Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton
Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton
Rachael Troughton
Property Solopreneur with Rachael Troughton
Rachael Troughton
Property Solopreneur is for entrepreneurs who want to create financial freedom through their property portfolio whilst learning what it takes to create a sustainable, professional business. You want to understand the right way to go about sourcing investments and the best way to work with everyone involved from builders to bankers. You have it in you to make money by building a profitable business, and want to learn everything about build to buy, build to let and property development. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to become a successful property solopreneur. Hosted by Rachael Troughton, who built her first multi-million pound portfolio as a busy army wife moving 19 times. This is the show for you to feel knowledgable, confident and supported in going from your first viewing to a thriving property business.
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± 12 days
Latest episode
12 days ago
May 12
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