Quit Kissing Frogs Podcast

Quit Kissing Frogs

Dominique, LSW
The dating world can be rough for anyone, but particularly so for women who want something more than casual dating. Quit Kissing Frogs is a podcast exploring dating and relationships from the perspective of a therapist who’s been there herself. I'm Dominique, a Licensed Social Worker who has worked with many individuals and couples to address a diverse array of challenges, with a particular focus on romantic relationships, dating, and marriage. I want every woman out there - whether single, dating, or even married - to be able to have a better understanding of relationships and how she can meet the right match and cultivate the relationship she’s been longing for. So ladies, whether you want to meet a great guy you could settle down with, or you’ve already met the man of your dreams and now you’re trying to figure out how to build a life together, this podcast is for you. You don’t have to go it alone...but you do have to quit kissing frogs! So grab an espresso, settle in, and let’s make your love life better. For more information, check out QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
How To Manage Dating Anxiety, Part 2: Relationship Anxiety
Today is a follow up to the prior episode of QKF, when we talked about dating anxiety and strategies for combating it so that you can actually enjoy dating and cultivate a romantic relationship that is rewarding. But what if the anxiety is still there when you’re in a relationship? This episode will cover how dating anxiety can affect relationships, whether they are new relationships (you just started dating!) or relationships that are already established and pretty serious (maybe you’re even talking about rings!) If you’ve ever been worried about why a new match takes forever to text you, why your boyfriend isn't ready to take the next step with you, or felt insecure about his dating history and worried that his ex was “prettier,” then this is the episode for you.Mentioned in today’s episode:Blog: Are You Too Picky? Blog: Dating Goals: How Knowing What You Want Can Transform Your Love LifeEpisode #03: Dealing With Insecurity In DatingEpisode #06: Awkward Conversations You & Your Boyfriend Need To HaveFor more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Oct 8, 2022
39 min
How To Manage Dating Anxiety
Dating anxiety is something that can suck all the fun and enjoyment out of dating. It’s hard to enjoy dating when you’re constantly feeling anxious about everything related to dating - meeting men, finding something to talk about on the first date, worrying about whether he likes you, and so on. Being an anxious dater can be exhausting! But the good news is that you don’t have to stay anxious about dating. Today we’ll talk about several different strategies for combatting dating anxiety so that you can find the fun in dating and enjoy the kind of romantic relationship you’ve been wanting all along.Mentioned in today’s episode:Blog: Are You Too Picky? Episode #05: Deal Breakers & Deal MakersBlog: Dating Goals: How Knowing What You Want Can Transform Your Love Life For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Oct 5, 2022
48 min
Where Have All The Good Men Gone?
A lot of women find themselves wondering if there are any good men left out there. It’s a fair question - the modern dating landscape can seem pretty barren! But the good news is that there are good men out there, and those men are looking for good women just like you. The trick, of course, is being able to find each other. Today we’ll talk all about what makes a good man, why they can be hard to find, and how to identify and remove barriers that are standing in your way so that you can meet the guy who is the right match for you!Mentioned in today’s episode:Episode #01: Dating in the Digital Era Episode #13: Learn to Flirt (Even If You Feel Awkward)Blog: Dating Goals: How Knowing What You Want Can Transform Your Love LifeBlog: Where Have All The Good Men Gone?For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Oct 1, 2022
34 min
How Similar Should A Couple Be To Be Compatible Long-Term?
