via Podcasts
Potential but could have some improvements
I like the podcast. I see potential, however, I don’t like it when Sommer is interrupting people or Amanda when she or they are speaking. Allow them to speak.
I so badly wanted to like this podcast but Sommer’s lack of intelligence just completely kills it 😕
Really good
All y’all haters need to chill the f out they are to young beautiful women and they are doing what they love so back the F off
You are so rude
All of the people that are commenting have rude things to say like if you are going to say something mean keep it to yourself
hype house girl
So bad
I am visually impaired and find entertainment through podcasts. I thought this podcast would be something fun and diffferent. I was wrong. The worst part of it all is the overall lack of education or knowledge to lead others through an effective and interesting interview. I’m also not quite sure what the purpose of Sommer being a “co-host” is. She barely talks and when she does she is unable to communicate with any type of substance. In a world with plenty of options, don’t waste your time with them like I have.
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As a teenager, I am able to relate to many of the stories they discuss and if I had listened earlier in my life I feel like I would have been so much better prepared. The podcast clarifies many decisions I make and have some very engaging discussions I also like the guests.
Slim Till
Love y’all
Amanda weber
Girl time
Love this new pod I found but just a little constructive criticism- please try not to talk over each other and the guests. I think it’s just excitement but it’s not so easy on the ears. Both Amanda and Sommer will lay out their thought at the same time and no one stops talking to listen to the other one. Good luck in the future- can’t wait to see y’all succeed!
Mark Dohner we love your new baby momma
Hi love you little brother Are we love your kids house we are so so we love you
So boring
This podcast put me to sleep. Stick to your fitness videos girls, podcasting is NOT your thing.
idk but...
everyone is only giving this podcast good reviews because the girls are “hot”. i’ve listened to this podcast once or twice and it’s fine but there are two side to the reviews. one side- these girls are so hot you have to love me forever because i gave you 5 stars.
the other side- this podcast is absolute trash. they should go back to pornhub or whatever. give the girls a break. they deserve respect, too. just saying this. leave them alone. ☹️
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Frank addict
Absolutely awful.
Who asked for this? I’m sure Amanda and Sommer are great people, but please leave podcasting to people who actually have interesting things to talk about and can string an articulate sentence together. It’s hilarious that these two think they can actually be unique and entertaining enough to pull this off.
It’s honestly terrible.
I love u so much
stopped listening when i found out they are still friends with curtis lepore, i can’t support people that support rapists
Why is this even a podcast? It is horrible. The ad reads are so fake. I wouldn't buy anything from their sponsors. Dumb, dumb, dumb people. Eeeesh
Definitely Worth Listening To!
So I usually never write reviews on ANYTHING, but I wanted to take the time to speak on how much I loved listening to most guests Amanda & Sommer have on their podcasts. I must say it’s very interesting to learn new things and hear people’s stories of their life experiences. It’s good to reflect on other people’s opinions and aspects of life. I’m a very open-minded person & love to see that Amanda & Sommer have the patience to sit down and talk with people who feel comfortable enough to share what’s on their mind. I have been following Amanda for years so this is definitely something I enjoyed. She’s an amazing person with a warm-hearted soul and I am living for this type of content. YASSS HONEYYY! 🍯
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good but...
Amanda is great—wise & polite. Sommer comes across as aggressive by constantly interrupting everyone...this really detracts from the overall quality of the podcast.
as a whole—good, mainly because of Amanda & good guests—but Sommer needs to learn to listen and maybe read a book at some point...yikes.
I love their content. They ask great questions and have natural flow. Great guest! I just wish their audio engineer would make everyone sound the same level. Sometimes Amanda doesn’t sound loud enough.
86 Sommer Ray
Sommer, If you’re going to run a podcast please read a book and learn how to communicate with others
Hard to get through
Terrible sound quality aside, it’s poorly executed. Idea is there just like other podcasts, but these girls, especially sommer, are NOT articulate or well spoken, making it so hard to listen to.
Just being honest
Not my cup of tea - love Ed Mylett so I listened but this was hard to get through.
The picture is very inappropriate considering this podcast is for middle schoolers.
The only people who would not find these girls annoying are in 6th grade.
Call her daddy
Alex and Sofia are better
Get with the girls
I would love to have a one on one with these two children and teach each of them how to provide an interview and even become an interviewee. With formal training they could provide a guy with great live and comfort. But.... they need to grow up.
Terrible Audio & content
Gave it a chance not worth the time
Just awful. Don’t waste your time with this millennial trash
Nice try sweetie
Go back to your selfies and photoshop.
Just look at the cover
Classless and tasteless
Ee jack
No thank u
Literally no one asked for this trash
If you’re into the “like... and like...” conversations this will be perfect for you!
daddy for the win
Nothing beats alex cooper and sofia #daddygang
Tammy Brumm
No thanks 🤦🏽♂️
The sound quality is horrible for one. Listening to the Janko episode turned me off to this crap.
We definitely don’t need Instagram models to make podcasts. Very bad
Bad... just bad....
Don’t waste your time on this one.
Not every single person on Earth needs a podcast
Who asked for this?
the internet does not need this.
It's good
I love there podcast I watch it everytime I'm bored
insta koolaidop
Peoples comments on here are rude
I always look forward to listening to your podcast. Makes me laugh and get inspired to get into my dream job! Thank you! ❤️
Colette & Oli
No thanks
It’s just not good
tard juice
Nice background noise
You guys are way too quiet, I have my volume all the way up and can’t hear you that well. Also the buzz noise is really annoying it doesn’t sound like it’s supposed to be there but I’m assuming it’s a bee haha this podcast seems like it’s legit because you are influencers and have lots of sponsors but it’s not that interesting. P
The ads are to much..
Not that bad to listen to until you get hit with two minute advertisements about how much they love this product that you should buy. Pretty sure there was about 5 of them during the whole podcast.. Also they’re talking in a room that echoes so it’s more annoying to listen to.
Nikita JJ
Stick to the gram where you belong
Really? Consumers think that these two are credible sources to listen to??? Appalling. Listen to something that will teach you something, or add value to your life instead.
This podcast is pretty boring and just not really something that interesting. For all those looking for a podcast filled with great stories and humor try the misfits podcast
Sommer talks down other girls too much
It’s Alright.
Okay podcast to listen too, it’s nice to have something on, to avoid complete silence while drawing. Four stars.
Seriously the two most annoying and irrelevant people ever. Nobodies.
Amanda made a mistake
Yikes Amanda. This podcast would’ve been so great without summer. You are so well spoken and mature and can have great conversations. Summer on the other hand. Lol. I like it but you could’ve been successful on your own