban life but I am so touched by his story. The part about him saying maxing out in everything in your life I found so inspirational and so profound . And being present and just live your kids . Thank you for bring these stories out to the world.
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Reign of steele
Wow what an amazing podcast I’m gonna listen to this one again !!!!!! So many emotions you can feel the intensity!! My favorite podcast by far keep it up !!!!!! Thank you!
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