Let's Talk Spine-Chilling Podcast

Let's Talk Spine-Chilling

Garcia Bros
We will talk about horror topics. That's about it. Disturbing content, horrifying stories, a little bit of everything that might creep you the hell out. If you do not like creepy shit and get uneasy hearing about it, why are you here? If you are into this and are probably as psychotic as I am, take a seat, relax, and enjoy as I talk about horror and ultimately lose my sanity.
Ghost Sightings Caught In The UK | I'm Back! | August 2, 2022
Today we look at articles talking about ghost sightings caught in the UK. I am back after 3 years and glad to talk about topics I have a wide interest in.
Aug 3, 2022
26 min
Podcast #1 - It Chapter 2, Hit me wit that Pennywise!
This is our first podcast and we wanted to talk about it chapter 2 and what good can come out of it!
Jul 31, 2019
18 min