Portuguese from Portugal Podcast

Portuguese from Portugal

Portuguese from Portugal
Learn and practice the Portuguese language from Portugal, spoken by a native Portuguese speaker.
Today's topic is "Lua".A Lua é o único satélite natural da Terra e o quinto maior do Sistema Solar.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/lua/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Nov 5, 2020
17 min
Today's topic is "Sol".O Sol é a estrela central do Sistema Solar.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/sol/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Oct 13, 2020
18 min
Today's topic is "Praxe".O termo “praxe” é o nome atribuído a um ritual de iniciação dos novos alunos.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/praxe/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Jun 16, 2020
22 min
Pandemia COVID-19
Today's topic is "Pandemia COVID-19".A pandemia COVID-19 é uma pandemia em curso de COVID-19, uma doença respiratória.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/pandemia-covid-19/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Apr 12, 2020
26 min
Today's topic is "Azulejo".O termo azulejo designa uma peça de cerâmica de pouca espessura, geralmente, quadrada, em que uma das faces é vidrada.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/azulejo/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Apr 4, 2020
26 min
Gastronomia de Portugal
Today's topic is "Gastronomia de Portugal".A alimentação portuguesa mostra influências atlânticas e também mediterrânicas.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/gastronomia-de-portugal/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Jan 23, 2020
20 min
Today's topic is "Natal".Natal ou Dia de Natal é um feriado e festival religioso cristão que se comemora anualmente a 25 de dezembro.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/natal/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Dec 26, 2019
21 min
Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês
Today's topic is "Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês".Único Parque Nacional em território Português, situa-se no extremo noroeste de Portugal.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/parque-nacional-da-peneda-geres/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Dec 19, 2019
25 min
Today's topic is "Bolo-rei".Bolo-rei é um bolo típico português que se come tradicionalmente entre o Natal e o Dia de Reis.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/bolo-rei/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Dec 5, 2019
25 min
Palácio de Mateus
Today's topic is "Palácio de Mateus".O Palácio de Mateus está situado na freguesia de Mateus, concelho de Vila Real, Distrito de Vila Real.Make sure to check out https://www.portuguesefromportugal.com/articles/palacio-de-mateus/ for the full article text, audio, grammar highlights and questions. While there you can see our other articles too.
Nov 28, 2019
19 min
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