Today we speak to Jack Mclean from @preparelikeapro a hybrid online and in person coaching business that has really found their niche.
They offer coaching and programming to every day footballers along with the futures elite.
Jack credits his pedigree from the @hawthornfc to his success. His ability to take risks and seek out experts has given Prepare Like A Pro an opportunity for amazing growth.
Learn how you can take a startup in a worldwide pandemic and create serious revenue using Jack’s advice.
Jun 11, 2021
34 min

Today I’m joined by a repeat guest in @seanbell__ from @first42k. Its always an absolute honour to speak to Sean as he is one incredible human. His big goal to run around Australia in 2022 is coming together and he hopes to raise over $100,000 through his charity initiative Run For Wishes. Today we talk about Sean’s new business, an online training program for people wanting to take on their first marathon. We learn how this concept has come together and how the skills Sean has developed through running is now helping him succeed at business.
May 23, 2021
29 min

@damocrossfit hits us in the feels as he walks us through his 10 year journey of gym ownership.
We discover lessons about shooting first and aiming later, why you can’t do one thing when your purpose is another and why it’s so important to make your own mistakes.
We finish with how Damo got help from @willnelson_fitcoach to get some structure on how to go online and have clients kicking down his door ready to go.
Shoutout to @tyearnettphoto along the way for helping us both.
If you’re a gym owner full of passion and fitness but need to level up your game, be sure to check out @raisethebar_gymcoaching
May 10, 2021
33 min

Stacey is incredibly passionate about helping people improve their health and well-being around body image and mindset.
Stacie is a clinical psychologist but her real value comes from being open and vulnerable about her eating disorder and all the way through to her recovery.
Stacie comes from a place of compassion and empathy and shares her clients success stories.
Learn how she uses Instagram for her business and how she has built her coaching portal. Discover the challenges and achievements of her start up business Heart Space as well as her vision for the future.
May 3, 2021
29 min

The Raise The Bar Radio Team is back but in a much different format. Today Nick puts Stu and his business Valor under the spotlight.
We discuss the following lessons throughout Stu’s career.
- Supplementing your income during startup
- Making the jump and going all in
- Building systems
- When to stop cleaning the toilets
- Recruiting and retaining amazing staff
- What’s the right amount of gym floor hours for gym owners
- Gratitude
- Lead generation
- Stu’s best advice to create a successful gym
- Our plugs for each of our businesses 😉
Tune in and learn how to make noise in the industry and how to do it with authenticity.
Apr 27, 2021
31 min

In this little snippet of an episode Nick shares some exciting news on how our podcast will look and feel into the future.
Apr 20, 2021
2 min

What a crazy couple of weeks it has been. In a flash all gyms across the country have had to close their doors, with most quickly flipping their entire business model to go online.
With minimal time to prepare, gyms have all set up their own unique interpretation of online training. Nick and Stu share their stories and methods as to how they managed their gym closure and what their business looks like now.
Mar 31, 2020
49 min

Josh from the Just Be Nice Project is an extraordinary human!
He is many things but today we uncover his philosophical views on how we should be helping one another. The Just Be Nice Project redefines what it means to give back and Josh gives us a lesson on how we can effectively give back to our community and how each of us can make an actual impact.
This episode shares so much light on why there is such a massive gap between people that want to help and the actual help people need. Josh is incredibly articulate and challenges the status quo.
He is also just a great bloke as there are plenty of laughs throughout this episode. Being a part of this episode has truly reshaped the way I will help people in the future and I hope it has the same impact on you as well.
A little but about the Just Be Nice Project.
BNProject is our mission to improve equality of opportunity. We believe that the best starting point is to ensure that everyone is housed, employed and has good mental health. We believe everyone deserves access to help, regardless of how they come to need it. Regardless if you are 15 or 50 you are unable to make the most of opportunities without being housed, employed and having good mental health.
We're for people who want to do good and don’t know where to start.
We're for people who have worked hard and developed skills and resources but feel disconnected from their abilities and their ability to do good in the world.
We're for people who are dissatisfied with the current paradigm of charity and social help, people who wonder how in a time of prosperity, such as ours, so many people go without.
We're for people who want to improve equality of opportunity for everyone.
We're for people who are good at things. Because people who are good at things can do more good than people who aren’t good at anything…yet.
We're for people who aren’t sure what they are good at and they want to find out.
We're for people who need permission to carry on their journey of being good. We don't want organisations and individuals to feel like they need to stop pursuing excellence because it might be seen as selfish, not knowing that their amazing capacity for impact lies on the other side of their excellence. We are here to encourage excellence and then harness it for the largest benefit.
We're for people and organisations who don’t simply think that they need to ‘be the change’, but think that they need to ‘be the whole change’. Teaching them that you can be a part of extraordinary impact through making very ordinary positive change… if you do it alongside others.
We're for revolutionaries, for people, organisations and communities that believe that a world where extraordinary positive change is possible, just not by going about it the way we’ve been doing it so far.
Mar 16, 2020
1 hr 39 min

Sheena is a young philanthropist in the making. An avid CrossFitter with a heart of gold, Sheena is on a mission to bring the sport of weightlifting to the struggling kids of the Philippines.
Many people in areas of the Philippines live without much opportunity, especially youths. Sheena started the organisation Project Philz (@projectphilz) in early 2019 with a goal to help youths not only find something to do but find purpose, support and connection within a positive community.
Sheena’s story is incredibly inspiring. If you wish to get involved or send support, you can contract Sheena directly on the Project Philz Instagram page @projectphilz
Mar 2, 2020
47 min

Business masterclass and the new age of service marketing. Nick and Stu live a life full of purpose because they are driven to help people. That purpose has lead them both to create multiple business.
You can't be successful at business unless you get some help along the way. This episode we chat to Matt who is the owner of a business coaching / consulting company.
He has a great insight about where the fitness industry is heading and how we need to adapt in the future. We go back to our roots in this episode and get a little CrossFitty along the way. This episode provides great value for anyone who has any involvement at any level of business.
Feb 17, 2020
1 hr 23 min
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