Those who know me now that I am painfully practical. I love to give advice, and study theoretic's, but when it comes to it there is no substitute for practical experience. Today we are going to talk about five concrete ways you can make money this month as a freelancer.
Mar 16, 2020
8 min
Going down the rabbit hole. That is exactly what every business owner wants when they setup a click funnel. Never heard of it? Well it is a fun little marketing thing devised to make you go deeper and deeper into your marketing material until you hit your client with that ultimate push to purchase something, and it works very well if you do it correctly. Today we discuss click funnels and what they are.
Mar 16, 2020
4 min
The time comes when you need to figure out your social media strategy. How are you going to go about building your brand so that clients can find you, rather than you needing to go out in search of them. Social media is very important in today’s world. With that being said we are going to discuss how you can build your social media process and grow your brand.
Mar 15, 2020
9 min
As a freelancer you need to have confidence bordering on cocky. No, this is not because you think that you may be better than others. This is because you know what you want and are confidant enough to go after it. Let’s talk today about confidence!
Mar 14, 2020
9 min
Ah good old branding. It is the number one way to make any mediocre business worth big bucks. Let’s talk about how to brand your business for maximum success!
Mar 13, 2020
8 min
So many mistakes were made along the way of me becoming a freelancer! Today let’s talk about 6 mistakes that I made so that you don’t have to!
Mar 12, 2020
12 min
So. Getting your first job is very important because You are largely untested. Let’s discuss some easy ways to standup and get called back to work!
Mar 10, 2020
8 min
So budgeting is one of those things that seem extremely simple in theory but in practice... well not so much. As a new freelancer you may find that sometimes those dry spells last a touch longer than what you are comfortable with. Today we are going to launch in with the first part of a series on budgeting for freelancers. Let's discuss mindsets and why it is important to prepare yourself for budgeting.
Mar 6, 2020
4 min
At one point in your career you are going to make a client unhappy. It happens to the best of us, what separates professionals from amateurs in how we deal with that client. Let’s discuss some ways to handle an angry client.
Mar 5, 2020
0 sec
Being a freelancer is a pretty lonely job sometimes. You are doing everything by yourself, from selling your jobs to finalizing you gigs and getting paid. Sometimes it gets tiresome, but there are some ways to get past it. Let’s talk about some ways to cope with working alone.
Mar 4, 2020
5 min
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