Podcast – Real Food Whole Health
Podcast – Real Food Whole Health
RFWH53: Overcoming Anxiety and IBS to Become a Health Coach, Tips and Tricks for Feeding Your Family Real Food, Getting Kids On Board with Healthy Changes with Guest, Michelle Pfenninghaus
1 seconds Posted Mar 24, 2016 at 1:06 am.
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Episode 53

In this episode, we’re talking about healing from overwhelming stress, anxiety and IBS to become a health coach, sharing tips and tricks for feeding your family real food, including getting kids on board with healthier options and so much more with guest, Michelle Pfenninghaus.


From this episode:

Michelle’s website, Find Your Balance Health

Michelle’s Story
My Health Story
A Guide to Choosing Healthy Fats
A Guide to Choosing Healthy Meats
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Kieth
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
Real Food: What To Eat and Why by Nina Planck
RFWH11: Eating Well During Stressful Times, Why 100% Can Make The Difference, Real Food and Kids with Guest, Erin Smith
RFWH25: Kitchen Ninja Tips and Tricks- Transitioning Kids to Real Food, Meal Planning, Batch Cooking, Save Time and Stress Less to Get Healthy Real Food on the Table FAST with Guest, Orleatha Smith
Meal-by-Meal Cheat Sheet
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The post RFWH53: Overcoming Anxiety and IBS to Become a Health Coach, Tips and Tricks for Feeding Your Family Real Food, Getting Kids On Board with Healthy Changes with Guest, Michelle Pfenninghaus appeared first on Real Food Whole Health.