Now What? with Brooke Shields
Now What? with Brooke Shields
via Podcasts
Very Thoughtful!
Finally! A truly educational and intelligent podcast with no “look at me” factor. I like the maturity and honesty vibe. I’m glad that I found this podcast. My only gripe is that I have to listen to commercials, they just ruin the flow. You go from quality conversation to low I.Q. level immediately. Brooke Shields is a well rounded individual who has class beyond. This is a rare thing these days.
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Mike Ciresi
You are hubby are so sweet.
Please come back
Brooke, you were, by far, my most favorite podcast to listen too. I couldn’t wait for each new episode. I feel like we could be sisters from another mister! You made me laugh, you made me cry. You are very talented in so many ways, and extremely well spoken. It was a pleasure listening to you and I miss you so much! Won’t you please come back? 🙏
Hoping to see new shows in 2024, great podcast.
This podcast lasted longer than her career. Loved the Blue Lagoon. Sorry you were trafficked. Find a new job off the air.
Miss this show
I miss walking with you and your guests every week! your podcast was a welcome start to my days. Any chance you will gome back?
So long Brooke, for now!
Have been a fan of Brooke forever! Am sorry to see this podcast end. Thanks for putting yourself out there.
Enjoyed the podcast. Sad to see it go!
Enjoyed getting to know Brooke more.
Sorry it’s ending…
Sad to hear show is ending. Great format and conversations. You will be missed by many!
You will be missed
This was one of fav podcasts. So well done! I will absolutely miss this one.
Holloway C.
Sorry to see you go
I am sad to hear this one is going to end. Thanks for an interesting insight to how others handle those “now what” moments we all experience. Got me to think about all those I’ve had and if I did a good job with them
Love your interviews.
I love listening to your interviews. I am very sad to hear this is your final episode. Hope you come back and share more what now.
Donner T
So good!!!
I have loved your podcast. Sad to see it go. I’ve listened to every episode.
Jess Lowry
Such a great podcast - don’t be over
Love this podcast and I just heard it’s the last one???? Say it isn’t so! Brooke is so real, raw and honest and she has amazing conversations with her guests. What??? Is she not controversial enough? Actually she is a breath of FRESH AIR!!!
Really Like This Show
This is such an enjoyable show. The conversations are just easy while teaching so much from everyone’s personal experiences. Brooke Shields voice is so calming and pure. Thank You. I will miss this show. Thank you for all the hard work put into this program.
Don’t Miss This Podcast
Thoughtful and unique questions. The guest is allowed to shine. Always look forward to a new episode.
Hopefully you will return
I have really enjoyed this podcast! I hope you get a new project and come back to podcast world! It has been a pleasure!
Crazzy Sub 0
Great idea Brooke!
This is a great idea for a podcast. The first episode is really good. I wish you all the best and I have subscribed. ...And now it's the final episode.😥I'll miss you!
B. Birdell
Brooke’s interviews are delightful—full of compassion, humor, and empathy.
Great Conversations
Thoughtful questions. Interesting guests. Brooke bravo!
Great Guests
After listening to Brooke on Rosie’s podcast I decided to tune in and I’ve listened to 6 episodes one after another!
Love Brooke
Brooke has such a kindness and curiosity in her interview style. I really enjoy this and feel connected to her interviews.
Brooke is wonderful! She has such a calming effect on air. I love her shows and her choice of guests. Never did I think I could be friends with Brooke Shields, but I believe it would be possible-she is so down to earth and relatable. I’m an avid podcast listener and this one has become a top 5!
Amy/Bluegrass state
I absolutely love this podcast. Brooke’s gentle voice and demeanor makes me feel like I’m sitting in a living room chatting with her. Personable. The pod deals with some difficult issues which she handles beautifully.
Hudson Happy
Love this podcast!
I just discovered this podcast and have been bingeing it ever since. I’ve been a fan of Brooke for years and once again, she has blown me away with her intelligence, talent and class. Her thoughtful questions and astute insights make every guest shine. Love it!
Like being with a friend.
There is a gentle, kind, authentic interest that makes Brooke a lovely interviewer. I feel a little like I am in the room with 2 friends when I listen.
First grade teacher
Brooke asks deep and interesting questions and has great conversations with her guests. As someone recovering from back surgery, I appreciate hearing everyone’s now what moments. Keep up the great work!
Informative and entertaining
So glad I found this podcast.. easy to listen too for a little escape or before bed.. I love Brookes format and listening to her interact with her guest!
podcast escape traveler
highly enjoyable
I love hearing from all of the guests in this space . I would love to see more “regular” people to discuss relevant topics affecting their lives and how that fits into the larger narrative .
