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Zippy Distributors: Creating awareness for Palaweno Brewery ( Part 1) - episode of Plane63 podcast

Zippy Distributors: Creating awareness for Palaweno Brewery ( Part 1)

27 minutes Posted Sep 2, 2020 at 3:56 pm.
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This podcast and all upcoming podcasts will always begin by asking the following question. This question defines what this podcast is about and here it is.

What needs to be done to redefine  Philippine products to become more successful in the U.S. market and beyond?

As the world revolves and time keeps ticking away so to speak ... we all are facing challenges that can sometimes be overwhelming. But I find that in everything or scenario that can be perceived as bad you can find also goodness and opportunity. Our show today is touching on the subject of opportunity, progression,  going with your gut, and making things happen by action NOT JUST knowledge. Today,  we are introducing to all of you out there an amazing product from the Philippines and the husband and wife distribution team called zippy distributors taking charge of distributing that product in the entire state of  California, United States.

Before we dive into that…… I want to say that there is so much content out there right now and you chose us right at this moment to listen to us……..thank you very much.

I am your grateful host FERDINAND SORIANO of PLanet63 and joining me today is my co-host CRAIG OBLIGACION WILSON/film producer, community leader, entrepreneur, and just one helluva nice guy.  Welcome to this episode of  PHILIPPINE PRODUCTS REDEFINED by Planet63 PODCAST.

Before we tell you who our guests are, let's bring into the conversation my co-host Craig Obligacion Wilson aka "the derby one".  How are you, Craig? (Craig responds) You get the honors today to introduce our amazing guests for this episode of PHILIPPINE PRODUCTS REDEFINED BY PLANET63.

Craig O. Wilson speaks


Regarding the origin of Zippy Distributors and Palawan Brewery(Palaweno Story)

Can you tell us how all of this started? Both you and Diana and Glen

  • Tells about Zippy Distributors and how did you decide on distributing Palaweno beer
  • What do you love about the product? What attracted you?
  • What is the process of getting the rights to distribute Palaweno Beer?
  • What have been the main challenges to building the brand in the U.S. so far?
  • How are you going about it?
  • Other than being originally made in Palawan, what makes it Filipino?
  • How do you bring the ingredients into the states?


The dedication, enthusiasm, and passion of Diana and Glen Brieva are amazing. We have a feeling that Zippy Distributors will be fantastic at elevating the awareness Palaweno Brewery in the state of California. Get thirsty everyone and reach for a bottle of beer from Palaweno Brewery.

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