Real Life Sci-Fi
Real Life Sci-Fi
Real Life Sci-Fi
via Podcasts
Uhm … hmmm
Had a lot of potential.. but the constant interjections from someone who either lover the sound of their own voice or they truly believe that their opinion is constantly needing to be expressed.. sometimes people want or like to finish their own sentences.. just my opinion..
Erin has ruined everything
She needs to go. Erin brings nothing
Pretty good until they started on conservatives
You have to love the irony of a conspiracy show that doesn’t think there are any conspiracies related to the current administration. Like, ring makers of Saturn is plausible, but documented conspiracies against Trump are “crazy”. Bunch of liberals who can’t shut up about Trump for a single episode. Rent free.
unhappy phone dude
Idiots 😂
You could tell the guest thought the hosts were morons and it was hilarious. Clearly zero research goes into the making of this pod and it shows. 2 stars because the guest made me laugh
Been away.
I haven’t listened in a long time but picked back up recently and let me tell you the new format really butters my biscuit!
Update : I don’t hate listen to this
Every once in a while a episode description gets me to download that episode, but I quickly remember oh yeah! These guys are idiots and they won’t talk about the episode topic at all. The only funny thing about this show is that the hosts and guests are HILARIOUSLY uninformed and underprepared, and usually dont even talk about the topic. the hosts are not in on the joke that "the hosts are doofuses" They poorly explain and discuss dubious conspiracy theories, rarely make cogent points or speak fluently, and have terrible microphone tact (huge mouth breathing), they drink booze while they record which always turns bad and never fun for listener.
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Great podcast
These two are awesome and imo the best duo making podcasts right now. I gotta mention the genius that is the WOW scale monologue, with that alone they deserve 5 stars.
3 out of five stars
wouldnt change a thing, sorry for the long E-mail, all holes hinson out!
Love it
I couldn’t get my wife into it, but I’m addicted. It seems like the sort of thing that would have a cult following, though. I love the ones that go off the rails., with Willy jumping around a sprawling web of conspiracies and Wade trying to find the thread.
Top 10 Favorite podcast
In a world where there’s an over saturation of sci-fi/conspiracy theory podcasts, I feel RLSF is one of the best. They provide even keeled thought provoking discussion of historical and contemporary topics. It’s humorous and informative. Some of my favorite pieces in the episodes aren’t even necessarily on topic but rather the banter between hosts and guests. On the WOW scale I’m more of a Wade but definitely have Willie tendencies.
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The idiot
The guy who doesn’t understand BC vs AD ruins the entire show…almost every matter how the other guys try to shut him up. Un-listenable with him on it.
I’ve been listening for a while now and really enjoy it. However, the mockingbird episode there is no skeptic angle and I found myself listening to three people just spew completely rectally manufactured “facts”. Literally everything one of you guys would suppose the other two were like “yes 100%” with literally nothing to back it up. Having said that you guys are tons of fun and thank god I don’t listen to get factual information.
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Very Pleased New Listener!
I started listening after Chris Fairbanks guest starred, and I’ve been binging past episodes non stop! These conspiracy theories are interesting without trying to sway you too intensely. Wade and Willy are two pretty funny dudes. I definitely recommend adding this podcast into your rotation.
I guess it’s time to update.
Well, after clocking in over 100 hours of listening to this podcast, I guess it’s time to give my dudes five stars. At first Willy frustrated me to no end, but by now I’ve listened to them so much that he just seems like an old buddy that I can agree to disagree with. One day I’m gonna figure out how to send them some good beer though- I feel like Wade would be a Belgian Tripel guy and Willy would be down with the sours. All in all, it’s a great podcast if you listen to it while drinking and thinking about life and stuff!
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Great show!
Huge fan of conspiracy theories. Love the hosts Wade and Willy. Listening to this podcast feels like hanging with friends, drinking a beer, and talking about the crazy universe. Would recommend!
Blaze Wildfire
Finally a CT Podcast that isn’t racist!
On my wife’s account here, but I am just so glad to finally find a conspiracy theory podcast that isn’t racist. I’ve tried listening to so many others and I just can’t get through them without clenched fists and raised blood pressure. There’s no excuse for that in 2021. Here, I feel safe and at rest. I don’t know what heaven will be like, but I’d like to think it would be akin to the peace I feel when listening to this show. The soothing voice of Wade talking about growths on his cat and the salvation that Willy’s voice calls out of me when discussing his tax scares - it’s like being on an acid trip, but a good one if you can imagine it. For comparison, there was another podcast I tried to listen to that talked about indigenous people and referred to them as “dumb” for not knowing about fire. I mean come on, where do they get off?? Anyway, I don’t remember the name of that podcast, but DEFINITELY don’t listen to that one. RL-SF is all you need.
