Ever since I met Jolene in Own Your Story event, we had a blast collaborating with her in initiatives related to happiness and mental health. It's simply wonderful working with a person who is so passionate and knowledgeable about a subject matter she believes in.
We talked about:
- how Jolene discovered her interest in psychology and mental health
- challenges she faces in the field of mental health
- how Jolene keeps herself motivated in an industry full of stigma and negativity
- decoding a big myth about mental health
- Jolene's personal evolution since she started her career
- the importance of positive influence from people around her
- simple happiness hack to manage stress at work
- best investment in life
- book recommendation
- impact and a life well lived
Isabelle's Website: http://isabellethye.com
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Early Autism Project Malaysia: https://www.autismmalaysia.com/
Jolene's FB: https://www.facebook.com/lynechong.y2
Jul 2, 2019
18 min

Yi Xuan is an interesting millennial who ditched a well-paid first job and dive into the uncharted water being a full-time trader and blogger. I made sure to ask him what 'unfulfilling' means to help (older) people understand the difference in the inner and outer world.
We talked about:
- why he left a well paid job in a startup company
- unfulfilling life living the 'rule' of society
- figuring out life through mistakes
- the most painful mistake he made
- overcoming the trap of ego
- dealing with emotional roller coaster
- evolution since uni
- do not compare yourself with others
- inspiration to write and a viral article
- best investments
- impact and goals
Isabelle's Website: https://www.isabellthye.com
Own Your Story's FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Yi Xuan's FB: https://www.facebook.com/chin.y.xuan
Website: www.nomoneylah.com
Jul 2, 2019
22 min

Even though Ridzwan is still figuring out his way in the creative industry as a videographer and writer, I admire his determination to stay true to himself and took the leap of faith to create a life he wanted to live in.
In this episode, we talked about:
- Why Ridzwan dive into creative industry despite having a degree in law
- The journey of discovering his passion
- Choose the right environment and surround yourself with the right people
- Inspiration of creation
- The fear of not getting his shit together
- Best investment
- Advice for younger self
- Book recommendation
- Guiding principle and definition of a life well lived
Isabelle's Website: https://www.isabellethye.com
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Ridzwan's FB: https://www.facebook.com/wawantv/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wawan89
Jul 2, 2019
17 min

It's so good to reunite on screen with Richard since our book launch last year! I guessed in some way our path crossed and we changed each other's life. In this conversation, Richard reminded me so much about simple (but hard) things in life - passion, values, relationship, gratitude and much more...
We talked about:
- Richard's unique interpretation of angels and giants in life
- the importance of creating values for others
- how to constantly build meaningful relationships
- what is passion?
- passion vs. hobby
- passion for a balanced life
- prioritise growth no matter where you are
- constantly seek for new opportunities
- what Richard learned in the startup world
- best investments
- life tips/advice for young people
- impact to make in the world
Isabelle's Website: http://www.isabellethye.com/
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Richard's Website: http://www.roptcreate.com
Richard's FB: https://www.facebook.com/mrrichardo
Jul 2, 2019
23 min

I've always felt blessed to meet Tien end of last year because her energy and creativity brought new things to our community, such as a monthly yoga session and discussion of Sutra. Despite being a petite wellness coach, I admire her big spirit and positivity that always beam like a sun.
In this episode, we talked about:
- Why Tien left Canada and come back home
- Being excited by the possibilities in uncertainties
- Why Tien is passionate about wellness and how to develop a routine
- How to gain clarity in life values
- Self-discovery and exploring life through travelling
- Tien's love-hate relationship with adventures
- Life tips for young people
- Book recommendation
- The importance of journaling
Isabelle's Website: https://www.isabellethye.com/
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Tien's IG: @thesunyogii
Tien's blog: https://medium.com/@yongtiencin
Jul 2, 2019
19 min

