Powerful Communication Podcast Podcast

Powerful Communication Podcast

The Powerful Communication podcast from Comsteria is an essential listen for businesses, brands, comms teams and public relations professionals. We cover every aspect of communication - from social media and websites, video production and podcasts, to traditional media relations, interviews, presentation skills and much more. If you've got something to say and want to say it better, and if you're interested in the fast moving world of corporate communications - this is the podcast for you. Fast moving, jargon free, opinionated and dedicated to helping you in the course of your work.
Are you setting goals? Or are you putting limits on your success?
This #powerfulcommunication podcast from Comsteria is inspired by something Ange Postecoglou said just before he left Celtic earlier this summer. Have a listen and get in touch if your business or comms team needs our help! From media training, video, podcasts and presentation skills..to crisis comms, strategy and social media - we can put together the support you need.
Jul 21, 2023
5 min
2 media outlets you should get familiar with.
Rule number 1 of better relationships with the media - consume more media. Comsteria's media trainer Colin Kelly discusses 2 new outlets he thinks you should get familiar with. Visit our website for more #powerfulcommunication and media relations advice.
Jun 6, 2023
2 min
Media strategy advice for the Scottish Government
I think the Scottish Government needs to up its game when it comes to dealing with the media around the Scottish Parliament right now. Some of this advice will help other organisations dealing with hostile journalists. If you need media training or crisis communications advice, get in touch with Colin Kelly at Comsteria by calling 0141 628 8228 or visit www.comsteria.co.uk
May 19, 2023
9 min
Media training tip - the concession
Have you ever had an argument with your partner where you start off arguing about something seemingly quite small and it then escalates? Previous issues from the past resurface and the whole thing ends up much bigger than you ever believed possible. You wonder how you got there. Often these arguments are resolved when one or both parties realise what's actually happening. You think the issue is over an intepretation of the facts, but in some cases, what's really at stake is not so much what you've done but rather, how you've made the other party feel. You're convinced the facts are on your side. But the other person is still upset and continually pointing out your interpretation of the facts isn't going to make them feel any better. This sometimes happens with large organisations and there's a technique you can use in media interviews, statements and social media that might help. Listen now and get in touch if your organisation needs help with media interviews, public relations and crisis comms. Visit us online at www.comsteria.co.uk Or call 0141 628 8228.
May 12, 2023
5 min
Can I make ChatGPT recommend my business?
You probably know where your business appears on Google for specific keywords. But what happens if a potential customer asks ChatGPT or another AI chatbot about your business? Here's a quick test you can try.
May 11, 2023
5 min
Your half assed blog is costing you business
https://www.comsteria.co.uk If you have a company blog, makes sure you use it! Keep it updated regularly, don't have a few posts from 5 years ago and nothing up-to-date and relevant now. As I consider whether to put my trust in you and buy from you, your blog is a key channel I will explore. More on this - including a true story from the weekend -  on the latest Comsteria #powerfulcommunication podcast.
May 8, 2023
4 min
When will artificial intelligence and remote working make PR cheaper?
Hi I'm Colin Kelly. This is the #powerfulcommunication podcast from Comsteria. You can keep up to date with us at Comsteria.co.uk. If you're interested in podcast or video production, Instagram Reels and Tik Tok or media relations training or crisis comms, then we're here for you. Comsteria.co.uk with our communications training and consultancy. Today I want to talk about artificial intelligence in small business and marketing and public relations. You know that it's not so much the reality that's important but rather the perception. I think the perception is that you're already using these artificial intelligence tools like chat GPT and the rest, and that you have at least some element of homeworking or flexible working or remote working. And as a result of COVID the office has shrunk or maybe even closed completely or relocated, but that you've got at least some of your staff, some of the time working from home and that you're using these AI tools.   So that's the perception and the question then is well why aren't your prices coming down? Why is it not cheaper? If we've got this amazing tool - and remember that the clients will have played around with it themselves. They've used it and they've seen it and they've heard about it. So if we've got this amazing tool that can create content so much quicker and without you having to be involved, well then why has the cost not come down?   When we look at technological advances in every other area of society, the cost comes down. So when is it coming down in PR, small businesses and marketing? And how much is it coming down by? And who will move first? And if you're not going to do that, if this tool and this remote working isn't going to make it cheaper, well then why not and what will you be saying to your clients in order to justify that? I'd love to know what you think you can catch up with us at comsteria.co.uk  
Apr 26, 2023
2 min
3 Ways To Share Information
Colin Kelly has another Powerful Communication podcast. In this episode, we look at how your organisation might share information. You could take a technical approach where you share the root document. You might make it memorable, prioritising the information and perhaps building a mnemonic or 'chunking' it down into a rule of 3, or could you use emotion to get your point across? Have a listen and remember to subscribe to get all our future episodes as they're published. Find out more about Comsteria and how we can help you with media training, crisis comms, podcast production, smartphone video and more.
Mar 30, 2023
3 min
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