Peace Freqs Podcast

Peace Freqs
We're here to inspire and empower the freaks, geeks, nerds, weirdos and other exceptions to the rule to live exceptional lives today on their own terms. Being a parent doesn't mean giving up being you.
Blended Families With Unqualified Parenting - Peace Freqs 133
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie sit down with Cody and Jen of Unqualified Parenting to discuss blended families. The pair join us to drop some knowledge on a topic that is probably a mystery to many. We learn new terms like "bio-mom" and are regaled with tales like "my ex quoted twilight in court. We even got to ask some questions that get at some of our own insecurities as parents considering adopting. Is blood thicker than water? Is that sentence even relevant? Listen and find out.     Unqualified Parenting's Links      Featured Music 1st Song: Go!! by 3rd World Leader 2nd Song: Get Money by p.stoops
Mar 16, 2021
40 min
When The Wheels Come Off - Peace Freqs 132
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie discuss how they envision life continue on after the wheels seemingly fall off. With job uncertainty ever-present, surprise relocation on the horizon and the sudden loss of their primary form of conveyance surrounding them, it feels as though they're knee deep in huge life decisions. What does all this do to their relationships in the world? How is the little one dealing with the only world she's ever known falling apart before her eyes? What lessons can be learned watching a life imperfectly? Join us and find out.       Media We Mentioned The War of The Worlds by HG Wells The First Men In The Moon by HG Wells The Time Machine by HG Wells The Bible by A Bunch Of Dudes (Tree Of Life Version)     Featured Music 1st Song: Cancelled Culture - Smotz 2nd Song: Simeon The Whale - He Chaw Frunk
Mar 8, 2021
31 min
Becoming An Entrepreneur With Brian Pritchard - Peace Freqs 131
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie sit down with Nicky's good friend and bandmate Brian Pritchard and talk about becoming an entrepreneur. Brian gives us the story on how he moved from wage slave to entrepreneur while telling us about the newest project hes fallen into. Brian quite literally turned his life's passion of film tourism into a job with an up and coming app. Lizzie and I are always in aww when anyone can make this transition but are even more amazed when a parent can make it. We were both inspired and we hope it lights a fire under your bottom as well.       Brian Pritchard's Links     Featured Music 1st Song: The Cowboy Song - Puma Thurman 2nd Song: New Soul - B & B Abriance
Mar 7, 2021
50 min
The Great Testosterone Debacle - Peace Freqs 130
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie discuss what Nicky is thinking of as The Great Testosterone Debacle. While media seems to be ramping up the sexuality, the younger generations seem less interested. Is the pervasive and rapid decline of testosterone the culprit? We're just a weird midwest husband and wife, how the hell should we know? Still, we googled stuff and think you should be aware any of your hormone levels being low an really damage your immune system and I heard we're in the midst of a pandemic. So listen to us hash it out and give you some absolutely uninsightful tips on how to fix your low T.       Media We Mentioned Lies My Doctor Told Me by Dr Ken Barry Starship Troopers by Robert A Heinlein Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A Heinlein How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World by Harry Browne America's Great Depression by Murray N Rothbard Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story by Clive Barker The Fatburn Fix by Dr Cate Shanahan Ageless Face, Ageless Mind by Nicholas Perricone     Research Links      Featured Music 1st Song: Dream Walking - Burns To The Soul 2nd Song: E.T.F. - Mr. Pseu
Mar 2, 2021
34 min
Dan Smotz Cancelled With A Plus One - Peace Freqs 129
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie sit down with friend and podcaster Dan Smotz to discuss being cancelled. Dan and by connection his wife were removed from Facebook last month for one of his podcast episodes that platformed a person interested in the Q conspiracy while himself taking a critical stance. We get into how this has affected his business as a self employed parent and dive deep into the reverberations the cancellation has had throughout every aspect of their lives.       Check out Dan here: (Podcast page) (Videography page) (Graphic design page) (Dan’s Social Media Platform)     Featured Music 1st Song: What'll It Be - Swindlin Hearts 2nd Song: Repentence Song - Zanza Ft Lee Scratch Perry
Feb 16, 2021
40 min
Peace Freqs: A Very Special Dispatch
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie spend a few minutes addressing their absence.
