One Degree of Scandalous with Kato Kaelin and Tom Zenner
One Degree of Scandalous with Kato Kaelin and Tom Zenner
via Podcasts
Love the energy
Fast paced show with great insight and personality.
I like it!!
I enjoy listening to this podcast
Fun show
Light and fun entertainment show!
there is nothing here
not good at all no content no charisma just two people adding up to be a zero, good job idiots
Holler for a dollar mobile
Very misogynistic
Would Give A Zero if I Could
Disgusting, misogynistic podcast from a washed up celebrity and celebrity wannabe
So Cringe
Really gross takes on things they’re only peripherally involved in. Not surprising at all that they would have a podcast based on riding the coattails of people who are actually celebrities. That’s all they’ve ever been capable of. Super disgusting hearing them talk about anything “me too” related. The one episode where the hairdresser for Holly and Bridget’s ex is the absolute worst. The way he spoke of Janet Dickinson’s experience after she literally gave him a career and then pretended like he knew Holly despite never having met her is just sad. These old men need to take a seat before they hurt themselves.
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Tone it down a bit
Interesting topics, but Tom needs to lay off the caffeine before the show. He's loud and intrusive. Please Tom, just take it down a notch.
Great show
Love this show
Rudolph Hotdawgbuger
Come ON
Do you really want to hear your guests’ stories or is this just a platform for self-promotion and bad jokes?
PW from GR
Great Show
Love the show! Thank you Kato and Tom for your work and for providing great entertainment.
Love this podcast. Continue to do politics free lol it is a breath of fresh air.
I like it.
I like kato and this is a fun interesting podcast. Please try to discuss more celebrity scandals.
A fun listen!
Discovered you guys on Carolla’s podcast, and binged the first several episodes. So much fun! 👍🏻👍🏻😀
Most of you are too young to remember
If Kato had told the truth OJ would have been convicted. Google him. Disgusting he is joking about his part of in the most scandalous murder.
Too much fun
I started listening on a long drive…can you binge on a podcast? Let the fun begin
Great first episode
liz cieslar x
So much fun!
Kato and Tom have such great energy. Looking forward to hearing more!
A Slice of Fried Gold