Passive Real Estate Investing
Passive Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investing with Marco Santarelli, Investor and Entrepreneur.
Passive Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investing with Marco Santarelli, Investor and Entrepreneur.
Learn how BUSY PEOPLE like you can build substantial passive income while creating wealth for the long-term. Gain expert knowledge and advice on real estate investing as Marco Santarelli (of Norada Real Estate Investments) shares his strategies and valuable insights with an emphasis on Passive and Turnkey (done-for-you) real estate investments. Discover proven strategies and a wealth formula for making money with real estate in ANY market and avoid common and costly mistakes. If you're looking for "bigger pockets" and ACTIONABLE advice on the road to financial freedom, then this is the podcast for you! Grab a coffee or espresso and enjoy the show. With new episodes every week be sure to SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Guests include Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad), Brendon Burchard, Dean Graziosi, Grant Cardone Zone, John Lee Dumas, Tom Wheelwright, and so many others! If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, you’ll love this show. Websites:
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± 9 days
Latest episode
8 days ago
April 23
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