Queen Tings with Nay & Royal - T Podcast

Queen Tings with Nay & Royal - T

Queen Tings Podcast with Nay & Royal - T
Two God-loving millennial women bring their sophistiratchet perspective about life.
Do It Scared
In this episode Nay & Royal-T get into fear. They share what some of their greatest fears are as well as ways that they've overcome their fears. This week's #BlackBusinessSpotlight is a personal training service. As always, join in on the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram. This week, Royal-T also invites listeners to challenge Nay & Royal-T by coming up with a dare for them to test their limits and fears. New episodes drop Mondays at 6 a.m.
Sep 6, 2021
48 min
To Be or Not to Be, Vaccinated?
In this episode Nay & Royal-T discuss the hot topic of COVID-19 vaccines and share their personal views. This weeks #BlackBusinessSpotlight is SHE CAN Wines. As always, join in on the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook & Instagram. New episodes drop Mondays at 6 a.m. 
Aug 30, 2021
37 min
Living For Now
One thing we can all agree on is that we're not promised tomorrow. This week Nay & Royal-T discuss the importance of being present and capitalizing on the time we have. This week's #BlackBusinessSpotlight is a unique hair service. Join in the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram.  
Aug 23, 2021
50 min
Change Your Environment: Internal & External
Nay and Royal-T discuss the importance of making changes when things get a little too comfortable...and uncomfortable. The reality is change is an important element of life and making the right changes can change your life for the better. This week's #BlackBusinessSpotlight is a little different because they're not shouting out one business in particular, but highlighting some tips for Black business owners. Join in the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram. 
Aug 16, 2021
34 min
We In This Together
Nay and Royal-T dive into the importance of human connection and how meaningful relationships really are the key to a happy life. This week's #BlackBusinessSpotlight is Be Suited located in Trenton, NJ. Join in the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram.
May 10, 2021
49 min
Relax, I'm Just Being Nice
Can men and women be just friends? Have you ever had someone read too much into you being nice to them and mistake it for something more? These are the questions Nay & Royal-T are getting into this week. Be sure to follow @QueenTingsPodcast on Instagram and Facebook to join in on the conversation.
May 3, 2021
45 min
Pretty Hurts
Nay & Royal-T continue their conversation on the standards of beauty inspired by the lyrics in Beyoncé's "Pretty Hurts". Perfection, the rise in the plastic surgeries in teens, and snap judgements based on appearance are some of the topics they hit on. This week's Black Business Spotlight is for all those trying to get their credit together. As always, join in on the conversation by following Queen Tings With Nay & Royal-T on Facebook and Instagram @QueenTingsPodcast. New episodes drop Mondays @ 6 a.m. 
Apr 5, 2021
39 min
My Sensuality is My Business
In this episode Nay & Royal-T delve into the oversexualizing women are subject to everyday and share their own personal experiences. As always, major gems are being dropped in this episode. This week's Black Business Business Spotlight is WILD Life Clothing and Design. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast and join in on the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram. 
Mar 29, 2021
39 min
Tight Like Glue
This week Nay & Royal-T are talking hair. Hair is such an important part of our identity as people of color, and many women struggle with finding the perfect, socially-acceptable hairstyle. The need to have our slayed and laid sets us on a journey with filled with mishaps and maybe even a disaster or two, but hopefully the final destination is self-love. Join in on the conversation by following @QueenTingsPodcast on Facebook and Instagram. 
Mar 8, 2021
48 min
Standards of Beauty Part 1
In this episode Nay & Royal-T discuss colorism in the Black community and shout out Lil James Tucker as this week's Black Business Spotlight...and that's on life! Be sure to join in on the conversation by following @Queentingspodcast on Instagram and Facebook. New episodes drop Mondays at 6:00 a.m.
Mar 1, 2021
42 min
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