Pure Mind Magic
Pure Mind Magic
Jennifer S. Royal (JSR)
via Podcasts
Love the podcast
This podcast is great - always full of new insight. I stumbled upon it but so happy I did.
Victoria is MAGIC
What an original program! As a magician, Victoria shares a unique perspective to what makes people in business successful. She invites some amazing people onto her program as a guests as you join the conversation. Check this out!
Jason Linett
Magical Interview
Listeners will love how down-to-earth Victoria is, as her interviews flow seamlessly. She made me, as a guest, feel right at home, and I could have spoken for hours with her (in fact, I almost did!). Thank you, Victoria, for sharing your magic with the world. You're an inspiration to all listeners, especially those little girls who now have a female magician to aspire to be like. Your show is delightful! I recommend it to anyone interested in helping themselves get better. ;-)
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So digging this!!
I am a new subscriber and truly loving this podcast. Keep going!!!
Pure Magic Wisdom
I loved the podcast about the smartphone. It allowed me to see the possiblities of being free of this modern device that can keep me ungrounded and off target. I'm all about connecting and tuning in and I'm leaving my phone home more often now and I know it will open up more time to be and feel connected. Jennifer Urezzio Soul Language
Magic doesn't come out of a hat. It comesa out of you.
Victoria Mavis is a magician. Both in the sense that she stands on a stage and makes you wonder if what you're seeing is real--or magic. In her podcast, she wears a different hat (although this one is also full of tricks), that of an interviewer who manages to pull out the magic from her guests and always add a bit of sparkle and love. Let her take you away into her magical bag of spells and let that magic sink into your own mind.
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Fascinating show abou the magic of reality
Victoria applies her background as a stage magician and speaker to exploring concepts ranging from quantum mechanics to mindset to an exploration of success. Her perspective makes her guest interviews fascinating. This show also has the best podcast theme music I've ever heard. It feels like she's about to open a show at the Bellagio.
Loved It
I had a great time being interviewed by Victoria Mavis. She is fun, smart, and full of depth. I highely recommend this podcast!
By jefftinn
Keep up the good work. looking forward to seeing how this podcast evolves.