O-Town Dreamers Podcast
O-Town Dreamers
Cristina Hernandez
via Podcasts
Love the show!!
O-town Dreams is so fun and insightful! As a Central Florida performer this podcast has helped me find out about upcoming auditions and learn about local performers and leaders of creative. Would recommend to anyone, especially young people pursuing a career in the entertainment industry!
Ian Clarey
Love it!!
SO enjoy hearing Cristina and Sage talk about O-Town. Eugene OR is so far out in po-dunk you can barely find us. But great things come from out West 😉. Never knew there were so many options in Orlando! Laughs and knowledge, rock the podcast!! Linda Tucker, auntie in Oregon
Thank you O-T Dreamers
Sage and Cristina inspire with their energetic enthusiasm to create a positive and humorous listening environment. We are fortunate to have so much talent in O-Town (the LA of the East coast!) and I appreciate hearing from different performers about the paths they haven taken to get to Orlando.