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Yes if you don’t know how to...U r dumb
I enjoy criticism only when it is constructive. I am writing this review solely to counteract the woman who left a one star review complaining about a comment made about indigenous people who do not know how to make fire are dumb. Looks like she is the dumbest of them all I bet she doesn’t know how to make fire and the only reason she is alive is because other people make the fire for her. This show is not for those who lack a sense of humor. It’s more of a conversation starter and not a college course on the universe. Is it for everybody? Is anything? But if you like interesting conversations with a dose of bumbling man humor then you may enjoy this. Yes Willy can be a dolt but it plays well against Wade’s earnestness. It’s like Scully and Mulder... give it a try.
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Not okay
At first the episodes were entertaining but the missing national parks 47 episode really upset me. At the 14min in and the conversation turned to talking about this island where indigenous people live. I don’t know why they had to call the indigenous people “so dumb” for not knowing how to make a fire, This whole comment was just not okay and it’s sad because my friend recommended this podcast.
Ep. 47: Extremely Offensive/Racist Comment
Hi there, I just want to say I was really excited about your podcast and excited about Ep.47 Missing Persons In Our National Parks. I love science, hiking and exploring national parks and this topic has become an interest!! However, I had to stop the episode right after one of your hosts on the show made an extremely offensive statement about indigenous people (that he doesn't even know how to name). Accusing a group of people to be "dumb" because they do they do not have/use fire? Are you kidding me? This should have been removed from your episode! I was super disappointed, racism is not a good look, ya'll.
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A pure, entertaining, and honest show.
Hey, I already wrote a review a while back and I was please that you read it when Dan Harmon was on. Anyway, I just decided to edit it and add this info. I keep hearing you talk about Jesus in his younger years. It reminds me of a novel I once read that you might like. It’s called “Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal” by Christopher Moore. Anyway, stay cool. Dig the show. You don’t have to read this edit on your show. I find this show to be entertaining and refreshing. While I am much closer to the Wade end of the spectrum I still enjoy hearing Willy explain all these crazy conspiracies and supernatural theories. The honesty and open mindedness of the hosts (and guests) as they go over each episodes subjects is refreshing. If the concept of this show appeals to you then I think if you give it a try, (pick a random topic that interests you) and listen through that episode, then I am confident you will stick around and check out more episodes.
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Vecter Verger
5 Stars
I’ve been good all season and have not left a 5 star review but is the team from Denver off this week? The team from Missouri is off this week also, They play again next week though. How about them Chieeeeefs!!
Listening to my first show and y’all are talking abt ratings and motivation for leaving a 3star review and I’m cracking up. I want to be friends. And you’re drinking cocktails.. lol... where’s the story? Idk. Idc. Still listening and waiting but maybe I’m lonely but you’re good company right now. 🤷‍♀️😂 are we friends??? Read my review and lmk. The AT&T building downtown Nashville was bombed on Christmas and I’ve been out of tv and and internet and longing for convo right now, so I’m sorry if this is long and winded. Also, I’m VERY into paranormal so once you get around to that part I’m sure I’m going to love y’all even more. Cheers to 2021 🥂 -Julia
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My God not a shred of improvement in years
I used to hate listen to this podcast years ago but eventually became so annoyed by the co-host Willy and his sub par understanding of nearly everything in existence (included but not limited to the art of podcasting). I like paranormal topics as well as comedy and this show always felt like a fair-to-middling attempt at combining both. It was never good and littered with awkwardness (not the fun & entertaining kind...the uncomfortable-make-it-stop-I-want-to-kill-myself type of “awkward”). So I finally said goodbye two years ago and stopped listening. Recently I saw it pop up on my podcast app and not unlike someone who was banished from your group of friends in college years ago....I thought, “well, that guy wasn’t so bad right? Maybe I should reconnect and catch up on old times.” Over the last two years they must have figured out how to do the show better, how to edit, how to better format/structure the show, how to engage the audience with fun and entertaining banter, how to keep a conversation from hitting a brick wall every two minutes, etc right?? I’m disappointed to say that after two entire years of “practice” these guys haven’t upped their game whatsoever. It’s kind of incredible that after hundreds of hours of recording and post production that Willy still sounds like he’s appearing on his first podcast ever. The guy hasn’t got a single iota of anything approaching talent. Nothing has evolved or improved. Nothing. It’s really quite impressive if you think about it....the fact that they can get in so many hours, and build so much experience and not improve in amy way shape or form. Wow. They must really have fun recording together because man this show is exhaustingly bad. Sorry dudes. I hate to be a hater but I gave you 2 whole years to get better. That’s 104 weeks!!! As penance for writing such a scathing review I will try to listen again in one year and if these guys get their act together in any way whatsoever I will retract this review and apologize. Until bad.
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Borscht 23
Awesome show!
The podcast that got me hooked on podcasts.
I LOVE THIS SHOW! Highly recommend!
Quick UFO story! When I was about 10 - 12 years old, one morning, a friend and I saw an astronaut floating in the sky. I went to tell my brother, who was home next door. When I ran to my house, I realized somehow it was sunset and the astronaut was gone. Anyways! You guys run an entertaining show. Love, from a listener in Arizona.
If you want the best lawnmower repair service in Florida you go to Small Equipment Rx. If you want the best podcast about ghost ailiens you listen to Real Life Sci-Fi. Smoke a bowl, grab a drank and join the party!