We often hear that “opposites attract,” and they certainly can…but do opposites make you compatible for the long-haul? Today we’ll be discussing just how similar you ought to be - and what specifically you should have in common - for your relationship to work and for the two of you to potentially build a life together. We’ll also explore the benefits of differences, and how much a relationship can be improved by differences between partners. Mentioned in today’s episode:Quit Kissing Frogs episode #05: Deal-Breakers & Deal-MakersQuit Kissing Frogs episode #06: Awkward Conversations You Need to Have With Your Boyfriend Blog Post on “setting goal posts” -  Are You Too Picky?For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Sep 28, 2022
28 min
Learn To Flirt (Even If You Feel Awkward)
Feel like you’re impossibly awkward when you try to flirt? You’re not alone - most women don’t find that flirting feels very natural. The good news is that flirting is a skill, and like any other social skill, flirting is something that ANYONE - even the most socially awkward - can master. All it takes is practice, a little time, and an understanding of the basics! Today’s episode is all about how to flirt more effectively. We’ll go over everything you need to know in order to flirt better. After today, you’ll be equipped to go out and practice those new skills! For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Sep 24, 2022
37 min
The "Pen Pal Guy" (& What To Do About Him)
You know the guy who will text you or message you on a dating app for weeks on end without ever asking you on a date? The guy you tell your friends about, saying, “No we haven’t gone out but we’ve been talking for awhile. He’s texting me every day, I think he really likes me!” This is the “pen pal guy.”  “Pen pal guys” trap you in a  cycle of flirty, charming conversation that starts out exhilarating and ends up exasperating because it never leads to an actual date, let alone a real-life relationship. In today’s episode we’ll talk all about why guys do the pen-pal thing, the dangers of this cycle, and how to break out of it and get him to finally ask you on a date! Mentioned in this episode:Blog post on standards and "goal posts" in dating - “Are You Too Picky?”For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Sep 21, 2022
44 min
Girls Night: Q&A Episode #1
Today is a quick-hits episode where Dominique will be answering multiple different listener questions about dating and relationships. (If you’d like to submit your own anonymous question for the next Q&A, click here.) These “Girls Night” episodes will be a little more casual and a little more personal - just like a night out with your girlfriends. So grab yourself an espresso (or an espresso martini) and settle in! Q&A time stamps:(01:20) How do I jump into the dating scene?(06:43) Is it ok for the girl to make the first move? Does that send the wrong message?(18:08) How do you find good people on dating apps?(26:55) Is the “spark” really that important? What about physical attraction? Can those things develop over time, or do they need to be there early on?(32:38) How do I deal with rejection, or the fear of rejection?Mentioned in today’s podcast:Blog post: Dating in the Digital Era (how to use dating apps successfully)Quit Kissing Frogs episode #01 “Dating in the Digital Era” (listen here)For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Sep 17, 2022
39 min
Dating When You're a Late Bloomer
Dating can be difficult at times for everyone, but when you feel like a “late bloomer” in the world of dating, it presents some unique challenges. The good news is that there are also some terrific upsides to being a late bloomer in dating, so it’s not without its silver linings. Today’s episode explores the reality of what it’s like to start dating when you’re already well into adulthood - what to know, what to avoid, and how to make the most of your dating life so that you maximize your chances of a happy, healthy relationship.Mentioned in today’s podcast:Quit Kissing Frogs episode #03 “Dealing with Insecurity in Dating” (listen here)For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod
Sep 14, 2022
26 min
Breaking Up, Part 2: Common Questions & Pitfalls
Today’s episode is part two of the discussion on breakups.  In the last episode, we talked about why relationships end and valid reasons to end a relationship, as well as practical advice for how to go about the breakup. In this episode, we will cover some common questions about the breakup itself, including: Should I wait until after his birthday (or graduation, vacation, our anniversary, etc.) to break up with him?What if he doesn’t understand and wants to stay together?How can I make sure things end on a peaceful note?Mentioned in today’s podcast:Part 1 of the Breakup series: Quit Kissing Frogs episode #07 - “Breaking Up: How & Why to End a Relationship” (listen here)Quit Kissing Frogs episode #05 - “Deal-Breakers & Deal-Makers” (listen here) For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-podResources for abusive relationships: National Domestic Violence Hotline (available 24/7) 800-799-7233More help can be found at: https://www.thehotline.org/Directory for local resources for domestic violence/abusive relationships: https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/
Sep 11, 2022
24 min
Breaking Up: How & Why to End a Relationship
Breaking up can be painful, and deciding to end a relationship can be a difficult choice to make. In this episode, we’ll discuss reasons to end a relationship and what warrants a breakup, as well as what makes breaking up so difficult. We’ll also talk a bit about the practical side of making a breakup healthier and how to avoid unnecessary pain and drama. Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 next week!Mentioned in today’s podcast:Quit Kissing Frogs episode #05 - “Deal-Breakers & Deal-Makers” (listen here) For more information, head over to QuitKissingFrogs.comTo submit a question for a future Q&A episode, please use this form: https://quitkissingfrogs.com/got-a-question-for-the-pod*** Resources for abusive relationships: National Domestic Violence Hotline (available 24/7) 800-799-7233More help can be found at: https://www.thehotline.org/Directory for local resources for domestic violence/abusive relationships: https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/
Sep 7, 2022
41 min
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