Parenting in a Pandemic Podcast

Parenting in a Pandemic

Becoming Mums
Parenting is hard. Parenting in a Pandemic is harder. Join Fi & Liz as they discuss everything mother related in their new Podcast - Parenting in a Pandemic. In our first weeks' discussion we explore why we started our support group in 2017, what we've learned and how this has changed as a consequence of Covid-19. We lead, peer to peer support that is non judgmental, honest and about you. The you that is tired, fed up and wishing your days away whilst grateful for the moments you have. We hear you and we are here for you.
Where Do We Go From Here?
In the final episode of Parenting in a Pandemic, Liz and Fi discuss life resembling something of what it was and how we piece things back together, whilst living alongside Covid-19. Joined by guest and GP, Anjalee, we discuss what it means for our children at school and what's on the horizon for the next few years. How do we prioritise our own mental health whilst parenting and how to educate our family about vaccines and the importance of maintaining good hygiene. We reflect on the guests that we've had on and what they've brought to the series and we discuss our next upcoming project, creative writing and embroidery workshops that enable women to reflect, discuss and create whilst navigating the journey of motherhood. You can find more information at and or by visiting our Facebook & Instagram pages @becomingmums.
Aug 4, 2021
59 min
Not a Woman's Job
In a recent study, (Invisible Household Labor and Ramifications for Adjustment: Mothers as Captains of Households) published Tuesday in the journal Sex Roles, the paper offers original data to illustrate the widespread phenomenon of invisible labour — and its depressing impact on women's emotional and psychological well-being. "Do [mothers] disproportionately feel like they're running their ship on their own?" said Suniya S. Luthar, co-author of the study and foundation professor of psychology at Arizona State University. "Just putting a number to that alone is a service to womankind."Based on Luthar's survey of 393 American married or partnered mothers, many of whom were upper middle-class, the answer to her question is a resounding yes. Nearly 90 percent of the participants said they bore sole responsibility for organising their family's schedules. Seventy percent said they were "captain" of their ship and routinely completed and assigned household tasks. That includes the everyday drudgery of getting birthday party accessories, finding someone's socks, or coordinating lifts to and from activities. Or as Luthar puts it: "All that nonsense that keeps churning around in our heads all the time."So this week we talk about what it is, why we find it challenging and how we go about changing it - for the sake of ourselves and our children. 
Jul 25, 2021
1 hr 2 min
Fighting The Good Fight
A lot has happened during the last year, and Covid has been only one of these landscape changing events.  The murder of George Floyd triggered a surge in dialogue about racism and disabled people in England found themselves forced to sign do not resuscitate orders when admitted to hospital. We speak to Nada, a powerhouse of a community campaigner, about Black Lives Matter, social justice, young people and activism and how she navigated all these conversations with her own family. Experiencing war and dictatorship in Iraq as a child, she sees the vital importance of democracy and our right to protest. Disabled People Against BAME Facebook group #killthebill
Jul 14, 2021
55 min
And How Does That Make You Feel?
Last year saw a dramatic increase of couples seeking therapy as a consequence of new strains on relationships with psychologists and relationship experts suggested that the pandemic has no doubt made people reconsider their relationships, especially as quarantine began to highlight longstanding issues.This week we talk to Lisa Bruton, a psychotherapist for individuals, families and couples to discuss why it's been so much harder to keep things healthy and how we can ensure that we look after ourselves so we can look after our children. If you feel you'd benefit from any of the issues discussed you can contact Lisa at [email protected] or visit for strategies and suggestions on balance, perspective and understanding. 
Jul 4, 2021
44 min
Frontal Lobes & LGBTI Rights
In this weeks episode, we talk to Roz Ward; Safe Schools Coalition (Australia) co-founder & LGBTI activist based in Melbourne. We discuss the journey of Safe Schools, why it was founded and the issues it's faced - from Government backlash to personal attack and how it's shaped the education system in Australia. Fi & Liz discuss how it's impacted her personally now she's a parent and her hopes for the future for the LGBTI community and society as a whole.  