Best scifi
Love this show been a listener since the episode with Jeff Davis. WILLY YOU CAN GET A SLEEP STUDY DONE AT HOME. I did it, it was simple. Sleep apnea will kill you. Don’t let it win! Also big foot isn’t real but it could hide in the woods because moose hide in the woods and they are huge.
I’ve tried...
But you deviate too far from “topic” in every episode.
I candidly enjoy this podcast , Willy and Wade get into it in the in such a humorous way . Sometimes thought provoking . Thumbs up !
Feels like I’m at the bar with y’all
Tevyn Tayne “talking” Love the show. Listened from the very beginning and turned my buddy Tearle on to the show. Pronounced tare-el. If that helps. I’m dumb, drunk and in love with y’all. Love the new music stings and love willys appearance in the show community, and the manx or jonah’s music videos. Long live real sci-fi And long live Dandelion Massacre
Long time listener
“F you if you believe in obamagate” That’s where you lost me.
Great show
Easy listening paranormal podcast. Love the reflection on conspiracies as well as keeping the conversation a fun vibe ,not taking it too literal while keeping an open mind.
Real Life
Wade and Willy are kinda like those friends you've had for years and you're not really sure why you're friends, but you are, so you just go with it. Who has the time or energy to make new friends anyway?
Cemetery Ridge Films
My New Favorite Podcast.
Make more episodes on the true age of the Sphinx, ancient cycles of civilization, coronal mass ejections, and the conspiracy surrounding the old guard of Egyptologists refusing to update history.
Ryan Caldarone
Five stars
Wade and Willy might be shocked to hear it but this is actually my favorite podcast. I enjoy the WOW scale, I enjoy when you don’t talk about the topic... I just like the show. A well deserved five stars. P.S. Erin Pierce is my favorite guest, bring her back soon! Maybe Paul Rust too...
gustav laroche
We love both Wade and WILLY! In this household! Both are Hysterical. Roll up a fat-one, relax and inhale their chaos. Shout out to Mike CREEGONE for suggesting this to me!!!
Jean Le Renard
Never heard of these guys or any of their guests
But they make me feel good
Contest here's
Googy’s first job : Water and Power
It’s all worth it. Like listening to the rational and ideological sides of my brain try to talk about greys.
That one friend who...
We all have that one friend who rates and reviews their own stuff, right? Anyway - I love the show. I love talking about people’s experiences that lead to their beliefs. Cheers from down under, mate
Fun Show
Wade and Willy are great hosts. introducing so many strange topics and interesting guests. During episode 171, Mike Burns mentions that rageful ghosts are questionable by virtue of their actions being so impersonal. Well guess what? At the end of his sentence, my phone disconnected from WiFi and turned on airplane mode—forcing me to cross the room and hit play. Glitch or ghost? You tell me!
Less and More
Thank you for this lovely podcast. It makes me feel simultaneously more and less crazy for the things I believe (and don't believe).
Hangin with the bros
These guys are like my friends now (not literally but still). Wade helps keep things on track and calls out repetitive loops of conspiracy that Willy can get tangled in. Sometimes I’m yelling answers to their questions because they are foundering with a name or a concept and I do that with my friends too. I love having these guys along on my commute and when I’m doing household chores. As a long time listener, I know when they’ve had too many beers and I can shut off my analytical brain and just have a good time hearing them shoot the breeze. Otherwise I always enjoy the guests and topics and their responsiveness to my own emailed comments. Thanks and cheers!
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Listener since the beginning
Great show love you both. Wade is a funny man, so is Willy.
Fizgalf 48
Best loose kinda sorta maybe some little conspiracy show ever. Cover Pindar!!! Absolutely love this show and Tinfoil Hat. Please please please get Sam Tripoli on.
Magical Rapport
Beautiful. Good for sleeping and being awake.
Very Entertaining
There’s Willy who believes it all, has an annoying habit of starting 4 different sentences before he finishes one, refers to any info he gets from nut job conspiracy sites as “facts” and is probably a closet flat earther and then there’s Wade who thinks it’s all BS.
I’m a Wade
From the beginning to the most recent this is still one of my very favorite podcasts. I got to hang out with these guys at the McMenamins UFO fest and they are 2 extremely great guys that deserve all the stars this will allow me to give them. Hope to bump into you guys again. Mike
Views and brews
A journey through conspiracy and the paranormal on the rlsfs that has a slightly inebriated crew, but that allows for an exciting and scenic journey through everywhere and somehow lands where you started
A 5 star pod
I only listen to 5 star podcasts and this is one of them. If you are like me and get drunk and yell at your friends about UFOs then you will feel right at home.
The best nonsense
Live the show have been listening since the beginning and can also say it’s like I’m your dad and y’all have grown up to be such good podcasters. Also I’m only 22 and you are both much older than me. But I’m still a proud father. This show is funny always makes my days better when they ramble about everything besides the topic. Hope you both keep it up. I appreciate the years of time you have put into this and have kept very real and chill.
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