Omni BiLateral PANic Podcast

Omni BiLateral PANic

Omni BiLateral PANic
A podcast where three recently out bi+ millennial nerds talk representation, pop culture, art and being artists, and beyond.
Episode 4: Diva Resonators, Recovering Perfectionists, & Robin, Batgirl, Poison Ivy
Hear Tessa (Omni), David (Bi), and Cameron (Pan) workshop a word for sexually attracted to talent and found the "Furnies" movement, talk about exclusive content "sclusies" and feet monetization, take on the edifice of nice, and tell each other two truths and a lie. Finally, they play FMK with the characters of "Batman."   
Oct 22, 2021
2 hr 2 min
Episode 3: Essential Oils, Ghost Stories, & Kitana, Mileena, Jade
Hear Tessa (Omni), David (Bi), and Cameron Pan) talk about middle age, problematic crushes, future vision, "Cut this out" relationship advice, unpopular musical theatre opinions, and answer the "Big 5" questions.  After which they play FMK with Mortal Kombat, you don't want to miss it!
Oct 15, 2021
2 hr 13 min
Episode 3: Bonus Short: Coming Out Day
Happy Coming Out Day to all of our queer, questioning, and alphabet mafia siblings in the world! We Love you!
Oct 11, 2021
1 min
Episode 2: Kissing Sounds, Superpowers, & Captain America, Iron Man, Thor
Hear Tessa (Omni), David (Bi), and Cameron (Pan) talk about icebreakers and old jobs, coming-out logistics, relationships, apparent superpowers, shipping, and play several rounds of FMK.
Oct 8, 2021
2 hr 11 min
Episode 1: Public Twerks, Coming Out, & Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Meet Tessa (Omni), David (Bi), and Cameron (Pan); three millennial friends who met working in the theatre in New York; bonded over comedy, antiquated popular culture, and impressions; and all came out later in life. Listen to stories about celebrity sightings, on-air games, the public, and their coming-out stories.
Oct 1, 2021
1 hr 41 min
Episode 1: Sneak Peak: Alignment Chart
Sneak Peak of our new Bi+ Podcast.Hear David (Bi), a veteran DM, describe his updated alignment chart to an enraptured Tessa (Omni) and Cameron (Pan).
Sep 21, 2021
6 min