Play Hard Podcast

Play Hard

Muchmore Gaming
Play Hard is a video game podcast brought to you by Play Hard covers the latest hot topics, breaking news, and opinions surrounding games, gamers, and the greater gaming community.
Play Hard, Episode 4: WildStar, It's A Thing! (Part 2)
WildStar has finally launched! We had so much left over to talk about from our last episode that we continued the conversation on this episode! WildStar is live, it's epic, and most definitely WildStar is in fact, a thing!
Jun 12, 2014
1 hr 3 min
Play Hard, Episode 3: WildStar, It's A Thing!
WildStar has been in a closed beta for players that pre-ordered the game the past 6 weeks, so we go in-depth with our experience in the beta. We had a general discussion on the beta which covered the good and bad, we talked about characters, races, classes, factions, the questing system, the path system, and more!
May 8, 2014
1 hr 5 min
Play Hard, Episode 2: We Pre-Ordered
In this episode we discuss some of the big topics out there in the gaming world, including: Warlords of Draenor pre-orders, WildStar pre-orders, the announcement of Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion pack - Galactic Strongholds, news out of the Game Developers conference, and more!
Mar 30, 2014
54 min
Play Hard, Episode 1: OMG We Have A Podcast!
In this episode we cover a variety of topics including the closure of Irrational Games, the Titanfall beta, Star Citizen, World of Warcraft, EverQuest Next: Landmark alpha and more!
Feb 22, 2014
58 min