Welcome to the Ninth episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. I am really sorry, I was hoping to do a full episode rehashing this episode just like I have for the previous eight episodes, but […]
Jul 8, 2016

Welcome to the Eight episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. After an initial recap of what happened to each couple in this weeks episode, we focus on the law of Pru Urvu “Be Fruitful and […]
Jul 4, 2016

In this special episode of Re-Arranged, we are sharing an episode of The Joy of Text, a podcast of Jewish Public Media. How much distance do we really have to keep during niddah, and how can we express our relationship in spite of these challenges? To find a chatan or kallah teacher in your area […]
Jun 28, 2016

Welcome to the seventh episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. This week was a double-episode, after the decision not to air an episode last week in the wake of the events in Orlando, Florida, so […]
Jun 24, 2016

Welcome to the sixth episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. This week, in response to the attack in Orlando, Florida, FYI chose not to air the newest episode of Arranged. Instead of skipping the week, […]
Jun 17, 2016

Welcome to the fith episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. After an initial recap of what happened to each couple in this weeks episode, we focus on the different components of a Jewish Wedding. To […]
Jun 10, 2016

Welcome to the fourth episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged. We, like the show, follow three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. After an initial recap of what happened to each couple in this weeks episode, we focus on the idea of a couple not speaking or […]
Jun 3, 2016

Welcome to the third episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged that follows three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. In this episode we recap the three couples stories. David and Taylor are living in a trailer during their first weeks of marriage, and David’s mom is […]
May 27, 2016

Welcome to the second episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged that follows three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. First, the entire JCast Network wants to wish Taylor and David a hearty Mazel Tov on their marriage, which we saw during this episode. As always […]
May 20, 2016

Welcome to the first episode of Re-Arranged, a podcast about the FYI show Arranged that follows three couples as they prepare for what the show says is an “arranged” marriage. In this episode we focus on an issue that the Orthodox Jewish couple are confronting, that of the Sheitel (headcovering), which is something that traditional orthodox […]
May 13, 2016