Manna-Fest with Perry Stone
Manna-Fest with Perry Stone
Voice of Evangelism
via Podcasts
Bless you Man of God
I literally wake up at 3-5am EVERY morning to watch Brother Perry on YouTube!!! Bless you Man of God!!! Your Crown, waiting on you, in Heaven is FULL of jewels due to YOUR obedience to God. You have NO idea how many lives you touch, and save, help heal and deliver, how many DEAD, DRY bones your anointing has raised them back to life. Let a Lazarus generation come forth. I see, I hear, and I am a doer of the Word!! I give glory to God for you! Hallelujah ❤️❤️❤️
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Sound teaching!
One of my favorite teachers. Perry’s ministry has been a blessing to me for over a decade now. I listen frequently and highly recommend tuning in to his various platforms.
I have just started listening to Perry Stone after he was at a Revival at Free Chapel. I know that after the messages I am more knowledgeable and can feel the touch of the Lord!
Awesome Teachings
Perry Stone is surely one of God’s last days messenger. He teaches scriptures. Hallelujah!
Nat the Brit
Visions and Dreams
Love listening to Perry but why aren’t there any more Podcasts since 6/10/2022??
Growth in the word
I’ve been listening to Perry for YEARS. Way back when there was a tape of the month club (before Podcasts). The way Perry explains the Jewish perspective and it’s current application to todays believers is like nobody else. Perry has helped me to grow in the Bible and actually grow real true roots and not just a Sunday morning relationship with church. God Bless you Perry!
Love to watch and listen to Perry Stone because he has been learning a lot about what is going on in the world and applies it to the Bible
Whenever I need some teaching on Israel or Middle East or USA tune to Perry Stone. He has a clear vision of Gods will.
Cruz Crew Girl
Amazing Teacher and Preacher🙏
One of the Best Teachers I’ve ever listened to! A true man of God! Love ya Perry Stone
Good study but starting to put way to much advertising would put a 5 start if less advertising
Excellent teacher!
Great Teacher
I feel educated when I watch your programs.
I truly love the messages and would like to be able to hear more older messages or even special programs like the ones I’ve seen on YouTube from your channel. I look forward to what else you have to bring that the Lord has put on your heart. Thank you!!
Theology and Current Events
I love Perry Stone ❤️ He preaches the Word, goes deep into theology and history, but also keeps the culture in mind, engaging with what he sees wrong.
Busy SAHM of two
So much information!
I love the depth and detailed info Perry shares . I can’t get enough
Conservative Christian Mama
Great podcast if you want to grow closer to God
Perry Stone is one of the greatest bible teachers in America. He deals with interesting topics and makes bible prophecy and Israelite culture understandable.
1/2 messages
I love the teaching on these but it I’m confused as to why I can only hear 29 minutes of the sermon, it’s like he is in the middle of the message and it ends. What am I missing?
Jesus loves us
Thank you for your time in allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you. It is always nice to hear what God has to say!
I appreciate the work you are called to and the boldness for putting it out there. Thank God for brothers and sisters in the ministry. Praying for you and keep up the faith. It’s always a breath of fresh air!
Glory to God
Please keep podcasts coming. Blessing at work
Refreshing & so much insight
I enjoy listening to your teachings
I love my podcast ministry!!
I am so thankful for the gift God has given to Perry Stone. His ability to go deep into the word amazes me. I learn so much from him and I could not be more happy about finding Perry on podcast. I am usually on the go so much and don’t get to watch much tv. Now I can take the word with me and listen anytime. PS: I am from Lafollette Tennessee and remember when Perry had the revival he mentioned. I got to go to it, right before it ended. My brother went many nights and was captured by Perry’s ability to go deep in the word. We were young and had just gotten saved around that time. My brother started buying “tapes” and books from then until now. He pastors a little country church and said it was that revival that ignited a fire in him.
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Hello fr TN
I really don’t know what I would do without this !
Perry Stone gives a no nonsense and biblical teaching on every message. I’m so sick of Preacher’s who give their opinions, revelations and don’t back it up with scripture. Perry is very careful not to say something is of God unless he can back it up with “ Numerous “ scriptures. I listen to preaching to increase my faith not to be confused by false doctrine, you can tell Perry has Thousands of hours studying the Word of God , he don’t have to make it up , he knows it back and forward. Thanks Brother Stone you’re helping me and others find the truth .
