Pretty.Happy.And.Thick Podcast


Pretty Happy And Thick is bi-weekly podcast that will help with transformation of the plus size community go from FAT bitch to DAT bitch. join us as we have small talks to motivate and empower plus size women to step out our comfort zone and level up on all levels throughout this podcast we will be using the hashtags #Letstalkaboutit, #Butwhy, #Problemsforwhat, #Youcannever #Thickumsoftheweek . help Us talk about relationship, dating ,sex,fashion, breaking news and more. Please Follow Us: @prettyhappyandthick on Instagram AND Email: [email protected] with any questions
Cheers to the new year!!!!
Join Thickums shake ground, your way into 2022. Focusing on the four main areas of your life - your home, body, mind, and soul - you will close a chapter and define what comes next. What boundaries do you want to set? What self-care practices are coming with you? Everything that came your way this year brought you to this place. Tune in to actively participate in the creation of your life.
Jan 3, 2022
17 min
Let’s catch up
Big goals popping
Mar 5, 2021
10 min
(Suicide prevention)
The month of September is suicide prevention month but everyday we’re fighting to see another day. What if i told you that Social and personal connections can help us live longer. Tune in for tips and advice on how you can prevent another suicide.  Please remember that you’re not alone. The national Suicide prevention number is 18002738255. 24/7
Sep 29, 2020
20 min
Never a side chick
Thickums NEVER lower your standards to be anybody side chick! We as women hold the power and should be loved out loud. Never be a fool or anyone secret! You’re either the girlfriend or wife but never the mistress 💕
Sep 1, 2020
19 min
“Thickums Regaining ConfiDANCE”
In true confidence style taking back what belongs to me. Learning to uplift myself in the smallest way possible. Taking back what was taken from me. Each day, will be a different obstacle that I will over come and in the possible learning to put me first in today’s crazy world.
Jun 15, 2020
28 min
P.H.A.T Intro
A refreshing podcast by two friends that met in graduate school. You’ll have Lots laughter, advice, inspirational topics and stories. We will  provide weekly inspiration to encourage women to have self confidence, and shine brighter! Taking the time to create and experience self awareness is the best thing you can do for yourself, and we’re showing you how today.
Jun 1, 2020
14 min