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What type of friend are you? Can you easily answer this question? If so, are you sure? Lol I know friend, most of us are pretty sure about what we think friendship is but are we right? Pure friendships are important and I truly believe that God intended for every friendship to be beneficial spiritually, mentally, and physically. The truth is, a lot of us are not sure of what it takes to build a pure friendship and on the contrary some people know what it takes and choose to not put in the work to fully unlock those benefits. A Pure Friendship is not just "true", it contains, builds, and offers everything the bible says about the fruit of the spirit. What if I told you that God has chosen specific people to place in the plan that He has for you to fulfill your purpose, prosper you, and to keep you from harm? Wouldn't this make for a promising future? The mission of Pure Friendships is to enlighten and cultivate people with the word of God as guidance to ultimately unify us in the most common relationship, friendship!