Planner Girl Chatter
Planner Girl Chatter
Planner Girl Chatter
via Podcasts
Love this podcast!
I love this podcast! I appreciate how real and down to earth they are and there’s a great mix of mostly planner talk with other stuff sprinkled in. They have introduced me to some new shops, too (I may or may not have dropped $80 at Moore Avenue as soon as I learned about them on this podcast). There are a lot of planning podcasts out there and I’m really glad I found this one.
I love the realness Jamie and Colleen bring in the show! They speak about the planner community in such a refreshing way, and I love hearing their perspectives. Also enjoying the new segments of trying new shops, can’t wait to hear your Black Friday swap!
My favorite planner podcast
I sometimes get behind on podcast listening so I recently binged a half dozen or so of Planner Girl Chatter and was reminded of how much I really enjoy this podcast and the ladies hosting it. I love the planner product recommendations, the interviews they do, the shop reviews and information they provide about the planner community in general. I also enjoy it when they go down rabbit holes discussing non-planner related topics, like books and advent calendars! ;) Keep up the great work, ladies!
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What happened?
I used to really like this podcast, but the in the last few months the ladies are really negative. If you don’t like the planner community, why stay in it? And negative overall - no matter the topic. Time to switch to a happier podcast for 2022!
Love them...the realness...and of course the planner talk!
Mixed feelings.
I liked the topic they discuss but they seem to really look down on the planner community and feels very negative. Idk maybe it’s the episodes I’ve listen to. Also I know it’s marked as Explicit but it just feels unnecessary. Cursing just for the sake of cursing. I’d like to able to listen to it around the house but won’t because of my small’s planners...why do we need to curse lol.
Live for this podcast
This is my go to every morning. It helps me start my day off with a great laugh because my coworkers can’t relate to my planner obsession. I learn about so many new things. Keep up the good work.
Like it but...
I think the ladies would do better to stick to discussing planners and skip the cussing & pretending like they are throwing shade at each other. It’s gotten tiresome. One of the three in particular loves to do this and she is irritating!
My planning spirit guides
I love everything you’re doing, please keep everything ab your language, I’m a mom, I put on headphones and work, and you say the words i might be feeling! Sometimes I send the podcast link to the shops I’m friends with that y’all like and mention. - canon from the cheeky darling shop
what the Heidi Swapp ?!
love your podcast. the whole proprietary rings thing is a mess!! i seriously LOL'd. keep the hilarious ness coming :-)
Stop Cursing...
Good information on the ones I’ve heard. However the continuous unnecessary cursing is a huge turn off to the podcast.
I enjoy it
I'm new to the planner world and recently discovered this podcast. So glad I did. I'm learning a lot about the planner world/community that I never knew existed. I think the hosts have very good chemistry and they all seem like naturals at this. All are very good at public speaking which I appreciate. I wish I lived in Arizona so I could go to a meetup, because these ladies sound like a lot of fun.
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Real AF
This podcast is an opportunity to hang out every week with three of my favorite people in the planner community. If you need cheering up or a good laugh, they provide it consistently!
Jesse Baldo
Fun show!
Great show. Fun to listen to these three talk about this hobby! I look forward to new episodes.
These ladies are funny and so real. I looked for a podcast about planners because of pictures I saw on Pinterest. I wanted to get into creative planning but didn’t want to waste my time or money. Listening to this podcast has been so helpful and encouraging. I am learning a lot and buying a lot 😆 but I feel like I found a place to be me and to understand the love I’ve always had for stationery products.
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Wish it were cleaner
I like the content, but just can’t do with all the cussing.
This is a great podcast! I wish they would do a podcast about how to begin a planner and what shops to get stickers or brand of stickers they use.
Glad I found this
This podcast is great and has opened my eyes to other types of planners, things I can use my planner for, and social aspects of the planner community that I didn’t know existed. Someone mentioned in a review that they found the cursing distasteful, but I honestly was relieved to hear a few curse words because I had this idea in my head that other planner addicts were perfect and serious and would never get along with me, and now I’m thinking of starting a meetup of my own since there are none in my area.
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Wish there was less cursing
I like the content but the cursing doesn't add anything but annoyance and it limits where I can listen and who I can listen with. I know you marked it explicit but it just seems so unnecessary to have the cursing at all.
It is a great podcast to hear what is going on in the planner world