Mathew has been an acquaintance I've known for a long long time. Even though we were not exactly close friends, I really admire his persistent and passion for building 'y=mx+c', a Youtube channel for SPM & Pre-U Math tutorial. So, I called him up to hear more about his story!
We talked about:
- how and why Mathew got into education industry with training in psychology
- the thought process from conception to execution
- biggest challenge in building a one-man education channel
- motivation to keep going
- personal evolution in the journey
- lesson learned from biggest business failure
- passion and patient to build something
- career tips for young people
- how to pick yourself up after a fall
- book recommendation
- best investment in time & energy
- impact and future plans
Isabelle's Website: http://isabellethye.com
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/theartofowningyourstory/
Mathew's FB: https://www.facebook.com/MathewPHY
Y=MX=C: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fhr4YanZXeNk431FFgAKg
Jun 29, 2019
19 min

It is hard to imagine that Heidi has come a long way from the chubby kid who was bullied in school to leading Malaysia Dodgeball team to the World Cup twice.
In this episode, we talked about:
- How Heidy got involved in dodgeball
- How he lead the Malaysia dodgeball team to become the underdog in World Cup 2016
- The importance of staying grounded after the win and keep improving
- Motivating and leading a semi-pro team for a bigger purpose
- Heidi's 3 tips for aspiring leaders
- Lessons learned from World Cup 2018
- How a rough childhood shapes Heidi's character
- The impact of sports training in Heidy's life
- Best investment in terms of time/energy
- Priority in 2019
- Impact to make in the world and his favourite quote
Isabelle's Website: https://www.Isabellethye.com/
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Heidi's FB: https://www.facebook.com/heidypercuss...
Malaysia Dodgeball Federation's FB: https://www.facebook.com/msiadodgeball/
Jun 29, 2019
25 min

Charissa's journey of making her way from self-publishing to best-selling author really fascinates me! When nobody wants to publish her book, she went straight to a major bookstore and struck a deal, bypassing the gatekeepers in the publishing industry.
In this episode, we talked about:
- How Charissa started writing poems
- Her motivation and drive to self-publish her first book
- What is 'Midnight Monologue' about, the core message of the book
- The unconventional process of getting her first book out
- Charissa's tips for aspiring author
- How has becoming a best-selling author changed her
- Dealing with the fear of 'one hit wonder' and criticism
- The mission of Penwings Publishing
- Charissa's advice for young college graduates
- Book recommendation
- Impact Charissa wants to make & exciting projects in 2019
Isabelle's Website: https://www.isabellethye.com
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Charissa's FB: https://www.facebook.com/cotypoems/
Charissa's IG: https://www.instagram.com/cotypoems/
Jun 29, 2019
20 min

As college mates, Zayana and I went through a very different route when she embarked on motherhood while I took the leap to leave the corporate world.
Our choices brought us to different places but one thing unites us - our courage to be ourselves.
In this episode, we talked about:
- Zayana's motivation to share her story & core message of her blog
- Post-mortem depression and how Zayana recover from it
- How Zayana evolved from the episode (let go of judgement)
- How to keep a positive mind while juggling with different roles
- The importance of critical thinking in making a life decision
- Tips for young millennial women about to start a family
- Best investment in past 3 years
- Zayana's book recommendation
- Advice for young people
- The impact Zayana wants to make
Isabelle's Website: http://www.isabellethye.com
Own Your Story FB: https://www.facebook.com/oyscommunity
Zayana's Website: https://www.zayanayusof.com
Zayana's FB: https://www.facebook.com/zayana.yusof
Jun 29, 2019
16 min

This is a special collaboration with Paul, the host of Plusma-cast (a channel for creatives), where we hear the backstory of his channel, lessons learned from the journey of creating a podcast channel, and his vision for Plusma-cast.
We talked about:
- Paul's motivation of starting a podcast
- The reasons for focusing on creative professionals
- Core message of Plusma-cast
- How Paul overcome self-doubt
- How Paul evolves as a person and host
- Tips for getting the wisdom out of a guest (brain-picking tips)
- Memorable lessons learned fro guests
- Where does creativity come from
- Advice for aspiring young creatives
- Plans for 2019
Isabelle's website: https://www.isabellethye.com
Own Your Story: https://www.facebook.com/theartofowningyourstory/
Plusma-cast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjR7BBqBYsSWtoV9pyeeRw/featured
Own Your Story Podcast features interesting guests with fascinating stories and unique perspectives on life, taking viewers on a journey through the lives of others and ultimately inspire them to embark on an adventure of their own.
Jun 29, 2019
18 min
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