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Phenomenal teaching
The depth and detail Perry goes into teaching is priceless. He share his gift of detective work in researching the history of the Word of God and then shares it so all can understand it. He breaks things down so you have no doubt and then has you read the Word to see it as well. He doesn’t share and not have you see it for yourself, he encourages you to read and know it too. Over 40 years saved, and in the last 20 years the Word is being taught, shared and lived so not one person can miss it! I encourage everyone to just listen with an open heart and hear the message, it will touch your spirit to share the Good News.
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Astounding Teacher!!
Extremely analytical. If you're a newer Christian, I don't recommend trying to grasp his teachings yet. But DEFINITELY come back to him as you grasp the basics!
So incite full and deep info
Perry stone is so ahead of times with his teachings. Makes everything relatable to life and world events. His teachings give me peace and clarity. It's a priceless gift!!!
Perry knows his stuff!
Perry is a great teacher of G-d's word and Jewish teachings. I learn something new from every podcast. So thankful for the anointing on this man's life!
Hayden's mommy
Taking the devil to dinner
Okay so just flicking through tv and he was talking about demons I stopped because I'm reading pig and the parlor. Wow he is good teaching. And confrontation for me from the lord.
For all Bible Believing Christians seeking TRUTH...
Perry Stone is a complete preacher. He glorifies God, preaches Biblical truth, and uncompromising when it comes to doctrine. He considers the whole council of God, in other words, the entire body of scriptures, to compose his inspiring and up-lifting sermons. He delivers his messages in an incredible way using old school, fire-you-up, charismatic speaking style, accompanied with stunning graphics and scenery. I personally believe The Holy Spirit has gifted this man incredible teaching and preaching power. This man will help any believer from a new born Christian, up to the most In an age where the beginnings (Genesis), and the end (Revelation) are completely ignored in today's apostate, dead, prosperity oriented, mega Churches, Perry is a refreshing light of Hope the end-times body is not completely asleep. seasoned Pastor understand the ultimate apologetical tool, prophecy. The one thing that separates the Bible from all other religious literature; the undeniable, tangible, prophetic word of God. Perry Stone understands this, and he communicates true meanings of Biblical Prophecy to the audience. He understands the difference between Church, and Israel, and understands God's promises to both Brides. Not many people truly understand this concept, thus add to the discrimination we see in our world, when we see so many people, even Christians, persecuting God's chosen people. Perry is the beautiful bridge this world needs, bringing together the New Testament with the Old Testament, The Jew with the Gentile, and the Word of God to all that have an ear to hear.
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T-Hood in Christ
Dear perry"
I just wanna say, thank god for perry, because of him I know much more, men today like to live for the people and try to say things that makes them happy" but mr perry say it like it is""" not to put on a show for man, :). I have only the star's they have but all the star's above us at nite I would give to rate, I'm no one to say what one is, the lord is, I can not rate what the lord has gave""", then I will be also rated, god bless you, and I hear what he say,
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God's giver,
Insightful wisdom through the eyeglass...
of God's Word revealing the prophetic future broken down into everyday language that is understandable, interesting and most importantly relevant. Thank You Perry Stone.
Rob Laing
Manna fest is a feast!!!
Challenging & encouraging!!! Thanks for the podcast!
Thank you!
Your teachings are Biblical and not based on what you feel as in philosophy and how to teach others to get rich. I'm thankful for ministers like you, Jenetzen and Joyce. Truly outstanding and a blessing and I've learned to really study and get in the word and speak fearlessly and assuredly about the gospel. I love teaching about something that the Lord revealed in a passage to me. I just got your book as well, “Opening the Gates of Heaven” and I've got to say, te words are still so full of life and the thoughts that are brought up allow me to think more about things...simply outstanding and my friends can't wait until I get done with it so they can read it. God bless and may your ministry continue to grow a you teach us to really get BACK INTO THE WORD!! :)
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Thanks so much. We love you. God bless you Pam.
Mary Gorham SC
Unable to play?
These are really great but recently I cannot get any of these podcasts to play or download.
no,,,,,,THANKS BE TO YOU!!!
Awesome show!!!
Awesome show for the family and any one who loves Jesus Christ. Perry Stone speaks from the bible directly and goes deep into the word of God; just what the church of today needs and young people like me. Thanks Perry I pray that the lord keeps using you for his glory and Honor in these last seconds that the church is here. Much love from New York Amen
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