Jun 24, 2021
1 hr 7 min
Cervix Checks & Emigration
This week, Liz & Fi talk with Jen; a languages teacher, artist & creator who Emigrated to Switzerland during 2020.  We discuss moving in a pandemic, whilst pregnant with her third child, and starting over - the cultural differences, the importance of connections & language exposure. Jen and her family live in Zurich, Switzerland having moved from Bristol in 2020. We cover the unexpected, the planned and leaving life to fate when a pandemic has other ideas as well as how to find time for yourself when life can get beyond chaotic. 
Jun 16, 2021
55 min
The Real Cost of Childcare
The cost of childcare in Britain has risen 5 per cent in the last 12 months according to a report by Coram Family and Childcare Trust, which produces a comprehensive annual survey of the industry. The spiralling cost is now double the rate of inflation and families are on average paying £131.61 a week or just over £6,800 a year for a part-time nursery place (25 hours a week).Liz and Fi discuss how childcare costs are crippling families,  contributing to household poverty and affecting the economy. Pregnant Then Screwed say '46% of mothers being made redundant blame a lack of childcare provision during the Covid-19 pandemic...This lack of childcare is destroying women’s careers, they are being made redundant, they are being forced to cut their hours, and they are being treated negatively all because they are picking up the unpaid labour'.You can sign the petition here or visit Pregnant Then Screwed for more info on how to help the change. 
Jun 10, 2021
56 min
Domestic Abuse in Covid-19
**Trigger warning** Domestic Violence/Domestic Abuse/Coercive Control/Sexual Violence/Rape*******Every 30 seconds the police receive a call for help relating to domestic abuse with 1 woman in 4 experiencing domestic abuse over the course of her lifetime.2020 was challenging for many people, but for those suffering from domestic abuse, life became more isolated than ever before. ONS reported in November 2020 that ‘There has generally been an increase in demand for domestic abuse victim services during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly affecting helplines as lockdown measures eased; this does not necessarily indicate an increase in the number of victims, but perhaps an increase in the severity of abuse being experienced, and a lack of available coping mechanisms such as the ability to leave the home to escape the abuse, or attend counselling’. We talk with Andrea , CEO of Berkshire Women’s Aid about the challenges they faced when Covid-19 disabled their most important lines of communication, how they adapted and the issues they faced along the way. We discuss the signs, the help and where to go for those living with domestic abuse. You can find more information below;Berkshire Womens Aid 950 4003Refuge 2000 247Solacehttps://www.solacewomensaid.org0808 802 5565Womens Aid
Jun 2, 2021
59 min
Mask Problems & The Importance of Community
This week, Liz & Fi talk with Shona  - a mother of two small children, marketing graduate and founder of Berkshire Mummies; a lifestyle, family outdoor venturing hub and creative space for everything in and around Berkshire designed for parents, grandparents and carers. She is passionate creating a community designed to support & inspire others to get outside and make memories. We talk about her enthusiasm behind the brand, the challenges that Covid brought her and her vision for the future. How the pandemic changed her outlook, how she helped others and how feedback is fundamental to her growth & inspiration.  You can find Berkshire Mummies on Instagram, Facebook & at for more information. 
May 24, 2021
53 min
Shielding & JCB's
For many of us, 2020 was a year of bubbles, zoom & online food shopping, but what about those who weren't able or didn't want to open up the doors any more than was possible. Government guidelines strongly advised that clinically extremely vulnerable people should have stayed at home at all times, apart from going out to exercise or attend a medical appointment - but what was the reality of that for a young family?We talk to Lucy, who shielded for most of 2020 to protect her family, especially her partner, who was clinically vulnerable. We discuss how she managed with her two young children with her partner working from home and no childcare; what implications there were financially for her family and how she is today. 
May 18, 2021
48 min
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