Qiological Shop Talk Podcast

Qiological Shop Talk

In this Qiological Shop Talk podcast, we bring you roughly 12-15 minutes of practical clinical methods, perspectives, and advice on acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine that has its work boots on. In this short segment you’ll get a clinical gem of practical material that you can begin to investigate the next time that you walk into clinic. Roll up your sleeves. Let's get to work!
033 yangming into kidney essesce • John Scott
Kidney essence is precious and not easily replenished. This Shop Talk segment discusses how the Kidney needs material form to create essence. And that it is the Yangming channels with their yang action that help the digestive system to extract the clear qi from food and fluids, and this in turn becomes the material that can transform into essence. This is a simple and effective set of points for burn out or exhaustion and they lean on the dynamic of transform, rather than simply tonifying the Kidney itself. Golden Flower Chinese Herbs also offers herbal formulations for these conditions and many more. Visit them at www.gfcherbs.com.
Sep 27, 2023
5 min
032 Zangfu and Jingluo • Brenda Hood
This Shop Talk is a discussion of the differences between the Zangfu organ system and that of the Jingluo. A brief history is given, as are mentions of the differing relationships between the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches with regard to the Zangfu organs and Jingluo channels. An example of this is that the internal Zangfu organ Lung is attributed to Metal; whereas the Hand Taiyin Lung channel is attributed to Yang Wood. The differing Five Phase natures of the internal Zangfu organs and the more external Jingluo system, is actually a clear reflection of their different anatomical functions in regard to the overall Chinese Medicine anatomy of the human body. That is to say, the internal organs are the body's way of assimilating and storing, whereas the Jingluo system is one that enables a discrete individual to maintain a dynamically homeostatic state in the context of a greater external environment, an environment which varies along the number of different parameters.
Sep 20, 2023
18 min
031 Hua Tou Points • John Scott
In this Shop Talk segment John Scott the co-founder of Golden Flower Chinese Herbs discusses the use of Hua Tou points for the treatment of shingles. Additionally, how these points are useful for lower jiao issues like increasing male fertility and for prostate issues. Golden Flower Chinese Herbs also offers herbal formulations for these conditions and many more. Visit them at www.gfcherbs.com.
Sep 13, 2023
9 min
030 Business as Culitvative Practice • Michael Max
In this Shop Talk Michael Max reflects on 25 years of practice and the importance of running a business as a cultivative  practice.We go into the importance not of “faking it till you make it,” but rather using the learning of the early days to better hone your skills and more thoroughly understand who you are, and what your ideal practice really looks like.Additionally we explore the issues of money and authority, and rather see these as hindrances, they are actually valuable teachers that both help us to be better practitioners and more honest and reliable business people.The trick, if there is a trick, is not to rely on someone else’s blueprint or master plan, but instead discover your own source code.Business. It’s not something we have to do, it’s something we have the privilege of engaging.
Sep 6, 2023
12 min
029 Palpating Head Points • Jason Robertson.mp3
In this Shop Talk Jason Robertson discusses the importance of putting your hands on your patients heads to understand where physically the points actually are located.He draws from his experience with Dr Wang Ju-Yi in discussing how points are “jie” which you can think of as junctions or spaces, they’re notable by the way they feel. And this isn’t just for points on the head, but through the body. It’s helpful to put your hands on people and let the body tell you where the point is located.Dr. Wang had a special affinity for DU19 and DU21 and how they can be used for treating back pain and for issues that result from a failure of the clear yang to ascend.Clear diagnosis is the key to effective treatment and putting your hands on people both as a diagnostic and to find the most potent points is a practice that will serve you well in the clinic.You can find out more about Jason’s work at www.channelpalpation.orgAnd sign up for his hands on course in Chicago September 16, 2023
Aug 30, 2023
16 min
028 Considering and Using Ghost Points • Leta Herman
Leta Herman, co-founder of the Alchemy Learning Center, shares her insights into the world of the Thirteen Ghost Points, a mystical aspect of acupuncture that she has been practicing for almost two decades. These points, often overlooked or misunderstood, hold transformative potential but require a level of practitioner self-cultivation before their full power can be harnessed. Leta emphasizes that the Ghost Points act as liberators, clearing out accumulated emotional baggage and releasing stuck patterns, making them particularly valuable in our modern world. She advocates for a patient-centered approach, recommending starting with a few Ghost Points in a one-hour session to avoid overwhelming reactions, using a unique vibrating technique that can be needle-based or non-needle-based. Leta's approach involves bearing witness to the patient's experience and facilitating their transformative journey, making the Ghost Points a powerful tool for both personal growth and clinical practice.Learn more about Leta's classes at AlchemyLearningCenter.com.
