Oakbrook Terrace Corps Podcast

Oakbrook Terrace Corps

The Salvation Army Oakbrook Terrace Corps
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday Worship 12/21/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Christmas Joy" 0:02:14 - OBT Singing Company "Still, Still, Still" 0:06:05 - Piano Offertory (W. Himes) 0:09:30 - OBT Band "Who Is He?" (R. Cox, soloist) 0:13:38 - Advent Candle Lighting 0:14:19 - OBT Songsters "King Jesus Is His Name" 0:17:26 - Advent Reading 0:21:48 - Prayer (L. Himes) 0:23:08 - Sermon "Our Prince of Peace" (W. Himes)
Jan 6, 2009
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday Worship 12/14/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Angels From The Realms of Glory" 0:01:41 - Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8-18 (E. & A. Jordan) 0:03:50 - OBT Band "O Magnum Mysterium" 0:08:56 - Prayer (D. Witthoff) 0:09:16 - More Than A Manger (L. Allan) 0:13:47 - OBT Songsters "My Own Nativity" 0:16:51 - Advent Candle Lighting 0:19:47 - More Than A Manger (E. Polsley) 0:23:34 - Sermon "Today is the first day of..." (J. Hoskin)
Jan 5, 2009
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sunday Worship 12/7/08 0:00:00 - OBT Songsters "God Came in Jesus to Live Among Us" 0:02:48 - Sermon "At The Name of Jesus" (D. Winters)
Dec 15, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday Worship 11/23/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Prayer of Thanksgiving" 0:02:20 - Call To Worship & Prayer (W. Himes) 0:08:03 - Solo - "There Will Be God" (J. Rowland) 0:15:15 - OBT Band "Stand Up And Bless The Lord" 0:18:21 - OBT Songsters "I Bless Your Name" 0:22:27 - Sermon "Living From A Grateful Heart" (M. Gorton)
Dec 12, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday Worship 11/16/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Great Is The Lord" 0:01:45 - OBT Band "I'm In His Hands" 0:05:10 - Prayer (I. Velazquez) 0:05:56 - Call to Worship (R. Cox) 0:09:14 - OBT Songsters "In The Love Of Jesus" 0:13:18 - Sermon "Joseph: The Right Perspective" (D. Gorton)
Dec 9, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday Worship 11/9/08 0:00:00 - OBT Youth Band 0:02:43 - Welcome (L. Jordan & D. Rowland) 0:05:03 - OBT Singing Company "Oh Won't You Sit Down?" 0:07:35 - OBT Youth Band "Union" 0:10:46 - Sermon - "Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace" (D. Gorton)
Nov 25, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday Worship 11/2/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Dance Like David" 0:03:07 - Introduction (G. Weller) 0:05:23 - Call To Worship (R. Doliber) 0:06:47 - Personal Story & Scripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:1(J. Curry) 0:14:31 - OBT Band "It Is Jesus" 0:18:03 - OBT Songsters "Give Me A Vision" 0:22:01 - Sermon - "Jesus Juniors" (C. Presley)
Nov 18, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday Worship 10/26/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "Shalom" 0:02:34 - OBT Band "I Know He Cares For Me" 0:05:52 - Prayer (L. Allan) 0:06:12 - Personal Story (M. Micheletti) 0:15:44 - OBT Songsters "Master, Speak" 0:18:59 - Sermon - "God Is Faithful" (C. Wilkins)
Nov 16, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday Worship 10/19/08 0:00:00 - OBT Band "I Have Victory In My Jesus" 0:01:19 - Witness (D. Grindle) 0:06:14 - OBT Band "In This Quiet Moment" 0:09:47 - Prayer (E. Gorton) 0:10:15- Sermon - "In The Pits" (D. Gorton)
Nov 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday Worship 10/12/08 0:00:00 - Call to Worship & Prayer (C. Sox) 0:04:58 - Testimony (C. Shay) 0:10:09 - Scripture - I John 3:10-24 (A. & L. Rapley) 0:14:39 - OBT Band "Here I Am, Lord" 0:19:34 - Prayer (D. Arnold) 0:20:37 - OBT Songsters "Lord Of The Harvest" 0:25:01- Sermon - "Open The Eyes Of My Heart" (K. Branch)
Nov 11, 2008