Not Invisible: Native Peoples on the Frontlines
Not Invisible: Native Peoples on the Frontlines
House on Fire Productions
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A podcast For everyone who wants to learn about Indigenous history
This is the stuff you don’t learn about in history books. From the ongoing crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples, to the devastating effects of COVID on Navajo Nation, to the history of violence exacted on Indigenous communities by extractive industries. It’s all here and the more voices that are heard, the more chance that someone will finally stand up, take notice and make change. An excellent podcast for anyone who wants to know the real truth of this land and what’s at stake if we don’t confront our past, and make real change for the future.
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A Great Source to Learn About #MMIW
All the episodes are informative and educational.
Informative and needed!
I love the podcast and how the focus is on Indigenous people in Canada and the US. The various nations, their voices, and their stories take the lead which is necessary and what the world has always needed. I really appreciate a podcast dedicated to Indigenous women and highlighting their work.
The Inclusive Sreenwriter
Your guests so far have been incredible! Thanks so much for your hard work, and please continue it ♥️
audrey e. w.
A key part of my decolonial educational diet!
It’s a privilege to have access to perspectives and information that so consistently go unheard in the mainstream, especially when, as here, it’s done with real thoughtfulness and humanity. Thank you and keep on keeping on!
I generally delete apple podcasts from every phone I get. I redownloaded the app just so I could listen to these women, their struggles, their messages of and from the heart and the battles they face, the fears and struggles they have and will continue to conquer. I suggest subscribing now so you don’t miss a beat of this heartbeat! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️