Pod and Tears
Pod and Tears
JimSardonic & Shaggrath
A Blood Bowl podcast dedicated to the ps4 league Blood and Tears, and it's many great inhabitants. Topics range from securing three die blocks to british dicks. Probably not safe for work, probably not safe for home. Definitely safe for the blood bowl pitch! Many thanks to Gooner for editing this episode!
Ep25: In Search of our Topic, with Jryda
In which our intrepid band of heroes... Well. There's no way to put this one lightly. We failed entirely to talk about our main topic. Some of us forgot how to use a microphone. Everyone pooped themselves. It was a bit of a disaster. But like, a good and fun sort of disaster.
Feb 22, 2020
2 hr 24 min
Ep24: Up till dawn with Gimlik
This week our band of weary travelers find themselves assaulted with six months of darkness, so they do the only logical thing they can think of. Wake up Gimlik at 3am to record the podcast!
Feb 15, 2020
2 hr 5 min
Ep23: Popping Cherries with Shaggrath and Bob and Gooner
In which our heroes take a good hard look in the mirror, and ask themselves questions. HOST BECOMES GUEST. THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US! Bob & Gooner joined in, because they like making dick jokes too. Onannia ate a lot of poisoned cherries, but not like Snow White poison, more like 80's hair metal Poison.
Feb 5, 2020
2 hr 30 min
Ep22: Enhancing your Blood Bowl, with BlueMaxx
In which our heroes reband, and are asked -- do you want to take the red pill, or the Bluemaxx pill? The red pill was said to be placebo, but the blue one would give ALL THE RIGHT ENHANCEMENTS. So please excuse the weird boners during this episode.
Jan 21, 2020
2 hr 12 min
Ep21: The Lair of the Goblin King Yudlugar
In which Jim was abandoned by BOTH Onannia and Shaggrath -- but luckily was able to call in special guest Co-Hosts SeriousJest and MoreShots for an amazing battle of wits with a sleep deprived and liquored up Goblin King! He tells exploits of sex (Tshirts), Love (Goblins) and Rock and Roll (Kylver) -- don't miss this one!
Jan 16, 2020
2 hr 49 min
Ep20: Exploring the fuzzy hole, with Bob and Gooner
In which our triumphant triad suffer without fearless knight Shaggrath -- indisposed due to holidays, but filled in for admirably by SeriousJest! The trio fly forehead-first into a just utterly catastrophic wall of crazy words like "furries" and "forehead job" and "fuzzy holes" all thanks to the straight to dvd version of Bill and Ted -- Bob and Gooner.
Dec 31, 2019
2 hr 51 min
Ep19: Periscoping the Butthole, with RJ Carrot!
Our merry band of adventurers have caught a nasty case of burnout! Luckily for them, RJCarrot is on the case, and willing to educate them on the finer points of saying "fuck this entirely". Special thanks to Mrs Shaggrath, who's vivacious wit and cutting sarcasm added a surprise element of joy to this episode!
Dec 31, 2019
2 hr 13 min
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