Pray Send Go Podcast

Pray Send Go

Bethel Church & Ministries
A missions podcast from Bethel Church in Crown Point, IN
Jesus experienced more shame than we could ever imagine. There He is on the cross, bearing the weight of our shame. And the Accuser is laughing and revelling. But, little does Satan know how God will defend His only begotten Son. Oh, how God will get the glory when Jesus breaks the bonds of death and raises to life! The one who will eternally bear shame will not be Jesus, it will be Satan. music: "Raw Umber" by Podington Bear - (
Apr 3, 2020
1 min
Isaiah was God’s faithful servant who ministered to Israel despite mockery and rejection. And yet, the words he writes in this portion of Isaiah point to a future servant - One who would be obedient and would set his face like flint towards Jerusalem. Jesus gave his back to those who struck him, and he gave his cheeks to those who pulled out his beard. Though people heaped shame and disgrace upon him, he was in the end not disgraced but vindicated by God in heaven. All of this should lead us to trust in the name of the Lord and rely on God. music: "Toil" by Podington Bear - (
Apr 3, 2020
1 min
As David writes Psalm 110, he understands the power that a king wields. Yet, even in the very first verse he recognizes that there are powers greater than him. He calls Yahweh LORD, and then writes that Yahweh has given authority to another Lord that sits at His right hand. This is none other than Jesus, and all of David's power and might sung about in Psalm 110 is only a faint echo of the superior power and ultimate Kingship of Jesus. On the cross Jesus dies with a crown of thorns and "King of the Jews" written above His head. But when He returns He will come riding on a white horse with fury and justice in His eyes. After evil is forever vanquished, we will reign with Him forever. music: "Solo Guitar Two" by Tapes and Tubes - (
Apr 3, 2020
1 min
RE|FOCUS DAY 2: Darkness
We go from dust to darkness. Abram is afraid of the dreadful darkness because he is a sinner, but God makes a covenant that dispels his fear. In the midst of the darkness, God Himself walks through the sacrifice, representing His commitment to bring pain upon Himself in order to keep His covenant to Abram. All of this foreshadows the day when God will sacrifice Himself on the cross, surrounded by a dark foreboding sky. God's covenant love lights up the darkness, and we celebrate that love which was hinted to Abram and shouted clearly in Jesus Christ. music by Adam Butler -
Apr 2, 2020
1 min
RE|FOCUS DAY 4: Priest
All of the priests in the Old Testament were only a dim shadow of Jesus our High Priest. Where they failed, Jesus succeeded. He offered the perfect sacrifice - His own body on the cross, and we know that His sacrifice was accepted because on the third day He was raised to life. music: "Brightening" by Podington Bear -
Apr 2, 2020
3 min
RE|FOCUS DAY 3: Passover
Passover was so important for the Jewish people that it re-ordered their calendar. During Passover, God delivered His people by accepting the sacrifice of a spotless lamb. As sinners, the Israelites deserved to face God's punishment, not a lamb. But this is a clear type of the One Spotless Lamb who would die in our place, whose blood would cover our sins and allow us to live free in worship of God. Music by Ambient Reflections -
Apr 2, 2020
2 min
Dust represents our frailty. It is a reminder that we were under the curse of sin, but Jesus redeemed us from that curse.
Apr 2, 2020
1 min