Raney Day Talks Podcast Podcast

Raney Day Talks Podcast

Jennifer Sakowski
Grab your coffee and let’s talk business. How to grow it, how to sustain it and how to harness the wonderful world wide web to do it with Jennifer Sakowski.
Episode 40: How to Deal with Growing Pains in Your Business
Back for episode 40! Let's take a closer look at what does growing pains look like in our businesses!  Full show notes here: https://raneydaydesign.com/podcast/how-to-deal-with-growing-pains/
Jul 7, 2021
17 min
Meta Descriptions: What are they, Why You need them, and How to add them
Google is like a librarian. We tell the librarian what we’re looking for, and he/she searches in the blurbs about the books (think: back of the book summary) using keywords related to what I’m looking for.  The librarian quickly pulls the books that are most relevant to my topic and hands those to me. Google does the same thing only with meta descriptions and digital sources.  Meta descriptions are like the backs of the books: Enough of a summary to make me want to open the book. Without them, we either can’t find the “book” (i.e., the link) at all online, or we can’t tell if the link is worth the click.  KEY TAKEAWAYS: How meta descriptions help your articles gain traffic What are the key elements to remember when writing your descriptions How to add meta descriptions to your site (hint: we use Yoast and have a blog post on how to install it)  RESOURCES:  WPW: https://raneydaydesign.com/how-to-add-a-meta-description-to-a-website-page/ SEO podcast: Take SEO for your site a step further: https://raneydaydesign.com/podcast/the-four-fundamentals-of-seo/ Get the Full Show Notes To get access to the show's podcast or Youtube recordings, as well as the full transcript, visit https://raneydaydesign.com/podcast/meta-descriptions/   Subscribe, Rate, & Review If you’ve found this helpful I’d love for you to subscribe to the show, rate and review the show honestly. This not only helps me and my team continue to create helpful podcast episodes but also let’s our content reach more listeners!    Join the Raney Day Talks Biz Facebook group. See how visible your site is to your customers with our FREE Visibility Report. Find out how your site is performing, plus actionable tips for improvement.
Apr 14, 2021
9 min
Tactics to Grow Instagram Engagement (Rebroadcast from the In Demand Hairstylist podcast host, Kristen Varoli)
Jen makes a guest appearance on the In-Demand Hairstylist Podcast to share her Instagram expertise with podcast host Kristen Varoli. They discuss Instagram and what's more important than the number of followers you have. It's having the RIGHT followers - people you can help - and understanding WHY they follow you. KEY TAKEAWAYS: * Insights - How to look at them and what to look for. * Knowing why people follow you and owning that authority. * Getting clear on your goal for your Insta account. * Keep it simple - Focus on your followers, the people YOU can help. * 4 account management tactics. * 3 daily activities to become an Insta rockstar for your ideal clients. RESOURCES: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raneydaydesign/ Follow Kristen Varoli and the In Demand Stylist podcast https://www.instagram.com/contempoartistries/ https://www.instagram.com/kristencontempo/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-in-demand-hairstylist-podcast/id1465639312 Get the Full Show Notes To get access to the show's podcast or Youtube recordings, as well as the full transcript, visit https://raneydaydesign.com/podcast/tactics-to-grow-instagram/  Subscribe, Rate, & Review I'd be honored if you'd subscribe to the show and rate and review the show honestly. This will help other podcast listeners like you find and enjoy the show. We'd love to grow our podcast community to reach and help more people. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/raney-day-talks-podcast/id1472305410
Mar 31, 2021
44 min
How to Focus Your Site's Content Efforts and Why You Need To
Let's talk about content. How you can actually rank with good, quality content.  Not to mention how to stop wasting time and energy on creating the wrong content.   If you are NOT sure how your site is ranking for the content you want to rank for, then drop us a message on our contact page.  Make sure to mention this episode and you are interested in an SEO Evaluation. Go here: https://raneydaydesign.com/contact/
Mar 16, 2021
7 min
Overcomer Series: Interview with Angela Rose-O'Brien of Angela's Angels
What does a nonprofit that provides free prom dresses to girls in need do when proms are canceled due to COVID? Pivot & continue to serve women in need. Tune in for some of Angela's amazing stories of giving young women the gift of self-confidence & self-respect in the form of both everyday and formal attire. Plan to get goosebumps! Connect with Angela's Angels: https://angelasangels.org/
Mar 2, 2021
45 min
The Year of Overcomers
Congrats you SURVIVED 2020!  In this episode we set the stage for shifting the focus of this podcast to one theme: OVERCOMING obstacles.   We believe every entrepreneur is forced at some point to make hard decisions and have to face storms of running a business.  We want to share those stories.  Stories of hardships, resilience and TRIUMPH! 
Jan 5, 2021
5 min
2020 Roundup
You MADE it!  2020 is on its way out! But first, let's take inventory of what has happened not only in the digital marketing realm but what we noticed as business leaders.  Then, let's prepare the way for a new year!
Dec 29, 2020
19 min
Defusing Tough Clients During the Holidays
Stress levels can be high through the holiday season. Add in a global pandemic, no traveling, cabin fever, zoom fatigue, and virtual schooling, tension is at an all-time high and can directly impact communications with our customers.  Now is the time we extend extra grace to those we work with! In this episode let's chat on how to tackle conflicts that arise during this stressful time and how to defuse the situations productively!  -------- Additional resources mentioned is this book, How Did My Family Get in My Office by one of our clients, Bonnie Artman Fox! Grab a copy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1948046849/  
Dec 8, 2020
14 min
What I Wish I Would Have Done Before I Hired  My Team
In this brand new episode of Raney Day Talks podcast, I'm directly speaking to myself before I hired my first team member and what I wish I would have known and considered before I hired. If you're looking to grow your team or if you're looking to create a more vibrant culture in your company, I encourage you to take a listen.
Nov 17, 2020
22 min
Your Website Needs A Makeover
If you are under the impression that your website is on “set and forget” mode.... then you may not want to listen to this.  By listening to this episode I *may* convince you it is time your website needs a makeover.   While we are on this subject, check out our “Five Actions Ebook” that gives you (you guessed it) five actions to take in the next week that will increase your website leads.  Head to https://raneydaydesign.com/!   
Nov 3, 2020
11 min
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