Prophetic Pilgrimage with Jason Dunaway Podcast

Prophetic Pilgrimage with Jason Dunaway

Jason Dunaway is a husband and father who serves in his local church. He has written his first book called Navigating the Prophetic. He currently leads prophetic ministry teams at his local church in Birmingham, Alabama called Oak City Church.
Podcast by Jason Dunaway is a husband and father who serves in his local church. He has written his first book called Navigating the Prophetic. He currently leads prophetic ministry teams at his local church in Birmingham, Alabama called Oak City Church.
Navigating the Prophetic Series: Authenticity
Authenticity. What does it mean to be authentic when we prophesy? This week, we take a look at how we can be as genuine as possible when we share prophetic utterances and how we can reveal the heart of the Father as we walk in authentic sonship in the prophetic.
Sep 23, 2020
9 min
Navigating the Prophetic Series: Perfect Love
I am excited to begin a new podcast series from my latest book called "Navigating the Prophetic" that was released in back in October. This book and the things that I share from it have been such a launching pad for me in my personal growth in the gift of prophecy. Today, I shared the inspiration behind the book and went through the first chapter. Join me on this journey of growth!
Jul 15, 2020
15 min
God's Heart On Racism
This week, I want to share what I have gathered from the heart of the Father on the issue of racism in our country. When we present our misunderstandings to Him and ask to Him show us the truth of what He says about the issue of racism, vandalism, activism, and every other from of hatred, it actually teaches us to lean and pray into it. Let's go!
Jun 22, 2020
27 min
Citizens of Heaven with Allison Michel
On this podcast, Jason hosts Allison Michel, the author of her book called Citizens of Heaven. She tells of her testimony and her encounter with the Lord that changed the trajectory of her life forever. Jason talks with her about her book, what it's about, and what inspired her to write it. They also get into the topic of what it truly means to be a citizen of heaven.
Jun 5, 2020
51 min
The Gift Of Discernment
Today, Jason's topic is on discernment. In order to operate in that in such a way that reveals the heart of the Father, we need to define it, discuss the pitfalls of it, talk about ways God uses us through this gift and the goal of discernment. In this episode we take a look at the encounter King Solomon has with God in 1 Kings 3.
Apr 30, 2020
19 min
The Importance of Prophecy in Difficult Times
On this weeks podcast, Jason gives us some key points as to why and how the gift of prophecy is essential to us and those around us in the times we are living in right now. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will come and dwell in us for our sake and those around us so that we can really dig into what God is wanting to say. Let's rejoice in the truth that we have that access. Enjoy!
Apr 11, 2020
15 min
Hearing God in Worship with Bill Baldwin
On today's episode, Jason hosts Bill Baldwin. He is an author a book called "Rebound", speaker, and has been a church leader for over forty years since the age of 21. He has planted four churches. You may have heard of his son, Josh Baldwin who is a worship leader at Bethel in Redding, California. Today, Bill shares how he began the call on his life and how God led him in that direction. They also discussed how being in God's presence and worship it's a launching pad to hearing the Father speak.
Mar 24, 2020
41 min