Pretty Little Lies Podcast

Pretty Little Lies

Anju Kurien
I write, I read, I narrate, I draw, I sing, you decide what you like best...
Love Anju
It is hardest to be happy in tough times but I believe otherwise...
Mar 17, 2021
4 min
Mercy Mummy
This is a long but it is a very special one.
Feb 16, 2021
6 min
Plastic hope for the hopeless
What would a star say to a moon? What would I who was a kid say to the moon? What would he reply?
Jan 13, 2021
1 min
Floating in the limitless sea... Books..
I forgot I used to write poems like these. I wrote them a really long time and while cleaning up my cupboard I found a treasure trove earmarked for me.
Jan 13, 2021
54 sec
So this is the recovering of another self, I guess...
I just read out some stuffs I have written. Something I have been working on for a really long time but something which has not materialised yet.
Jan 6, 2021
4 min
Gonna start a podcast...
I am a very unplanned soul and this is my very first raw piece of brainspewing. You might not find this productive but I guess I just want a space where I can express myself. And so this is it.
Jan 3, 2021
2 min