Thank you for all you do
The voice behind this podcast is fostering a clarity that is much needed. The Stacy Abrams episode!!👏🗽🇺🇸 Galvanize vs paralyze. Looking forward to more insights
Honest and fun
I appreciate the relaxed atmosphere. People are comfortable enough to have honest conversations.
Well done!
Enjoying your podcasts. Great guests and conversations!
Insightful and Caring
Always insightful, and always caring, Brooke brings a breath of fresh air to our lives by interviewing interesting guests and commenting with honesty.
Alec Sarkas
Just saw Pretty Baby
I was born in 1958 and remember Brooke Shields, from the Calvin Klein ads, her movies and so much criticism about her Momanger. It really was a different culture then compared to now, and it was powerful listening and watching this series on her evolution to realizing all she is, and isn’t. Found it affirming and relatable in so many ways. She gave a voice to how I felt, even though she was a phenomenon, which would be intense on its own. Truly a testament to the power and grace within all of us. And through it all, she has had dignity through her innocence and truth telling. So thankful I saw this 2 part show. Our human spirit is amazing. Truly. Now I’m going to tune in to the podcasts. Thanks Brooke
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The show with bebe
I so enjoyed this podcast with bebe. I’m new to this podcast and I’m so glad I found it. Brooke has a soothing voice and lets her guest speak . I tried listening to an earlier one but couldn’t get it to play. Brooke is an amazing woman who has thrived when she could have easily failed from her childhood. I’m older than she and remember her life through the tabloids and I’m so happy that she is so amazing and such a success. Finally a child star with a happy ending.
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desilu 52
Love Brooke
I’m so glad I found this podcast. She is great to listen to and her guests are great too!
Love this podcast!
I truly appreciate and love listening to Brooke and her insightful guests on the show. As a young adult, I love hearing genuine perspectives from people who have lived through so many interesting and life-changing experiences. Definitely recommend!!
Excellent interviewer
Glad I found this.
Glad I found this
I’ve recently found this podcast and LOVE every one I’ve been able to take in! Casual, insightful, relatable, touching, and inspirational .. and all of them have been a breadcrumb to lead me to other content I’ve enjoyed … podcasts, documentaries, television shows and movies. THANKS BROOKE! GUEST IDEA: I would love to hear a conversation between you and Debbie Gibson. You both have walked such similar paths .. famous young, strong ‘mom’agers who launched your careers, musical theatre, loss of your beloved mothers, pivoting career direction when needed.
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Mike So Serious
Insightful and Engaging
Really enjoying this podcast. Brooke asks questions off the beaten path that offer depth, rather than the standard canned/safe approach. The outcome reflects open and honest conversations with her guests, which result in more relatability to what they’ve been through. I always leave feeling uplifted and more positive after listening. Highly recommended!
Brooke is a top notch interviewer
I love this podcast so much!! I think all of us could use a dose of Now What!! It’s been a difficult few years for a lot of us, it’s always strengthening to hear how others have got through difficult times!! Brooke has had thee most amazing guests on, who have all made me smile, laugh or tug on my heart strings!! It’s all all around solid gold! Definitely take a listen! You’ll feel better, and have learned something new about the strength of the human spirit!! Thank you Brooke!!
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So good!
I love Rosie in whatever medium she chooses to engage.
Now What
My friend and I were talking about memoirs, and I recommended Brooke’s to her; she then suggested I try Brooke’s podcast- I’m addicted! Brooke’s skill as the interviewer is notable; she never makes it ‘about her’ but her sympathy and empathy (because she’s been through so many ‘Now What’ stages in her own life) makes her perfect in the role. It’s a brilliant blend of getting to know the interviewee while getting thoughtful snippets of Brookes’s own life experience. She is just lovely to listen to-Bravo Brooke!
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Uplifting Podcast
I just discovered the podcast and love it. I listened to them all. Thought provoking and insightful. Makes me ask myself the hard questions. Bravo!
Too many ads
Brooke Shields is wonderful as a podcast host and has a great array of interesting guests. However, there are so many obnoxious ads crammed into a 30 minute podcast that it’s just impossible to enjoy.
Thank you
Thank you so much for all the insightful interviews that you’ve done. Your tone of voice, your compassion and your empathy is remarkable and I respect you for what you’ve done to bring out these podcast that have meaning to peoples lives. I believe you missed your calling because you could’ve made, a great therapist.
Excellent listen!
Brooke Shields is an intelligent, insightful, and kind. Very positive and uplifting!
My new workout podcast!
Thank you for such intelligent & interesting conversations. I would love to hear you talk to Justine Bateman & hopefully that may happen sometime in the near future!
great podcast
Love this podcast and love the idea of now what. Recommend it.
Brooke Shields is so smart and admirable. She’s an excellent interlocutor. I am so glad she has a podcast.
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