On this broadcast, we featured news in commentary, which we had not done in a while. The only thing that has changed over the past few months, is it the world has gotten even crazier. Here are some of the new stories that we covered on last nights broadcast. As you can see by some of the links to the new stories, the next thing that the media and their cohorts in government are going to try to get us to swallow is the idea of pedophilia. This is why it is so important to draw our line in the sand when it comes to this. If children cannot rely on adults to protect them from harm, then nobody is safe.
Jun 19, 2023
2 hr 28 min
Patrick Holland returns to the broadcast, but this time instead of discussing political issues, we are discussing Internet security.IT is what Patrick does for a living, and we took the time to discuss ways in which you can improve your Internet security.One of the simplest things that he says that you can do, is to download the brave browser: brave.com/download/Brave takes a totally different approach to web browsing, and the best part of all, despite all of the privacy enhancing features, it is free to download and use.
Jun 19, 2023
2 hr 2 min
On this broadcast we had sort of a roundtable discussion with Patrick Holland, and John Williams.The discussion centered around the defeat of the gold and silver legislation, SB 100.This bill would have made gold and silver officially legal tender in the state of Missouri, as well as removing capital gains taxes from using the currency.While dealing with the Missouri state house is much easier than dealing with the capital in Washington DC, we still have our share of troublemakers, when it comes to passing liberty oriented legislation.On this broadcast, Patrick and John went through the details of the proceedings this past week at the capital and how the Democrats, as well as some Republicans help to kill the bill.SB 100 was a bill that everybody in the grass roots wanted.However, Democrats in the House, as well as house leader Dean Plocher help to kill the bill.One thing on the plus side that did happen, was SB 49.This bill bars sexual experimentation on minors, so we definitely have something to celebrate there.However, the fight for gold and silver legislation in Missouri is not over.What we need is more people to be involved in this process to push that bill over the finish line, next time it is introduced.To get involved in this process, first be informed.First, sign up to get emails from liberty organizations here in the state of Missouri.You will not be flooded with emails, but you will be up-to-date anytime something comes up.First, if you have not done so, go over to: www.mofree.org.This is the website to Missouri freedom initiative.You will be up-to-date anytime there is a pro liberty bill requiring your support.You can also go over there to watch any live streams that Patrick produces, as well as archived streams.Another website that you can receive emails from, is: www.mofirst.orgRarely will you receive emails from Moe first, but when you do they will definitely be important as well.John Williams also does a live stream on Friday evenings at 6:30.To watch his live stream, go to: www.youtube.com/@missourilibertyreport72Due to ongoing problems with censorship, John will soon be moving his Missouri liberty report stream to rumble: rumble.com/c/c-2935404.Currently, you can watch any of his archived streams there as well.By the way, thanks to John Williams, we are now available on just about all podcast platforms.If you would like to get Off The Cuff as a podcast, simply do a search for any of the podcast platforms carrying the show.Because there are other shows out there named Off The Cuff, you will need to do a search for: Off The Cuff with Sam and Trish
May 15, 2023
2 hr 3 min
This week I had the pleasure of having two sit-in talk show host doing the broadcast for me.Our host this week were Patrick and Ritha Holland: www.mofree.org, and what great hosts they were.During the first part of the broadcast, Ritha spent time talking more about the school bond issues, and how they work on a national basis.As with other broadcasts on this issue, this is very important, so that you don't get taken in by these schemes.Then Patrick spent time talking about the latest on SB 100, the bill making gold and silver legal tender in the state of Missouri.We are in the last week of this legislative session of the state house, before the summer recess takes hold, so if you want to see this bill passed, please contact your state representative and stress how important it is that this bill get past.Another thing that Patrick brought up, was the issue of the new Fed now program.This program starts the process of trying to force everybody into a cashless society.The Fed Now program starts in July.It is a stepping stone toward the central bank digital currency.Start watching for more and more businesses that refuse to take cash.This is why being able to transact in Gold and Silver is so vitally important, as an alternative.By the way, I know I will get some comments on this, so let me explain.If you're wondering what all the extra noise was in the background, that was due to the preamp on the motherboard in Ritha's computer.We were on team talk, and Patrick was on one computer, while Ritha was on her own computer.Just wanted to mention it, so that you would know that we were aware of it.This concludes the show notes, and now for the house cleaning part of this email.First of all, some of you know that during the afternoon hours, we have been carrying the Kate dalley show from St. George Utah.We are finally replacing that broadcast, due to streaming issues between the radio station that she is on out in Utah, and us here.I have been fighting off and on for a few years now, trying to keep that stream on the air.Some of you that listen during that time would notice that the show would stop from time to time and there would be dead air, for sometimes 2 to 3 minutes or more.This would confuse some of you that were online, thinking that our stream had dropped.This was simply unacceptable, and I had started looking for a replacement now for quite a while.Starting Monday, May 8, we will start carrying the sons of liberty broadcast in that timeslot.This is a broadcast that covers news, as well as issues regarding faith, and where they intersect.The show will run between 4 and 6 PM.Another change, is that we will start focusing more and more on Missouri broadcasters.This doesn't mean that we will drop all of our broadcasters from other parts of the country, but just wherever possible, we will focus on Missouri.Starting this Saturday, May 13, we will start a new broadcast called Rogue Politics.Catherine Dreher and Kirby Lane are the host of that broadcast.They will be in our Saturday lineup, right behind John Williams Missouri Liberty Report.John Williams comes on at 7 PM central time, followed by Kathryn and Kirby with Rogue Politics.They will also be on Wednesdays both during the day and during the evening.John Williams will play at 1 PM central time, followed by Catherine and Kirby, and then again at 11 PM central time.There are more changes coming, so please stay tuned.
May 9, 2023
2 hr 2 min
This week I was joined by Catherine Dreher and Kirby Lane. They've got a new podcast called Rogue Politics where they follow the money in government to see how tax payer money is spent, how PACs are formed and who funds them. It's an interesting way to see how money and corruption moves through the halls of government.
May 3, 2023
2 hr 3 min
As some of you may remember when I sent out the earlier email regarding what was coming up on this broadcast, I stated to you that we might have Charles Lewis with United precious metals association on the broadcast, or we would do a show with a variety of different things including a reading of the 45 communist goals as entered into the congressional record back in 1963.Well, first things first.As some of you may know on Saturday, April 15, we had a severe weather outbreak here in the state of Missouri.At one point, the severe thunderstorm warnings, as well as a tornado warnings were coming so fast and furious, that I couldn't hardly keep up with them all, So I thought I would take some time to clear up some of the mystery surrounding the tornado warnings, and why sometimes the warnings seem to be for nothing.Then we did a reading of the 45 communist goals as promised.
May 1, 2023
2 hr 3 min
We're joined by Charles from the UPMA Bank. We talk silver and gold as money and the fight in Missouri to make gold and silver legal currency.
May 1, 2023
3 hr 1 min