Caroline Walker and Nicole Laas dive deep into the world of Corona Virus. Who is at risk? Where dis come from? Why, oh why does it have to be in our lifetime? HELP! Does my dog have Corona? All of this and more on our bonus episode of NURD. Don't forget to check us out on April 1st when we drop the first episode of The Future Collection.
Thank you to TAO for the theme song https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you Pillowsnake for the musical contributions to the show https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Feb 29, 2020
55 min

NURD took a break cause Caroline had sex and got pregnant then gave birth to the baby and she was busy doing pregnant lady things.
Catch our next collection premiering on April 1st 2020, the one year anniversary of the first official episode of NURD!
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Feb 22, 2020
2 min

Caroline sniffles the whole episode. Tom talks about his alien abduction. Caroline says Hello to all the lizard people out here irl. Tom is thankful for Roswell shaping his favorite nerdy TV shows. Jonathan Frakes is hot af. The X-Files is the best kinda tv out there and Marilyn Manson starts a Alien cult.
Thank you Tom for co-hosting ridgeroadmedia.net
Thank you to TAO for the theme song https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you Pillowsnake for the musical contributions to the show https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thank you Elevated Wellness for sponsoring our podcast https://www.facebook.com/elevatedwellnesstx/
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Jun 10, 2019
35 min

Tom and Caroline talk quirky Musk. Not the fragrance, but the actual Elon Musk. Caroline attacks Amazon and Jeff Bezos even though she is a constant shopper (because human interaction is scary) Tom talks about Nirvana. I burped super loud but edited it out. We share our predictions for SpaceX and we hope that his journey is an epic one.
Thank you Tom DeRosa for being on the show. https://www.facebook.com/ridgeroadmedia/ https://soundcloud.com/chrebet
Thank you T.A.O for the theme song. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you to Pillowsnake for the musical interludes. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thanks to our sponsor Elevated Wellness. https://www.facebook.com/elevatedwellnesstx/
Much love and luck to SpaceX. I hope that the universe takes care of Musk and his journey.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Jun 5, 2019
47 min

Joseph and I stay and the brand new hotel called Dub State. We take a trip through Europe and ask the question, "Why the F?". The ocean needs cleaning, do we need extra terrestrial help? My heart does not belong in Los Angeles and Joseph does a breath check.
Thanks to Joseph Soto for guest hosting https://www.facebook.com/joseph.soto.3766952
Thank you to Tom DeRosa fb.com/ridgeroadmedia fb.com/chrebet
Thanks to T.A.O. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you to Pillowsnake https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
May 26, 2019
56 min

Tom and Caroline wear some flashy camo and blast off into space on project Artemis. Adam DeRosa pops in for a NURD visit as well as Mr. Donald Trump himself. My dog bites a poor unsuspecting woman and my life is in shambles.
Thank you Tom for being on our show today. https://www.facebook.com/ridgeroadmedia https://soundcloud.com/chrebet
Thanks to T.A.O for nailin' the theme song. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you to Pillowsnake for his musical contributions. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thanks to me for getting an episode out even though i'm sad and tired af.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
May 23, 2019
24 min

Tom leads us in this week. Ray and Caroline talk about germs. They are everywhere!! Who is the 3rd member of the Apollo crew? Do we mean the naked men of the Apollo male dancers? The ADVERTISEMENTS don't know when to stahp. Ray shares his predictions for the future of the Moon. We have not confirmed nor denied that the moon is made of cheese. All this and more! on NURD Pod
Thank you Ray for co-hosting. https://www.facebook.com/pinxeray
Thanks to TAO for providing our theme song. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thank you Tom DeRosa for filling in. https://soundcloud.com/chrebet https://soundcloud.com/chrebet/universe
Thank you Pillowsnake for your musical contributions. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thank you to our new sponsor Elevated Wellness. https://www.facebook.com/elevatedwellnesstx/
Thanks all the mommas out there.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
May 13, 2019
53 min

Humberto and Caroline take a wild ride through various ghost stories. Someone get's possessed. Caroline nearly has a panic attack. The technical difficulties are surely a sign of paranormal activity and not just a bad Internet connection. This episode is not altered in anyway besides cutting out long pauses and off record conversation. There are no sound effects added. It's up to you to decide what is real and what is PARANORMAL.
Thank you Humberto Moreno for co-hosting this episode. https://www.facebook.com/RecalledProductions/
Thank you Tom DeRosa for being our researcher and social media marketer. https://soundcloud.com/chrebet
Thanks TAO for letting us use your song for the intro. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thanks Pillowsnake for your musical contributions. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Apr 22, 2019
51 min

Rose Quacker and Caroline Walker talk literally about life, god, death, and family. All of these things stem from the vageeen. "Tell me all your thoughts on God, cuz I'd really like to meet her" and other womanly things etc. I love trees.
Thank you to researcher for NURD: Tom DeRosa https://soundcloud.com/chrebet
Thanks to TAO for letting us use their song for the intro. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
Thanks to Pillowsnake for his musical contributions to the show. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thanks to Rose Quaker for migrating down from Alaska. https://www.instagram.com/rosequacker/
Thanks to Caroline Walker for letting herself and others be brave. https://www.facebook.com/cmwalkerart/
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Apr 15, 2019
46 min

RGV based Comedian Sonia and Caroline get down and deep on this episode of NURD. Caroline sits on her leg too long. Sonia regrets not getting married, or does she? Caroline and Sonia make men hot by slingin' jokes. Caroline air claps like a seal.
If you have any of these symptoms please confide in a friend and/or speak to a Doctor you trust.
Thank you to Sonia for co-hosting https://www.facebook.com/hottomatotody
A thank you to our researcher and social media marketer, Tom DeRosa https://www.facebook.com/ridgeroadmedia/ https://soundcloud.com/chrebet
Thanks to Pillowsnake for his musical contributions. https://soundcloud.com/pillow187
Thank you to TAO (Together As One) for letting us use their song for the intro. https://soundcloud.com/tao-music-842954674
NURD is edited by Caroline Walker
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/nurdpod/support
Apr 8, 2019
33 min
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