PS to the BS Podcast

PS to the BS

Ashley Lynn
Life is tough. On this podcast, Ashley, a blonde, beach-loving Gen-Z, tackles the tough. Whether you’re looking for advice, a Christian worldview, or a candid opinion, ‘PS to the BS’ confronts the controversial in a fun & honest conversation. From faith and politics to peer-pressure and dating, tune in weekly to catch the insight you need to live your best life.
"My Body My Choice" | The Pro-Life Response
Whew!! If you couldn't tell, I am PASSIONATE about this topic. As a Christian, I 100% believe that the Bible is the ultimate source of truth. The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 that humankind is made in the image of God and that he has a PURPOSE for everything He creates (Proverbs 16:4). I've noticed that pro-life young adults and teenagers in high school & college circles are often nervous to audibly advocate for life. I hear that they feel they don't have a "valid" or "strong enough" argument to stand up for life in a generation that screams how women have the ultimate right to choose to end their baby's life if she wishes. This is FAR from the truth. By talking about this topic today, I hope to encourage you by giving you facts to back yourself up when popular pro-choice arguments are thrown your way. It's time to stand up for what you believe in during this period of history where Roe v. Wade and abortion are heavily discussed in our culture.  EVERYONE God creates has a PURPOSE (Jeremiah 1:5). A LIFE is a LIFE regardless of its LOCATION.  💡We are meant to be LIGHTS in this dark world (Matthew 5:16) - a world that pursues selfish ambition over protecting innocent life 💡 Ashley Personal Instagram: @ashley.wiersma Email: @[email protected] References:
May 18, 2022
12 min
Whispers & Coincidences | Post-College Reflection
HI!  So I honestly didn't know if I'd sit down and talk like this again. But I've received DMs, requests, and just felt a fresh desire to sit down and reflect on where I've been in the last 9 months. The person that I've become and the opportunities I've had all comes down to whispers- whispers from the Holy Spirit on my next step forward mixed with personal obedience. While I'm still learning to be content with only seeing 1 step ahead rather than 10, God has shown up in new ways and changed the landscape of my life. In this episode, I talk about the life changes I've experienced while going to college for the first time. New friends, a new job, a new relationship, a new church, new experiences... the list goes on. I'm really excited to be back and encourage you to take this summer to grow in whatever season you're in with God. You're here for a reason and I have no doubt He has great plans for your life. 1 John 5:14 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him." - Ash  Please feel free to request topics/prayer requests Personal Instagram: @ashley.wiersma Email: @[email protected]
May 9, 2022
15 min
Finding God // feat. Kelli Urquhart (my bsf)
Hi guys! Today's episode is SUPER special because I am joined by my first guest! Kelli is one of my best friends and literal day one. I've gotten to see God completely do a work in her life and today, she joins me to share her testimony. I hope you're able to see how God truly reaches out to everyone where they're at and wants you to run to Him with open arms. When you allow Him to, God will completely transform your life. Love you, Ash Please feel free to request topics/prayer requests on the PstotheBs Instagram! Shoot me a DM: @pstothebs Personal Instagram: @ashleylynn.w Kelli's Instagram: @kelliurquhartt All Peoples Church San Diego:
Aug 24, 2021
32 min
Who Are You Following? // Bearing Fruit In Christ
Hi guys! Today I address some of the little ways satan can work his way into your life and cause you to stumble. From Instagram images to Hollywood, apple iPhones, and music, evil is SO present in our society and expressing itself more than ever.  As Christians, we need to be aware of ourselves and who/what we choose to watch/listen to so that we can fight the small daily battles which will have large rewards in the end. When you have Jesus, you will be able to bear fruit (love, joy, peace patience, etc.) as long as you ground yourself and abide in a Christ-centered community, church, your Bible, active in prayer life, etc. I hope something in this episode speaks to you today and hope you know how loved you are.  **This is the FIRST episode to be recorded and available in video format on my YouTube Channel (Ashley Lynn)! Link below :) YouTube Video (Podcast) Link:  Will be available soon! Please feel free to request topics/prayer requests on the PstotheBs Instagram! Shoot me a DM: @pstothebs Personal Instagram: @ashleylynn.w
May 25, 2021
26 min
Numbness // Blocking out the Bible
Hi guys! I know it's a hot minute since I've uploaded but episodes will be much more consistent now that school ended for me!! :) Numb: This word has been on my heart for the last week or so. Like you, I'm busy. I love being busy, but constant work schedules, friends, school schedules, sports, etc. can really affect your priorities. Above all else, God should be your priority. In this episode, I talk about some ways to recognize how you've become numb to the Word of God. Maybe you don't want to think about your problems or address your emotions-  maybe you're mad at God or just not making time for Him because you're 'tired' and have forgotten your true purpose. I hope that after you listen to this episode, you are encouraged and learn some tips to help yourself get out of this "rut" mindset you might be in. I love you so much. Please feel free to request topics/prayer requests on the PstotheBs Instagram! Shoot me a DM: @pstothebs Personal Instagram: @ashleylynn.w
May 8, 2021
23 min
11:00 P.M. Ramble + Encouragement
Hi guys!  So I recorded this 2 days ago. It had been a roughhh day and honestly, kind of a rough week. Right after having a lil breakdown I decided to record a podcast episode at 11:00 p.m. haha Basically in this episode I open up about a couple of things I'm going through at the moment but also talk about why I can still be happy and have hope looking forward. God is SO GOOD and God is LOVE. A spirit of fear and weakness is not from God. I hope this episode shows you that you're not alone. We all have crappy days/weeks but we can have peace because of the love God gives us. Love you lots! -Ash PS to the BS Instagram: Personal Instagram: **don't be afraid to reach out with questions, podcast requests, feedback!**
Feb 9, 2021
16 min
19 Things I've Learned in 19 Years
Hi ya'll! Welcome to the second episode of PS to the BS! First of all, thank you so much for listening to my first episode and the amazing feedback! I'm so grateful and was super excited to upload again because of you :) Today is January 10, 2021, my 19th birthday! I feel so old hahaha. For the occasion, I thought it would be fun to do a more light-hearted episode on some of the things that I've learned in the last 19 years.  Some are silly, some more serious. I hope that you find this fun to listen to. Love you lots! -Ash PS to the BS Instagram: Personal Instagram:
Jan 11, 2021
23 min
The Importance of being Intentional in 2021
Hi ya'll! Welcome to my first official podcast episode! I couldn't think of a better way to launch than to do so for the New Year! I'm so excited to be moving into 2021 and wanted to share my word of the year, "Intentional," and why I chose this word.  I chose 10 top things that I am going to be intentional about this year to share with you.  I hope this encourages and motivates you to think of a word and maybe some goals of your own!  I can't wait to continue sharing my PS to the BS in the episodes to come ;) Please feel free to request topics on the PstotheBs Instagram! Shoot me a DM: @pstothebs Personal Instagram: @ashleylynn.w
Jan 1, 2021
23 min
PS to the BS: Trailer
PS to the BS official trailer!
Nov 18, 2020
2 min