Elspeth joins us to talk about how exercise can be so be so beneficial in the run up to exams. Instagram.com/elspethfit Instagram.com/elspethphoto Instagram.com/elspethillustrates www.elspethvanderhole.com www.elspethillustrates.com
May 11, 2023
44 min

Sara Charles from Eduqas/WJEC joins us to talk about the dos and REALLY don’ts of tackling English Literature GCSE revision and exam papers. Knowledge organiser - https://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceByArgs?subId=57 https://www.shmoop.com/teachers/best-practices/subject/english.html https://mrbruff.com/ https://www.sparknotes.com/
May 4, 2023
34 min

We talked to Tom about what we as parents can do to support an 'introvert' child - including how (and if) to help them stretch their comfort zone, along with the importance of 'recharge time'. Link to join a free online community which explores topics around introversion: https://forms.gle/eHEkFb3fRc45YSvG6 Tom's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-cleary-coaching/ (Very happy to answer questions on there) Tom's website: https://tom-cleary.co.uk/ Kristin Neff: https://self-compassion.org/
Apr 27, 2023
42 min

Whether your child is questioning their gender identity, or whether they have a friend they want to support better, this was a fascinating talk about how to navigate that journey. Find more from Esther (Fifty Shades of Gender) here: https://estherlemmens.com/ https://www.fiftyshadesofgender.com/ https://www.instagram.com/50shadesgender/ And find Kit Marie here: Geogramblings
Apr 19, 2023
58 min

Catherine is a regional representative for WJEC/Eduqas for English Language. Before this job role, she was the head of English in her time as a teacher. The information she gives is relevant to all the English Language exams, no matter the exam board being studied by your teen. Knowledge Organiser: https://resources.eduqas.co.uk/Pages/ResourceSingle.aspx?rIid=1461
Apr 10, 2023
38 min

Lewis is the face and brains behind GCSE physics online and the Physics Online YouTube channel. There’s nothing Lewis doesn’t know about GCSE physics, and the step up required to be successful in the subject at A level or the IB. https://www.gcsephysicsonline.com/ GCSE Physics Exam Revision Notes - Amazon Twitter: @legophysicsguy Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@PhysicsOnline
Apr 6, 2023
50 min

Matt Buttery from Triple P joins us to talk about the importance of resilience in teens and how to help build it up as GCSE and post-16 exams approach. https://www.triplep-parenting.uk.net/uk/triple-p/
Mar 30, 2023
29 min

Rachel talks to us about the importance of having a positive connection with your teen daughter and where reconnection is required, she’s the expert! Mum’s retreat: www.positivetouch.net/teen-whisperer-retreat The ‘Disconnection to Connection’ Toolkit via my website at www.positivetouch.net Insta handle is teen.whisperer.nature
Mar 27, 2023
41 min

Amy is the Science Subject Advisor for OCR and joins us to provide some top tips about how students should best prepare for the GCSE science exams. Useful links: https://www.ocr.org.uk/students/ Student hub with easy access to past papers, preparing for exams and well-being. https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/blog/free-chemistry-gcse-revision-for-ocr-gateway-a/ - A link to resources to revise with that are specific to OCR Gateway chemistry, but Seneca is useful for free quizzing and revision (with a student and parental portal). https://www.physicsandmathstutor.com/past-papers/gcse-chemistry/ - For exam questions and answers by topic (for all of the boards) Follow @ocrexaminations on Insta and @ocrexams on Twitter to stay up to date with revision resources and wellbeing support for students.
Mar 27, 2023
40 min

Harry is an author and consultant for publishers such as Pearson’s. In a 25 year career, he has written and edited countless text books across as range of subject, and for the last 15 years has focussed mainly on revision books. He’s also the series editor for BBC Bitesize and Pearson’s revision resources. In a nutshell, there’s probably nothing he doesn’t know about the ubiquitous revision guides, but more importantly, he has brilliant advice on how to use them! https://tinyurl.com/pearsonrevise https://www.pearson.com/uk/web/pearson-revise.html
Jan 31, 2023
58 min
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