Overthrowing Education Podcast
Overthrowing Education
Batsheva Frankel Education Podcast Network
Overthrowing Education
Batsheva Frankel Education Podcast Network
The Areté Institute presents an edgy and entertaining educational podcast for teachers, students, parents, administrators and anyone else who cares about the state of education. While it is playful and fun, we also address the revolutionary changes that are happening and need to happen to create more meaningful and engaging education. We’ll celebrate students, educators, and schools who are getting it right and give tools and guidance for inspiring everyone else. Each episode starts with a fauxmercial - a commercial parody for fake educational products we wish were real. And every interview ends with the guest playing The 5-Minute Game Show which is written specifically for the topic and guest of each episode. Who knew that revolutionizing schools could be so fun?
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 14 days
Latest episode
10 months ago
November 5, 2023
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