Welcome to Pseudo Adult Things ! The podcast where we learn to be adults together ! In honor of Women's history month we discuss some real world dilemmas that the modern women faces. Denisha contemplates the safety of ordering online birth control with us, while Adrienne questions what harsh realities she might face after obtaining a second job. Grab a drink and listen in with us to Pseudo Adult Things !
Mar 10, 2019
41 min

Welcome to Pseudo Adult Things, the podcast where we learn to be adults together ! This week Adrienne and Denisha discuss a range of things from paraben free products to how they each currently define success. It's a bit of a roller coaster episode, but then again it matches the reality of our pseudo adult lives. Join in and listen with a guest meow from baby Luna !
Feb 21, 2019
36 min

This week Adrienne tries to map out healthy boundaries while Denisha discuss safety tips for traveling and working in the city. Listen in and learn how to be adults with us !
Feb 7, 2019
55 min