In this week’s podcast, host and Knoxville DUI attorney Steve Oberman presents Part 3 of a podcast series explaining some of the Collateral Consequences that result from a Tennessee DUI conviction. The purpose of this series is to summarize some, but certainly not all, of the lesser known consequences one faces if convicted of […]
Jul 27, 2020
5 min

In this week’s podcast, host and Knoxville DUI attorney Steve Oberman provides a summary of Expungement laws in Tennessee. While this podcast provides an overview of the Tennessee Expungement laws, Steve, Sara, and AZ are happy to address any questions you have and can be reached by calling (865) 249-7200. You can also find a […]
Jul 6, 2020
8 min

In this week’s podcast, host and Knoxville DUI attorney Steve Oberman presents Part 2 of a podcast series explaining some of the Collateral Consequences that result from a Tennessee DUI conviction. The purpose of this series is to summarize some, but certainly not all, of the lesser known consequences one faces if convicted of […]
Mar 26, 2012
5 min

Citizens charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Tennessee often understand the Tennessee DUI penalties, such as large fines, mandatory jail time, roadside litter pick-up, and loss of driver’s license. However, few are aware of the collateral consequences associated with a Tennessee DUI conviction. Collateral consequences are problems and difficulties experienced as a result […]
Nov 21, 2011
6 min

Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officers across the state are kicking off “Operation Dry Water,” part of a nationwide crackdown on Boating Under the Influence (BUI) cases. From mid June 2011 until the end of summer, Tennessee wildlife officers and other law enforcement are spending extended hours on Tennessee’s lakes and waterways on the lookout for […]
Jun 27, 2011
6 min

Have you ever seen a law enforcement officer examining the eyes of a motorist along the roadside or on television? Ever wonder what the officer is looking for? The officer is most likely administering one of the three standardized field sobriety tests to help determine if the motorist is impaired. In this week’s podcast, host […]
Jun 13, 2011

Have you driven by a police officer watching someone balancing on one leg on the side of the road? Then you’ve likely observed someone taking the One Leg Stand test. The One Leg Stand field sobriety test is one of three tests standardized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and used by law enforcement […]
Jun 2, 2011
5 min

Every day, law enforcement officers must decide whether to arrest a suspect for DUI. They have to determine whether the person’s ability to drive is impaired below normal or whether their blood alcohol content exceeds the legal limit of .08%. One of the tools they use is the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) battery recognized […]
May 8, 2011

The criminal justice system can be confusing and overwhelming to those who are not familiar with the procedures. In this week’s podcast, Steve Oberman provides an introduction to the Tennessee criminal justice system and procedures. It may also be helpful to review www.duiknoxville.com/tennesseecourtprocedures, which provides a helpful flowchart of these same court procedures. Additional information […]
Apr 13, 2011

You see them on TV, you may even see people attempting them on the side of the road. Comedians call them “Stupid People tricks,” but field sobriety tests have existed as long as the enforcement of DUI laws. In this week’s podcast, host Steve Oberman will discuss the history and development of the standardized field […]
Mar 31, 2011
7 min
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