Aug 23, 2023
14 min
026 Treating Chaotic Energy • Leta Herman
Join Leta Herman as she shares her perspective on why Chaotic Energy treatments (also known as Aggressive Energy) are so helpful in today's fast paced, modern world.In the past 20 years, Leta has witnessed a significant rise in CE due to increased world-wide stress, smartphones, wearables and a constant media exposure. Chaotic Energy spreads through the Ke cycle, affecting multiple organ systems and even contributing to severe illness.Symptoms of CE include mild to severe emotional agitations, anxieties, and physical discomforts–all related to Wei Qi circulation.In this ShopTalk, Leta describes how to treat CE with needles and with her own unique non-needling techniques. Treating CE has led to amazing results, from alleviating panic attacks to helping transform more severe illness as well as easing some of the more day-to-day stresses for many clients.
Aug 16, 2023
13 min
026 Learning Classical Chinese Blows Your Mind & Expands Your Toolchest
How and why could learning classical Chinese make you a better clinician? Here are a couple of possible reasons: Reading the Chinese medicine classics directly, instead of modern textbooks about them, facilitates a more direct and hence authentic transmission, thereby giving you maximum clarity and efficacy through precise diagnosis and treatments rooted in the Chinese medicine paradigm. It enriches your medical vocabulary by introducing you to concepts that simply don’t exist in Western languages or the biomedical paradigm, such as “Triple Burner” or “Gate of Life,” “Bi impediment syndrome,” or even Qi and Yin/Yang. By providing access to untranslated highly specialized information, it is certain to blow your mind and expand your tool chest.Last, but definitely not least, however, reading the classics will invariably remind you why you chose this path in the first place, rekindling your love for the Dao, reinspiring you and creating a space for not just professional but also personal cultivation, and for promoting virtue inside you, your community, and your patients. Emphasizing the lofty ideal of “harmonizing heaven and earth,” the classics call on us to practice Medicine with a capital M. -----------------------------Study Classical Chinese with Sabine, visit www.translatingchinesemedicine.com to learn more and register.Sabine has a wonderful collection of work that she's translated, visit Happy Goat Productions to add her books to your collections of treasure on Chinese medicine.Looking for a steady drip of thoughtful and clinically useful material and methods, sign on with the Imperial Tutor some nourishing mentoring.Love podcasts? Of course you do, you listen to Qiological! Sabine's new podcast A Pebble in the Cosmic Pond is a collaborative effort with Leo Lok and other friends. Tune it and enjoy! 
Aug 9, 2023
17 min
025  Sasang Constitution • Tracy Stewart
In this Shop Talk I’ll be sharing three reasons why I practice Sasang Medicine.Reason #1 Food firstThe condition of the constitution always affects treatment outcome, prevention, overall health and longevity.People vary in their balance and do not inherently all have strong constitutions. People need to nourish their weakness and not feed what is already too strong.Eating all 5 tastes equally balances your plate; not you!Example 1: someone with half their energy in the liver, will make their imbalance worse by eating any liver-building food at allExample 2: So-yang person eating a healthy diet for 70% of the population. Gets sick because they are not part of the 70%.Reason #2 Western medical research assumptionsClinical trials are statistical, what percentage get a positive outcome.The n-value, the number of people in the trial is a homogenous group because of inclusion/exclusion criteria. What does the data ALWAYS show?The mind has an effect on the bodyThe data proves the premise that the group is homogenous is wrongThe real problem is, if enough people have a good outcome and the bad stuff isn’t too bad, it is prescribed for everyone. Yet, the data does not support doing this.In Korea, clinical trials are conducted putting subjects in their constitutional groups to see if there are correlations between outcomes and constitution. They typically are, and there are lots of studies showing correlations between constitution and certain genetic markers.Reason #3 Food helpsI’ve been practicing prescribing diets for people for over 20 years. Almost every single person who follows their constitutional diet has improvements in their health.Of course there is much more to say about Korean Sasang Medicine and you can read more about it on my website, QiBalance.net.You also can sign-up for my Diagnosis Mentorship Program starting August 5th.But if you’re not ready for that, you can experience Sasang by ordering a dietary analysis for yourself. Or send your very sick patients who need support with their treatments for an analysis.
Aug 2, 2023
11 min
024 Qi Gong for Emotional Wellbeing • Chris Shelton
In this shoptalk on self-cultivation, Chris Shelton his perspective on the world of Qigong and its profound healing powers. Leaning on his experience of having Qigong profoundly change his life, he shares his practice that unites movement, breath, and mind-focus to harness the body's innate ability to heal.Chris explains how Qigong promotes the harmonious flow of qi, and addresses imbalances and blockages that lead to physical and emotional ailments. He highlights its transformative effect on stress reduction, chronic pain relief, and emotional well-being, making it indispensable for modern-day living.Chris showcases remarkable healing stories achieved through consistent Qigong practice. From alleviating anxiety and depression to supporting chronic illness recovery, the evidence speaks for itself about Qigong's profound effects.Additionally, Chris shares how the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies are using these ancient practices in their work.Explore Qigong's transformative capability by joining Chris for the Holistic Healthcare Provider Masterclass, which will give you tools to prevent burnout and grow your practice, (CA Acupuncture CEUs available), August 1-4. Go to qigongteachertraining.com to register today.
Jul 26, 2023
16 min
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