Well for those fans of you with a keen eye then yes,
last episode was a Part 1. So here is Part 2 to start your week
off right. More bang for your buck!! Double whammy!!! We had
so mucn fun recording this episode so hopefully you enjoy listening
to it as well. Press play and join us on the journey of answering the
question, "Who is Jesus?"...Part Deux.
Jun 30
34 min
Happy Sunday everyone! Hopefully everyone has had a good week.
Please join us on this weeks episode as we dare to ask a very important
question...Who is Jesus? Through my couple years as a Christian
(man how time flies) I never really stopped to ask this deep yet very
vital question. Well, Ben proposed the question and here is the amazing
episode. Have a blessed week everyone!!!
Jun 30
43 min
How do you choose a church? Is it for the amazing stage a church may have? Light show? Maybe a particular church's drums are tuned just right you hear that perfect "crack" of the snare? For me, I base mine off of the potluck quality. I'm totally joking. However, one time someone made a killer summer salad and the main ingredient were beats...BEATS!!! I am still shocked. Come listen to Ben and myself on this episode discuss some key aspects on how to choose a church. Hope everyone has a blessed and joyful week!
Jun 10
54 min
Forgive me, but the title is in reference to a sound bite we have had programmed in our mixer since the beginning and we finally got a chance to use it...twice! Temptation is a constant struggle. Easier for some, more difficult for others. Either way the question remains, "As sinners, how do we go about fighting temptation?" Come listen to Ben and I on this episode as we tackle this difficult yet very relatable topic.
Jun 4
42 min
As a child of the 90's I've been patiently waiting for when I could utilize a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie title, and the wait is finally over! Man, that guys was hero of mine growing up, but now I have a new hero...Jesus Christ. Come listen to Ben I talk about how we should spend our time according to the Bible. Don't forget to like, subscribe and mainly share. Word of mouth about the show has been working and we cannot thank all of you enough!!!
Jun 1
46 min
Resurrection Sunday aka Easter Sunday. Ok, we're late to posting this episode, but better late than never as my uncle always said. Come listen to Ben and myself (Chris aka "The Other Guy") discus our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ's resurrection. What an amazing time it was recording this episode. Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it. Have a blessed week everyone!
May 29
41 min
Ok, here at "Old Sinners New Saints" we try to connect all of our episode titles to movies, but it becomes quit difficult. There is a 2018 movie of the same title, however I have no clue what it's about. Moving forward, Today Ben and I (Chris...the "Other Guy") discuss some of the biggest misconceptions of being a Christian/Christianity. Please, press play and come join us on this wild ride that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has placed before us.
P.S. Very special "Thanks" to all the Mothers out there. Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!
May 11
43 min
I've heard 2010's "The King's Speech" starring Colin Firth is a fantastic movie. Still haven't watched it myself, but the title did bring forth an interesting question, "How should we speak as Christians according to the Bible?" Come and enjoy this journey with us as Ben and I discuss; life, kids, hopefully a future Taco Bell sponsorship and most important of all, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
P.S. Sorry for the late post, but I was dealing with two ill children. Hope everyone has a blessed week!
Apr 29
45 min
I often wonder, "what is the overarching theme of the Bible?" Well, Ben and I decided to break it down into four main parts, The Covenants. The covenants act as pegs upon which we can hang the Bible's story. Four covenants advance the message of the unified theme of redemption by the rescuer. Come, listen to today's epidode and have some fun with us. Share some laughs and more importantly, let us share the word of Jesus Christ with you. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share. We appreciate you all!!!
Apr 17
52 min
Hello everyone! No fun with titles this week. Today, we cover such an important topic that we are all business. Ok, that is obviously not true when I am involved. In today's society we identify with many things; our income, job, relationships, house, the car we drive, favorite sports teams. Come listen to Ben any myself talk about the most important identity of all...having an Identity in Christ.
P.S. Please continue share the show! We are growing, we love your support and could not thank each of you enough.
P.S.S Don't forget to read your Bible!
Apr 6
51 min
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