Once Upon a Time in Gaming Podcast

Once Upon a Time in Gaming

Richard Velazquez
Just a few Southern California guys playing and reviewing games from our past. We also share anything and everything we do video game related.
Mario Toys, Alien, Resident Evil, and.....Toilet Paper??
In this episode Jared brings some more N64 goodness, Rich gives gifts, and Bradley finally brings more than himself. Oh....and also......it gets a bit weird at the end lol If you like what you see, please drop a like and comment. If new here, subscribe for weekly video game and toy content.
Apr 24, 2023
35 min
Game Pickups #20: Star Wars, A Bugs Life, and John Wick
On this episode of Game Pickups Jared brings some decent N64 games and Rich adds to his controller collection. Bradley brings his insight and humor and Producer Rich goes back to the John Wick well. As always, enjoy the video and feel free to comment on what you'd like to see us do next! Thanks
Apr 20, 2023
31 min
GameStop did it again!!!
On this episode of Game Pickups Jared brings some Retro classics and Rich gets done dirty by GameStop. Bradley brings his insight and humor and Producer Rich is at it again..... As always, enjoy the video and feel free to comment on what you'd like to see us do next! If you like Producer Rich's pickup, you can find the page below https://www.ebay.com.au/str/altomeresstuffandthings Thanks
Apr 14, 2023
25 min
Missed Treasures and Guilty Pleasures
There have been plenty of games we passed on only for them to become some of the best ever and others we've played the daylights out of that weren't even decent. In this video we will touch on a few of these titles no matter how bad we look. As always, appreciate you the support!
Apr 7, 2023
23 min
Game Pickups #18: Kobe, Ori, and Master Chief
On this episode of Game Pickups Jared brings some Retro classics and Rich goes more new age. Bradley brings his insight and humor and Producer Rich talks more than we typically allow. As always, enjoy the video and feel free to comment on what you'd like to see us do next! This was pulled from our Youtube channel @onceuponatimeingaming
Apr 3, 2023
21 min
Our Most Expensive Retro Games & How We Got Them
We have a vast collection of games in our combined collections but what are our most expensive retro games? In this video we go over our top 6 high dollar retro games, leaving out any current or last gen titles. What are your most expensive games? Did you pay a lot for it initially or has it gone up over time while in your possession? Please let us know in the comments below! Appreciate your support!
Mar 31, 2023
18 min
Game Pickups #17: Mario, Turtles, Master Chief and More
This week Rich picked up some things outside of his normal area of expertise. Brad finally brings something to the table and Jared adds to his N64 collection. As always, feel free to let us know what you'd like to see next and appreciate the support!
Mar 27, 2023
30 min
Games We Are Ashamed We Don't Own
In this episode we discuss games we don't have and wish we did. Some of these games we consider our favorites of all time yet don't own physical copies. Even worse yet, some of the games we owned at one time and somehow don't have any more either because we lost it or because we did the unthinkable.........sold it.  Either way, please feel free to leave a comment on some of the games you wish you had and let us know what types of videos you'd like to see in the future. As always, appreciate the support!!!
Mar 24, 2023
19 min
Game Pickup #16....Banjo, Mario, and The Titanic
This week we had a small batch of pickups that included some retro and import N64 stuff, Wii games, more Super Mario Bros movie toys, and a bad movie. Enjoy!
Mar 20, 2023
17 min
Revisiting Halo Combat Evolved
Our goal with this channel is to go back in time and replay games we played as kids or younger adults and see if they stand the test of time while along the way sharing some of our childhood stories. This week we are doing this covering Halo Combat Evolved. This was a game changer back in 2001 and revisiting this game is always a blast......or so we think lol   We hope to have you travel along with us to see if this game holds up and is worth the smacks/money.
Mar 17, 2023
27 min
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