Phantom Galaxy
Phantom Galaxy
Nathan Bartlebaugh
via Podcasts
Amazing podcast, absolutely love it!
Nathan is a natural born storyteller, and he’s created such an amazing eclectic group of shows with the perfect cohosts for each one. Love listening to Nathan & Bill doing Video Roulette. No one digs deeper than Bill, but he’s found some real gems that way….and hey, if not, it’s hilarious hearing them review it! No matter what your genre of choice is, they’ve got something for you. Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Animated….even Music & Books! I can’t wait to hear what’s coming next from these guys!
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So much fun!
This cast has a ton of fun and that translates to you the listener having fun as well. They have more than just one format which is awesome. I love they keep expanding the PG brand of shows. I never miss an episode. Keep it up!
Get Smart about Syfy, Fantasy and Horror
What a great podcast I cannot wait for every episode to air. Nathans and Bill as well as their special guest are chock full of movie knowledge. Listen along and have your pen ready to jot down trivia and new prospects to add to your viewing. Tell a friend!!!
For lovers of genre
You’d be hard pressed to come across two people who have collectively seen more than Bill and Nathan. Thanks you guys for sifting through all the schlock for us and delivering some epic talks. Has there been a Cronenberg episode yet?
Anthony R the Beijing Beast
5 stars
Brian Scott. Horror movie fanboy on Twitter here. Highly recommend this podcast. Great one
Spooky Stories and so much more!
The first episode I checked out was their special Christmas episode which was all about Holiday Ghost stories. It was a perfect mix of spookiness and holiday cheer. The hosts were likeable and I'm interested in hearing more.
Jesse W Jackson
Perfect for a movie nerd (like me!)
I love the conversation between the hosts. It’s a much needed break from the stressors in my life right now!
Love this podcast!
Unique Podcast
Nathan and crew do a great job choosing unique topics and diving deep into them. Always entertaining and I learn about subjects I’m not as versed in. Great work!
Wes Bones
A must listen
Nathan has produced a stellar podcast that any film buff needs to subscribe to...immediately!
Pastor Matt R
This podcast rules!
Funny and informative- I always look forward to the next episode
Movies, Books, and Drinks oh my
I enjoy listening to this show. If you like well thought out discussion on movies, books (both novels and comic) then you will enjoy this program. I think that Nathan Bell and Nathan Bartlebaugh do a great job engaging the audience and their enthusiasm for the things they cover comes through. I would say that one of my favorite sets of episodes (12-14, and ep 16) would be their series on the The Fantastical Worlds of Spielberg. I would say start at the beginning but if not start with The Fantastical Worlds of Spielberg series.
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You guys are super insightful and I have really enjoyed hearing your opinions on pop culture.
Well done, gentlemen.
Beer, whiskey, movies, comics, tv shows, no spoilers. Me likey.
Fun, informative, thought-provoking
Highly enjoyable and informative podcast. I appreciate the drink recommendations (Cold River Gin is fantastic btw) and getting a heads up on upcoming movies, books, etc. I also really enjoy the discussions as they highlight and consider stories and themes beyond the base presentation. This feels more like a good conversation as opposed to a mere string of reviews. Excellent work here!
So far, So good
When you want to listen to something that addresses culture, but is clean and safe for the whole family, I recommend Pop Culture Ninja. Keep up the good work gentlemen.
What!? You don't know about this podcast!?
Have you ever had to sneeze so bad that your whole body tenses in anticipation? That's what It's like every time I have to wait for the next PCN episode. Every movie review is intelligent and engaging and so far everything they have recommended has been perfect. You need to listen to this podcast. As an added bonus you get to hear Greg Dutcher some episodes and even the infamous Reverend James King shows up from time to time. Don't waste your life. Listen to this stupid podcast.
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Reverend Revenge
SPOILER ALERT: No spoilers!
As a father of four young kids, displaced by the military away from family, I don't get to see movies the weekend that they release; almost never! I love being able to hear others talk about the movies and get me psyched up for them, without the whole story being ruined! Keep up the good work fellas!
Paul Tripp’s Mustache
Stealthy Goodness
Pop Culture Ninja is a spin-off podcast of one of my favorite podcasts around, These Go To 11! As soon as I heard about the subject matter of this spin off cast, I was onboard with it! Heartily reccommended goodness for anyone's commute or downtime around the house! Check them out!
Richard Foltz
Love these guys
If you dig a podcast that digs into many aspects of pop culture (movies, tv, comics, etc) give these guys a shot. As a spin off of one of my favorite podcasts (these go to 11), I'm looking forward to what Nate and Nate have in store!
gotham knight
Kwan-tsu dudes!!!
These two ninjas serve up an entertaining dish of insightful perspectives that will get you thinking more deeply about films, books, comics, and more. Check out this podcast if you wish to train your mind in the ways of critique.
Pain Heals, Chicks Dig Scars and May Pop Culture Ninja Last Forever
Could it get any better? Two dudes named Nathan, talking movies, books and beer. Christian perspective but with an earthy realness. Yeah- I'm all in!
Great new podcast
Love this new podcast. It's what I have been looking for. Great perspectives on movies, comics, beer. Excited to see where it goes from here!
Great Start
This podcast is giving the listeners what they have been waiting for. A great podcast which looks at culture through a biblical lens. It's great to hear about upcoming films and shows without the spoilers! These guys help me geek out on media and film. Love it!
Pretty psyched about this new podcast - been looking for something like this for a while. As a Christian and an avid consumer of pop culture, I'm always looking forward to geeking out and hearing what other fellow sisters and brothers in Christ have to say about how theology or worldview issues intersect with TV, movies or comics. This is a fantastic podcast for guys like me to vicariously be a part of the conversation. Thanks guys!
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Koji Majewski
Movies cultures and books
If your a geek and enjoy geeking out on movies, this will be a podcast for you it has been a great start to what sounds like a promising podcast so long as you can keep James King out of the studios-haha- good luck with that.
Great and Entertaining Podcast.
I commute over 3 hours for work. Yours along with other podcasts really help time to fly. Helps to keep my mind off the traffic and on fantastic entertainment. Thanks and keep up the great work, keeping us in the know!!
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