The Inside Pass is a worldwide syndicated show hosted by veteran insiders Randy Miller and Tom Baker. The Flagship show in the Steering Wheel Nation Radio lineup, this show features a roundtable of SWN staff, averages 1.4 million listeners worldwide across over 40 platforms and brings a variety of racing personalities from across the motorsports landscape along with analysis, opinions and lots of fun and laughs each week.
Nov 10, 2021
1 hr 49 min
LEAD LAP SHOW - November 8, 2021
HOST: Tom Baker
GUEST: Hickory Motor Speedway Fall Brawl limited feature winner Ryan Millington
Ryan Millington engaged in one of the most thrilling side-by-side battles for a race win I've seen in years at Hickory Motor Speedway in Saturday afternoon's Calico Coatings Fall Brawl limited late model 100-lap race. He and Charlie Watson never touched but ran alongside each other and swapped the lead back and forth for much of the race, even being joined by Michigan's Mason Ludvig in the closing third or so. Ryan got the win, and he joined us in the WSIC Studio to talk about it!
Hunter Weaver also joined the show for the latest in Southeast dirt track news.
Lead Lap Show is a weekly behind-the-scenes look at the stories and personalities of Southeast regional motorsports. The show is hosted by published motorsports journalist Tom Baker, and is produced by Steering Wheel Nation.
Nov 10, 2021
54 min
Inside Groove is the exclusive podcast featuring the past and present heroes of Supermodified racing (The fastest and most exotic short track race cars on the planet!) and the latest from the tracks that race them. Tom Baker, who has attended racing at the “Home of the Supermodifieds”, The Oswego Speedway, since 1973, hosts the show and is joined by Camden Proud, who races Supermodifieds at Oswego on Saturday nights and then puts his speedway PR hat on during the week and writes about the big block supers, 350 supers and SBS supermodified division.
Nov 8, 2021
1 hr 12 min
Inside Groove is the exclusive podcast featuring the past and present heroes of Supermodified racing (The fastest and most exotic short track race cars on the planet!) and the latest from the tracks that race them. Tom Baker, who has attended racing at the “Home of the Supermodifieds”, The Oswego Speedway, since 1973, hosts the show and is joined by Camden Proud, who races Supermodifieds at Oswego on Saturday nights and then puts his speedway PR hat on during the week and writes about the big block supers, 350 supers and SBS supermodified division.
Nov 1, 2021
1 hr 49 min
The Inside Pass is a worldwide syndicated show hosted by veteran insiders Randy Miller and Tom Baker. The Flagship show in the Steering Wheel Nation Radio lineup, this show features a roundtable of SWN staff, averages 1.4 million listeners worldwide across over 40 platforms and brings a variety of racing personalities from across the motorsports landscape along with analysis, opinions and lots of fun and laughs each week.
Oct 17, 2021
1 hr 49 min
Lead Lap is a one-hour weekly motorsports show focused on local and regional racing in the Carolinas and the most interesting stories from “the weekend that was” worldwide. Hosted by veteran motorsports journalist Tom Baker, the show also features the drivers and key personalities that comprise the various divisions across the region and is broadcast on WSIC’s family of radio stations across the Charlotte/Lake Norman region of North Carolina as well as on the Performance Motorsports Network and is available on-demand wherever podcasts are found.
Oct 17, 2021
54 min
Inside Groove is the exclusive podcast featuring the past and present heroes of Supermodified racing (The fastest and most exotic short track race cars on the planet!) and the latest from the tracks that race them. Tom Baker, who has attended racing at the “Home of the Supermodifieds”, The Oswego Speedway, since 1973, hosts the show and is joined by Camden Proud, who races Supermodifieds at Oswego on Saturday nights and then puts his speedway PR hat on during the week and writes about the big block supers, 350 supers and SBS supermodified division
Oct 17, 2021
1 hr 40 min
The Inside Pass is a worldwide syndicated show hosted by veteran insiders Randy Miller and Tom Baker. The Flagship show in the Steering Wheel Nation Radio lineup, this show features a roundtable of SWN staff, averages 1.4 million listeners worldwide across over 40 platforms and brings a variety of racing personalities from across the motorsports landscape along with analysis, opinions and lots of fun and laughs each week.
Oct 8, 2021
1 hr 50 min
Lead Lap is a one-hour weekly motorsports show focused on local and regional racing in the Carolinas and the most interesting stories from “the weekend that was” worldwide. Hosted by veteran motorsports journalist Tom Baker, the show also features the drivers and key personalities that comprise the various divisions across the region and is broadcast on WSIC’s family of radio stations across the Charlotte/Lake Norman region of North Carolina as well as on the Performance Motorsports Network and is available on-demand wherever podcasts are found.
Oct 8, 2021
54 min
Lead Lap is a one-hour weekly motorsports show focused on local and regional racing in the Carolinas and the most interesting stories from “the weekend that was” worldwide. Hosted by veteran motorsports journalist Tom Baker, the show also features the drivers and key personalities that comprise the various divisions across the region and is broadcast on WSIC’s family of radio stations across the Charlotte/Lake Norman region of North Carolina as well as on the Performance Motorsports Network and is available on-demand wherever podcasts are found.
Oct 1, 2021
54 min
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