Feb 13, 2021
6 min
Are You Over 2020? With The Peace Freqs - Peace Freqs 128
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie ask each other the question we are all asking. Are you over 2020? It often feels like we want to ask 2020 that same question. Has it had its fill torment? Is it gonna move on in January? I suppose the answer isn't terribly relevant because no matter what it throws at us we owe it to Erma to take it head on and reach the next little island of accomplishment for her. As we talk through our goals for 2021 and review our performance in 2020 we see piles of progress (more like filled in holes) we have to take stock of what was good decisions paying off or luck. As we've been harping on understanding what we can take credit for in our lives will serve us better than self esteem ever could. Personally I think peace is all about keeping your outer and inner perceptions congruous or at least explainable.     Links   Featured Music 1st Song: Pleased To Meet You - The Satellite Era 2nd Song: On My Way - Craig Conley
Dec 28, 2020
23 min
Elf Review - Year-Round Tree 026
  In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie are gonna ruffle some feathers with their review of Elf. The Will Farrell comedy is revered as a modern holiday classic but does it deserve the acclaim? Does crying immediately make the movie good? Is Zooey Deschanel a natural brunette? Who is better looking, her or her sister? We explore these questions and more in today's episode.       Beverages For Round The Fireplace Nicky P has decided refreshing was what he needed for today's beverage and the Cape May Cranberry Mule fits the bill with a recipe from featuring: vodka, muddled fresh cranberries, ginger beer, lime & ice.  Lizzie has found a delicious liquid version of her favorite holiday candy. The Turkish Delight Cocktail made from a recipe features: rose petal infused gin, creme de cacao, lemon juice, vanilla syrup, and egg white. It's a little too much rose petals and baking ingredients for me but its perfect for Lizzie.     Christmas Sweater Fever Nicky P has put laziness ahead of creativity today and has shown up in an advent sweater. You've never heard of an advent sweater? It's the only article of clothing that its appropriate to wear for 25 days in a row. Use your imagination and try not to imagine the smell. For today's fashion choice Lizzie has swapped one nerd franchise for another and put aside the modern sins made by certain actors in an effort to rep one of her all time favorite shows. Her "Make It Snow" sweater featuring Captain Picard brings her all kinds of warm feelings and certainly no judgmental feelings about how dirty the Picard show did fans.     Links For Arthur Christmas Visit the Wikipedia: Check out the IMDB:
Dec 18, 2020
18 min
Arthur Christmas Review - Year-Round Tree 025
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie are here to review the uber-British animated comedy Arthur Christmas. The animated romp follows a Claus family trying to navigate the changing of the guard from the old Santa to the new Santa with an ensemble cast featuring some serious heavyweights. Does this list of A class character actors pull it's weight? Is the movie everything it's cracked up to be? Have a listen and find out what we think anyway.       Beverages For Round The Fireplace Nicky P is yet again enjoying a wintery version of an iced favorite with a Salted Caramel White Russian with a recipe borrowed from featuring: Salted Caramel Kaluha, Salted Caramel Vodka, Half & Half & Caramel sauce to garnish. Lizzie on the other hand has opted to drink like my grandmother with a simple yet aromatic Bourbon Cocktail from featuring: bourbon, honey, sage and orange for garnish.     Christmas Sweater Fever In an unprecedented move both Nicky P and Lizzie have shown up in virtually the same festive garb, wearing gift wrapped boxes over their respective genitalia in homage to the classic Justin Timberlake/Andy Samberg bit. I suppose its a when the kids away the adults get freaky situation?     Links For Arthur Christmas Visit the Wikipedia: Check out the IMDB:
Dec 15, 2020
18 min
Your Empowerment Toolbox with Lizzie - Peace Freqs 127
In today's episode Nicky P and Lizzie discuss some of the steps she's taken over the years to empower herself in an effort to help others  build their own empowerment toolbox. Self respect and self assessment were things she rarely thought of and wading through her own and her families undealt with traumas helped start a journey of growth and assertiveness that reaps benefits everyday. Join us as she regales us with her story and maybe it will give you that all too important "I'm not alone" vibe. It's never too late to be a better you for those around you.     Media We Mention Man's Search For Meaning by Victor E Frankel Algorithms To Live By by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths   Featured Music 1st Song: I Wonder Where You Are Tonight - Matt Bankert 2nd Song: Jimmy - He Chaw Frunk
Dec 14, 2020
26 min
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