Psychedelic Salon
Psychedelic Salon
Lorenzo Hagerty
Podcast 428 – “Aliens from Hyperspace”
1 hour 21 minutes Posted Dec 23, 2014 at 11:29 am.
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Show notes
Guest speaker: Terence McKenna


[NOTE: All quotations are by Terence McKenna.]

“After you fiddle with psilocybin for a while the question of whether or not there is an alien intelligence becomes moot.”

“We are embedding ourselves in a matrix of silicone and glass.”

“ We are beginning to embed ourselves into a cultural membrane of some sort.”

“What is happening is a globalizing of intelligence.”

“The reductionists who want to say these drugs just perturb the brain I don't think have taken enough of these things.”

“Our problem is that we are in denial of our circumstance.”

“I think psilocybin three or four times a year definitely means that you are a psychedelic person. For sure it means that your every waking moment is informed and transformed by your relationship to this stuff. It doesn't take very much because it's a way of thinking.”

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