Origin Sagas Podcast

Origin Sagas

Jake Martin
Jake Martin, (a self proclaimed nerd), invites you all to follow along as he sits down with guests as they share about their own Origin Sagas. Where they first ventured down the rabbit hole of fantasy, adventure, story telling, and all things nerdy. With of course some peppered in pop culture, nerd talk and exciting plot twists that involve vulnerability and life experiences.
The Origin of Aaron Bartling
Aaron Bartling (The Last Ronin, Radiant Black) joins us for Episode 1 of Season 2! Kicking off the new year and new season with a bang! Or, Bartling rather... We sit down to talk about Aaron's time in the music industry, his experiences around art and illustration, his current projects with Whatnot, how his origin story began, and of course his iconic The Last Ronin covers.You won't want want to miss out on this epic tale as we listen to The Origin of Aaron Bartling!-Links-Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/aaron.bartling1The Bartling Bunch:https://www.facebook.com/groups/696029157846128/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/aaronbartlingart/Whatnot:https://whatnot.com/user/bartbarianWebsite:https://aaronbartlingart.com/
Feb 3, 2022
1 hr 10 min
The Origin of Conrad Faraj
Conrad Faraj (Mudblood, Wedding Runner) joins us as our magical guest for episode 17! We sit down to talk about his epic journey as we discover how Mudblood came about, his origin in and around film making, how story telling has been deeply rooted in his blood, and some behind the scenes stories on the sets of Mudblood! You won't want to miss out on this grand adventure as we listen to Conrad Faraj and the Origin of Mudblood!- Links -Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/user/conradstudiosInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/mudbloodfilm/https://www.instagram.com/conradfaraj53/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/mudbloodfilm TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@conradfaraj53?Want more Origin Sagas?Follow us on all of our social media handles!Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/OriginSagasPodInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/originsagaspodcast/TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@originsagaspodcast?
Dec 16, 2021
51 min
The Origin of Ødfel
Ødfel (@odfel) joins us as our uncanny guest for episode 16! Ødfel is also our very first cosplayer guest, setting the bar very high with her experiences and wonderful story telling. We sit down to talk about how she got introduced into cosplay, her journey into creating her own cosplay costumes, and of course her favorite X-Men characters. You won't want to miss this exciting episode!Welcome and join us, as we listen to Ødfel's Origin Saga.-Links-Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/%C3%98dfelPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/OdfelInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/odfel/TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@odfel?Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/OdfelCosplay
Dec 9, 2021
55 min
The Origin of Mike Matola
Mike Matola (Line By Line Posters) joins us today as our fantastic guest for episode 15! We sit down to talk about how he got in to art, his experiences around scripts that gives an in depth view of how scripts are written. And his mentor who happened to be a magician. Mike's origin is not only magical, but this man genuinely knows how to draw in a crowd.  You won't want to miss this episode! Welcome and join us, as we listen to Mike Matola's Origin Saga.-Links-Website:https://www.linebylineposters.com/TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@mikematola?Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mikematola/
Dec 2, 2021
1 hr 30 min
The Origin of George Norman Lippert
George Norman Lippert (James Potter Series) joins us today as our exciting fourteenth guest for episode 14! We sit down to talk about his experiences around animation, illustration and game design. We nerd out over Star Wars and it's ever growing universe. And of course we talk about the James Potter series. Towards the end we even get to a bit of my own Origin Saga around mens work, where I bring vulnerability to a new level. Talk about one hell of an amazing episode!This is an episode you won't want to miss! Welcome and join us, as we listen to George Norman Lippert's Origin Saga.-Links-The Gray Line Podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gray-line/id1439913300Website:http://www.gnlippert.com/The James Potter Series:https://speedbumpstudios.wixsite.com/jamespotterbooks
Oct 28, 2021
57 min
The Origin of Matt Haley
Matt Haley (Marvel/ DC Comics & The Unsung/ CommsCon Creator) joins us today as our astonishing thirteenth guest for episode 13 on Origin Sagas. We sit down to talk about his time at Marvel and DC, creating campaigns for Microsoft, illustrating works for Gotham and the Wonder Woman movie, directing the viral hit Blackstar Warrior, and working in collaboration with Stan Lee. You won't want to miss out on this amazing episode!Welcome and join us, as we listen to Matt Haley's Origin Saga.-Links-Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/tinklepotInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/matthaleyart/Tiktok:https://www.tiktok.com/@matthaleyart?lang=enWebsite:https://www.matthaley.com/
Oct 22, 2021
1 hr 1 min
The Origin of Esteban Salinas
Esteban Salinas (Deviant Apple Inc) joins us today as our terrific twelfth guest for episode 12!We sit down to chat about his origins, his experiences around the comic industry, and his journey thus far! You won't want to miss this peak behind the artists curtain. Welcome and join us, as we listen to Esteban Salinas Origin Saga.-Links-Website:https://www.deviantappleinc.com/Social Media:Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/deviant_apple/Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/deviantappleillustrations
Oct 12, 2021
1 hr 39 min
The Origin of Fernando Velez
Fernando Velez (Kraven Comics) joins us today as our excitable eleventh guest for episode 11! We sit down to chat about his origins in comic books and life within the LGBTQ+ community, the beginnings of Kraven Comics, and how Class6 came to be. You won't want to miss this fantastic journey of creation, dedication and heart felt messages of acceptance. Welcome and join us, as we listen to Fernando Velez's Origin Saga.-Links-Website:https://www.kravencomics.com/Social Media:Instagram - @KravenComicshttps://www.instagram.com/kravencomics/LOAS Kickstarter:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kravencomicsclass6/loas-the-fall-of-the-kingdom
Sep 9, 2021
36 min
The Origin of Meegs
Meegs (@FangirlMeegs) joins us today as our terrific tenth guest for episode 10! We sit down to chat about her origins in all things Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings! The wonderful experiences of being apart of a social media platform that brings others together, and how great the big three within the fandom are. You won't want to miss this fan filled episode as we take a short train ride, to a galaxy far, far away and arrive at a magical place called Hogwarts. Welcome and join us, as we listen to Meegs' Origin Saga.-Links-Tiktok:https://www.tiktok.com/@fangirlmeegs?Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/fangirlmeegs/Album Cover by (with permissions): Meegs
Sep 2, 2021
59 min
The Origin of Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas (Parallel) joins us today as our noteworthy ninth guest for episode 9! We sit down to chat about his origin as a public school teacher, writing for a comic book, Neil Gaiman, and of course. Parallel. Which follows our main protagonist Landon, and what it costs to not follow your dreams. Even better, what it costs to have them. You won't want to miss this fun filled episode as we journey down the rabbit hole of Parallel realities.Welcome and join us, as we listen to Jason Douglas's Origin Saga.-Links-Purchase Parallel here:https://sourcepointpress.com/products/parallel-ogn?_pos=1&_sid=8550e9890&_ss=rInstagram:@jdouglaswriteshttps://www.instagram.com/jdouglaswrites/Album Cover by (with permissions): Jason Douglas
Aug 19, 2021
1 hr 27 min
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