Ready Set Comedy
Ready Set Comedy
Michael Gaston and Nick Counts
Michael Gaston and Nick Counts come to you live in pre-recodings to do their best to make you laugh in their original idea for an advice podcast that they stole from other advice podcasts. However, Michael and Nick have a unique advantage over other advice podcasts in that, they have no actual expertise in anything. Because of this, you can rest assured that no matter what you may need advice about, they can handle each question equally. So sit back and get comfortable, unless sitting back is uncomfortable for you. Get Ready, Get Set, we're about to kick you in the advice.
128. Petting Your Pet Mosquito
Michael and Nick give Halloween advice! 
Oct 28, 2019
37 min
127. Death Papers
Michael and Nick give advice on wearing an girlfriends ex boyfriends Halloween costume, do you own half the house if you pay half the bills but aren't on the mortgage do you still own half of the house? What do you tell your friends who try to take advantage of your business, how to not get nervous at an open mic, how to tell your father he has another kid. 
Oct 7, 2019
34 min
126. Half a Battle Royale
Michael and Nick give advice on what to do when your boss sells you something that's junk, how to deal with a friend that is doing something immoral, how to get your girlfriend to stop sleeping and spend some quality time with you, why your girl may not give you the same things she's given past boyfriends and how to stop chronic.... um... not sure I can say that without getting flagged. 
Aug 19, 2019
40 min
125. The Line
Michael and Nick give advice on becoming more witty, finding out if you're actually just a side chick, the best way to fire your best friend, how to let people that "aren't good enough for you" down and what to do when you find out your father is a serial robber. 
Jul 29, 2019
48 min
124. Michael's Hong Kong Birthday
Michael and Nick give advice on dealing with killing spiders when you live alone, if it's a good idea or not to check yourself into a mental health clinic when your mental heath is fine, how to be smooth when it counts, dirty grandpa question and another one of our listeners is being blackmailed. 
Jul 24, 2019
43 min
123. Patriotism at the 7 Eleven
Michael and Nick decide to wing the whole episode. As you may have expected, it was a mistake. 
Jul 11, 2019
42 min
122. Bologna
Michael and Nick give advice on what to do when you're not attracted to a certain body part, what to do when your work partner is boring, how to bounce back from a lie that you never thought would catch up to you, how to say no and be firm about it and how to get your husband to take you out when there is a new baby around. 
Jul 1, 2019
41 min
121. You Might be a Redneck if Your Sign is Git-R-Done
Michael and Nick give advice on keeping your therapist honest, creepy friends of your dad, how to figure out ring size, if you should break up with your SO if you think it's better for them in the long run and is it wrong to be with a girl who is ugo in hopes she will bloom into a beauty? 
Jun 20, 2019
48 min
120. Glamlyrics
Michael and Nick give advice on how to stop talking yourself out of dating perfectly good guys, what to do when someone is blackmailing you with embarrassing information they know about you, what to do when you're insecure about your body, how to get up the nerve to sing in front of people and how to find out why someone blocked you. 
Jun 10, 2019
50 min
119. Woke Up in an Old Bugatti Sunroof
Michael and Nick give advice on how to deal with someone who is after your girl, how to get a girl back after you've said some unforgivable stuff to her, how to take advantage of your parents forgetfulness and is purchasing a lady of the night the right move for you? 
Jun 3, 2019
45 min
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